I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 242 Would You Like To Make A Bet?

Wearing a sleeveless top, full-length trousers, and a pair of combat boots that made up my black and red combat attire, I stepped out of my pavilion room and headed toward the VIP stand.

Master had called me there. Yes, he was still in the Academy. He said he would leave in the afternoon.

Right now, it was barely 10:00 AM, so there was still time to watch at least some of the matches before he would have to head out.

Honestly, I tried everything I could to make him stay.

The added protection that Leo Kurogami's presence in the academy could've provided against the vampires attacking today would've put me at ease.

However, I wasn't able to sway him. Turns out, the matters he had to attend to were more than a little necessary.

Haa, it's fine.

I know with my current battle prowess I would be able to survive the harrowing horde of lower-class vampires.

Although it wouldn't be easy, it won't be impossible.

As for the high or noble-class Vampires, well, I would just have to avoid them and let Nero and Anastasia deal with those monstrosities.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I was hiding behind them… actually, yeah, I was.

But can one blame me?! Look, they are the protagonists of this world! They have what we normal people call Plot Armor!

They will survive! 

I, on the other hand, am just a minor villain, albeit a little mysterious one, but still a villain! I don't want to know if I have Plot Armor or not.

Consumed by such thoughts, I soon arrived at the VIP stand, perched high above the stadium, accessible by a private entrance.

The luxurious seating, cushioned for comfort, beckoned the esteemed guests to relax and indulge in the spectacle below.

From up here, the view was simply breathtaking.

If one stands at the edge, they could easily see the entire stadium sprawled out before them.

The whole stadium was filled with cheering crowds, fluttering banners, and the gray expanse of the concrete field.

The roar of the crowd below reverberated through the stand, creating an electric atmosphere that sent chills down my spine.


The VIP stand's elevated position provided an unparalleled perspective, allowing the people to witness every moment of the games with utmost clarity.

Yet, since the stand was spacious, the seating arrangement at the back did not allow the people here to spectate the matches very clearly.

For them, there were huge holographic screens present on the side walls, each as big as a theater screen, that telecasted the happenings of the field below us.

"Lucas, here!"

As soon as I entered the stand, a familiar voice called out my name. I glanced around at the diverse assembly of people seated here.

Instructors, teachers, a few third-year cadets, numerous guests from influential families outside the academy, and, of course, the entire Cadet Council were present. 

No one minded my intrusion as they were engrossed in their own conversations and activities.

However, a few pairs of eyes did notice me, and even fewer lingered to follow my movements.

My sister was among those who noticed my arrival. Handling her had become a familiar routine—I simply ignored her.

Which, in turn, seemed to sharpen the intensity of her gaze even more like usual, piercing holes in my back.

Apart from her, I spotted Ella Bright in her combat attire, looking more fitted than mine. She sat beside her father who was a member of the Council of Global City.

Yes, there was a Council made up of the descendants of the city's founders, and the Brights were one of those influential families.

They held authority above the Cadet Council, and whatever decisions they made, the Cadet Council had to follow.

Though, to be honest, they seldom interfered and mostly just observed.

Yet, it was important to remember that this city belonged to them, and someone like Ella could easily be considered one of the princesses of Global City.

When our eyes met, Ella gave me a subtle nod of greeting, and I returned it before making my way over to where Leo was seated.

The red-haired swordsman wasn't dressed in his signature Keikogi at the moment. 

Instead, he was wearing a three-piece red and black suit, and needless to say, he looked as handsome as ever. 

Sitting beside him was someone I instantly recognized.

It was an alluring woman donning a breathtaking black one-piece party gown that accentuated her lithe figure. 

With her legs crossed and an indifferent expression, her raven black hair with violet ends, and those reddish-violet eyes that complemented her flawless ivory skin, she looked as irresistible as she looked otherworldly.

It was Liz Snyder. 

But she wasn't alone. On her right was a young man with black hair and matching deep abyssal-like eyes that contrasted his fair complexion. It was, of course, her disciple.

Nero gave me a side glance and I returned the look, but not a word was spoken between us.

We had nothing to say. He has already apologized to me for losing his cool and I had rejected his apology.I think you should take a look at

That only escalated the rift between us to the point where tension was palpable in the air now that we had come face to face.

