I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 237 Future Invaluable Helpers

After talking with Hugh and Kai some more, I headed out to leave. 

We had so many things to discuss, but we also had to prepare for tomorrow—well, that and because Leo had been calling me. 

It seems like he really intends to train me until the start of the main event tomorrow. 


Anyway, back to the main topic: I did it. I never thought I would reveal my secret to someone, but I did. 

I told them that I have transmigrated into Lucas' body from a different world. 

By the way, for reference, I also mentioned the novel. I explained to them that I read it in my real world and gained knowledge about this world's future.

However, I didn't talk about Joe or how he killed me. 

I didn't have any particular reason for not telling them about him; I simply didn't think telling them that would be of any use.

Besides, I had a gut feeling to keep Joe's identity close to me.

Nevertheless, I did share with them that I have cracks in the memories that I inherited from Lucas. 

Initially, I thought they would be weirded out by my revelation, which they definitely were, at least for a little while. 

But later, they didn't seem to care. All they want is hope—the hope of saving this world.

As weird and confusing as this whole ordeal was, one thing came out in my favor—I managed to switch Kai to my side. 

He and his covert organization, the New World Order, will prove to be invaluable helpers to me in the future. 

Not to mention, I have also secured Grace and Quinn under my authority too. 

Dealing with Grace might be challenging, but I have great plans in mind for her.

Yes, no matter how I look at it, fighting Kai and almost dying was definitely worth it. 

Speaking of Kai, the Wiseman was currently walking me out of the base. 

While on our way out, I turned to look at him and asked:

"By the way, do you know how exactly the world would end?"

"Hmm?" Kai arched an eyebrow at my question, a little bit confused. "You said this world was a novel you read in your real world, right? So, wasn't the end mentioned in it?"

"Just tell me," I pressed. I didn't want to admit that I never read the end of that novel. "I want to check something."

Kai continued to give me a weird look before he finally sighed and started talking.

"Well, as I told you, I never managed to reach my goals. Every single time I died before the final war was over. The farthest I've reached is in my tenth life. We had defeated the Kalis, and our last war against the Vampires was drawing to a close.

"But right then, just when we were about to win, the Vampire Monarch awakened from his slumber and single-handedly obliterated anyone who stood in his path."

Shocked, a slight frown creased my forehead as I looked at Kai with a hint of disbelief.

Kai shuddered as if he was remembering something very, very dark and unpleasant.

"The Vampire Monarch – he can't be stopped," Kai added. "There is just no way to kill that abomination. That's why we will have to defeat the Vampire forces before he awakens."

"I see," I muttered under my breath.

While I was talking to Kai and Hugh, I came to a conclusion. 

The novel depicted a timeline very similar to the one I am currently in. That means the world shown in the novel wasn't exactly this one, but maybe some other timeline. 

That would explain the existence of Hugh – who turned out to be an anomaly whose life was saved by Kai, or else he wasn't supposed to exist at all. I think you should take a look at

It would also explain some other subtle changes I found in this world that weren't mentioned in the novel.

The timeline in the novel was the one where Kai couldn't save his friend again.

It was a timeline where I wasn't transmigrated into this world.

In that world, the future was bleak. Kai continued to push Quinn until he sided with the Vampires. 

Quinn and Nero fought each other to an apocalyptic destruction, and the Vampire Monarch awakened.

However, that future will not be mine. It belonged to some other ruined timeline, and I will not let it repeat itself.

This future is mine. In my future, I will ensure that Quinn does not switch sides, Nero and Quinn do not fight, and the Vampire Monarch does not awaken. 

If I prevent these events from transpiring, I am sure that I will win. I will be able to survive past the Final War, save this world, and reach a perfect ending. 

As I once again reminded myself of my goal, I nodded my head in silent determination.

But right then, I noticed something. 

We were walking past the prison floor, and suddenly a question popped up in my head.

"By the way, Kai," I began, looking at the steel bars. "Who are all these people in these cells?"

"Oh, right. Well, they are the people who tried to betray us or got too close to knowing about us," Kai told me. "There are also some people who refused to join us after we told them about us, so we had to imprison them."

I arched my eyebrows in surprise as I listened to him. After blinking a couple of times, I asked:

"What are you going to do with them?"

"Well, those who are of no use have already been killed or will be soon. They will be thrown to these hungry mana beasts," Kai said, pointing at some of the cages.

Yes, aside from people, there were also mana beasts trapped in these cells. 

They were relentlessly clawing at the super-reinforced steel bars, trying to break free.

"As for the others, well, we can't kill them since they are scions of big families with high status," Kai said. "I have my men and women impersonating them and taking their place in society, so if they are ever caught, these people can be used as bargaining chips."

"Wait a second," I interjected. "You have your people taking their place?"

"Yeah, I had to find a couple of relics that could let their wielders shapeshift, so no one would notice the disappearance of these noble kids," Kai explained.

"...Do you know how wrong this sounds?!" I exclaimed. "If you're found out, do you have any idea what kind of punishment you could get?!"

"I can't help it," Kai shrugged. "I wanted their influence, but since they were unwilling to side with me, I had to take some measures."

"Still, isn't it wrong?" I said, not convinced at all. "You have practically kidnapped people and sent your own followers to impersonate them just because they didn't side with you."

"Oh, come on!" Kai chuckled. "Are you sure you are fit to say that? You reek of blood. You've also killed someone, haven't you?"

…I wanted to retort, but I couldn't find the words to do so. He was correct. I had no right to tell him he was wrong.

After walking for a bit and taking several different elevators, I reached the exit door of the basement.

"Wait," just as I was about to walk out, Kai called out to me.

He took out a small metal plaque, similar to what he had used before to open the doors, and handed it to me.

"Those are runic doors. Even a High-level artillery spell can't break them easily. Use this plaque to open them and don't lose them," Kai said.

Taking the metal plaque from him, I inspected it for a quick couple of seconds before nodding and walking out.

Okay, this was done.

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