I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 278 Distant Vision

A destructive shockwave rolled over the port harbor, and the scorching heat from the immolating explosion turned the alloy it was composed of into a radiant shade of incandescent orange.

Just before the heat of shockwave from the explosion could reach us, Leo swiftly cast a mana barrier to envelope us, allowing us to see the complete devastation of the port harbor in all its glory.

However, I didn't get to see much. The blinding light from the brilliant explosion against the dark sky of the night strained my eyes too much to keep them open.

Yet, after a few seconds, as all the chaos subsided, I opened my eyes, wondering why my eardrums hadn't ruptured from the intensity of the explosion.

When I gazed in front of me, I couldn't help but widen my eyes in sheer shock.

Before me lay a scene of utter ruin. The alloy panel network that formed the port harbor now lay in complete devastation, bent unnaturally after by scalding heat.

Alloy beams protruded from the ground at irregular intervals, once sleek structures now lay destroyed, even the distant waves of the ocean bore giant ripples caused by the explosion's force.

The mana bubble that protected us was hovering a few feet above the smoldering ground.

Suddenly, an icy cold wind swept through, immediately forming a circular slab of ice beneath us.

The mana bubble that Leo had cast around us quickly dissipated, and we landed on the icy ground below.

Strangely, for some reason, the giant ice slab below us remained unaffected by the rising temperature, as if it was refusing to melt.

Without any delay whatsoever, Leo swiftly snapped his fingers and unleashed another powerful gust of cold wind that cooled the smoldering alloy ground.

While the craters, cavities, and protruding alloy beams still remained throughout the ruined port harbor, at least the scorching heat had subsided.

Heavy plumes of smoke that rose in the aftermath of the explosion soon settled, restoring our visibility — our vision now unobscured.

In the distance, the debris shook and a grotesque silhouette of a vile humanoid creature emerged from below it, struggling to free itself.

The tall, humanoid figure swayed a little before regaining its balance, revealing its identity. It was Kl'Drog.

His nightmarish body was battered and littered with bruises, but at the very least he was still alive.

He was missing his left arm and his rough charcoal-like skin was marred with several third-degree burns. 

Even from this distance, I could easily spot some ghastly deep wounds on Kl'Drog's body, blood spurting out like a fountain from each one of them.

In place of his right eye, an alloy rod protruded out from his eye socket, while a huge chunk of his left cheek was torn off, revealing his inner mouth which made it look as if he was smiling, giving him an eerie yet pitiable appearance.


In this state, even I can defeat the mighty high-vampire commander with relatively considerable ease.

"Oh? Sure then, go ahead," as soon as I thought that, Leo chimed in with an infectious bright smile.

"Huh?" I responded with a puzzled frown.

What was he talking about?

"You said you could defeat him in this state, right?" Leo gestured toward the high-vampire with his chin. "So why not give it a shot? It'll be a good experience."

Wait, did I say that out loud? What the heck!

Mistaking my expression for that of concern, Leo spoke with a reassuring smile:

"Don't worry. He has used up all his mana in a desperate attempt to survive that last attack from me. Besides, his injuries are severe. Taking him down won't prove to be very challenging, but it could still be a good experience."

I hesitated, giving Leo a blank, deadpan stare. "Can I pass on this?"

"No," Leo's smile turned into an evil grin. "Consider it your punishment for losing to Nero."

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow. "What about that speech on winning in life and all that? Wasn't it you who said the only one who remains standing in the end is the true winner?"

"Yeah, that's true and all…" Leo shrugged. "But did you really think you'd escape your punishment?"

As a bitter sigh escaped my lips, I clenched my teeth and started moving forward.

Summoning my shiny red spear and tightly gripping its shaft with my hands, I silently muttered some curses under my breath.

The high-vampire had already started to run away again, if you could even call it running.

In reality, he was dragging his right leg and awkwardly hopping forward with his left, moving at a snail's speed.

The high-vampire was still adamant to escape.

Now I know, normally, one might think it'd be easy to defeat a creature in such a condition. Yet, I knew better.