Despite our thoughts about each other, we both knew that once we engaged in combat, we wouldn't hold back.

Or rather… we wouldn't be able to hold back.

Nero, despite his stability issues, held firm to his noble morals. He wouldn't fight to kill in a match like this. But he knew that I would. And he was right; I would.

It's not that I truly wish to kill him, though. It's just that I will have to go all out if I want to defeat this monster of a man.

I know it's a stupid decision. I know I'm being an idiot here. I should prioritize dealing with the Vampire Attack over my silly dislike for Nero.

But this is important. I will have to pull him down right now, or else his thirst to thrive will be the end of him.

I remember in the novel, there was one monologue of his. After a defeat against Liz in one of their sparring matches, Nero thought to himself:

If I lose, then all the pain that I've been through would mean nothing! I will win! I will have to win!

At the moment of reading it, I simply brushed off that dialogue as one of Nero's cringy lines.

But upon reflecting on it a little, I now see that it reveals the depth of Nero's character.

Nero lost his mother when he was a kid. He had to run because he couldn't go against his father. He had to rely on Liz to provide him with shelter and support.

Having endured such traumas and tragedies, along with the intense training that pushed him to the brink of death every time, Nero felt that the world was continually taking from him.

So now, after he has grown stronger, it was his turn to take back. 

He decided to turn the tables and take what he believed he deserved. If the world won't acknowledge his pain and reward him, then he would simply seize those rewards for himself.

That's the reason he adamantly refuses to lose. He holds a deep disdain for this world, and he's determined not to let it triumph over him.

However, Nero needs to understand that he's no longer solely responsible for himself. 

The more he grows stronger, the more his actions will inevitably affect those around him.

I know it's not fair, but that's the destiny he was born with!

He must learn to consider more than just his own pain when taking action. 

That's why, I will have to make him realize that winning at all costs is not always the right choice.

To achieve victory sometimes, he might have to accept defeat. And to truly grow stronger, he may have to experience loss.

He's the protagonist of this story, and his actions will have consequences, far bigger than what he could imagine.

"Haa," I sighed softly, taking my eyes off Nero, and settled on Leo's left.

As I made myself comfortable, Liz's voice reached my ears as she started talking about me.

"So it is true?" She said, her gaze fixed on the growing crowd below. "The God of the Battlefield has taken someone under his wing after refusing to accept geniuses from the most influential families as his disciple."

Leo shrugged, his expression even more stoic than Liz's. "What can I say? I have a soft spot for the underdogs."

"Underdogs, you say?" Liz gave him a sidelong glance. "Do you say this while being aware of his past?"

Leo responded in a flat tone, "You can't imagine the kind of mental scars inflicted on a child's mind when their family shuns them for something entirely out of their control."

"Is that your attempt to justify his behavior?" Liz scoffed.

"No, it's my attempt to make you understand that people can change. Especially children who have made mistakes while lost in the fog of their scarred youth," Leo concluded.

Liz returned her gaze to the stadium below and remained silent for a few seconds.

Though I wanted to interject and let them know I was right here and could listen to them talking about me, my instincts told me to keep quiet if I valued my life. And I definitely value my life.

"Well, I suppose that's acceptable," she said with a sigh after a few moments. "But it still doesn't change the fact that you've made a wrong choice in choosing your disciple. You could have taken any number of genius noble heirs, yet you chose… him. Is it because he's a Morningstar?"

Seriously, I'm right here, woman!

"Please," Leo chuckled. "Keep your judgments to yourself until you see him best your protege in combat."

Liz seemed taken aback for a moment, then turned to me with raised eyebrows.

Nero also wore a similar expression. He remained quiet, but he knew Leo's legendary status.

He understood that Leo should be aware of the improbability of me winning against Nero. 

So why did Leo make such a statement? Was he biased against his own disciple?

"You've finally lost your mind," she said, looking back at Leo. "I know you're aware that, except for maybe a few handfuls of third-years, no one in the Academy can fight against Nero and win."

"Nah, you're overestimating your protege," Leo waved his hand, seemingly provoking Liz.

Despite her apparent irritation, the Witch of Soul Harvest composed herself and looked back at the stadium.

In the ensuing silence, she proposed, "Fine, would you like to make a bet?"

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