Injured or not, mana drained or not, that creature was a high-vampire. And not to mention, he held the rank of a commander. Such a position wasn't easily attained.

Then again, I've killed one of the Seven Abyssal Vampire Kings— a position even higher than that of this high-vampire. 

Shaking my head, I dashed at him from behind.

As soon as I stepped into the striking range, I thrust my spear toward him. But my attack was abruptly blocked when the high-vampire clumsily spun around and deflected my spear with his claw.

From the looks of it, his sword was destroyed by Leo's attack – well, it was a miracle that even he survived – leaving only his claws to defend himself.

Stepping back, I twirled my spear before lifting its blade over my head. 

The air around my spear started to churn violently, and sparks of crimson electricity crackled all around it.

Without giving the high-vampire a moment's respite, I brought my spear down and unleashed the Scarlet Demon Devouring art upon him.

The bloodsucker evaded my first attack by hastily hopping back, but I charged in on him and followed with another strike.


My spear flashed through the air, leaving behind a crimson trail and in the next instant, the high-vampire's remaining arm was cleanly severed, rendering him completely defenseless.

…Or so I thought.

Apparently, the high-vampire still had some mana remaining within his core.

Instantly using what little drops of mana he had, the bloodsucker cast a spell.

In the next second, the streams of blood gushing from his wounds shifted as if they had come to life and solidified.

In a heartbeat, it looked as if several blood tentacles had sprouted from the body of the high-vampire.

"What in the name of Lovecraft?!" I involuntarily gasped in revulsion. Before I could react further, a number of his blood tentacles whipped toward me.

I knew better than to let a high-vampire's blood touch me. So I swiftly evaded and sidestepped the frenzied barrage of blood tentacles.

Whenever possible, I would counter an attack by slashing my spear, severing the tentacles with its crimson blade.

Just like that, I deftly dodged and ran around the storm of blood tentacles. Finally, spotting a clear opening, I bent my knees slightly and drew back my spear.

In the blink of an eye, I assumed a swordsman's stance. 

During the King's Tournament, I refrained from using this technique since the match was being seen and broadcast live.

Yes, the Morningstar house didn't concern me, but since I was soon going to visit the Western Continent, I thought it'd be wiser not to provoke my family any further than the original Lucas already had.

But here, no one was present around me aside from Leo. Well, Leo and my prey.

My lips curled up into a smirk as I coated a thick azure layer of mana around my spear, employing the True Sword Qi.

Before the blood tentacles could surround me, I took a single step forward and swiftly executed a powerful horizontal slash, as though I was wielding a sword.


Though my spear's crimson blade never touched the vampire's neck, his head cleanly parted from his body due to the crescent arc unleashed by my spear's motion.

With a dull thud, his head landed on the cracked alloy ground and rolled away, his body dropping lifelessly. 

The blood tentacles also dissipated, melting into a crimson rain. 

And with that, the final arc – Vampire Attack on the Global Academy – of the first volume ended.

Numerous changes were made in the plot, which meant I would receive a generous amount of Edit Points, but my focus… was elsewhere.

…A split second before I unleashed the Dawnbreaker… I had a vision.

A young man peered down at me with intense bright red eyes. He proudly sat upon a lavish high-rise golden throne, its splat ending in the shape of a dragon's maw.

Silky strands of jet-black hair cascaded down and coiled around his neck, while a wicked, fearsome smirk adorned his sharp visage.

His porcelain white alabaster-like skin accentuated his features and added to the chillingly unsettling aura of death that surrounded him.

That man…I had met him somewhere… I had known him. But who was he?! And when did I meet him?!

My heart slammed against my chest like a caged beast, as if threatening to break my ribs, while the air refused to settle in my lungs.

Cold beads of sweat formed on my forehead and trickled down my cheek as several emotions surged, mingling anger, sorrow, helplessness, fear, and bitterness.

Leo's voice reached my ears from behind as he rushed toward me, perhaps sensing that something was wrong.

Yet, I paid no heed to his approaching footsteps. It felt like I was on the verge of remembering something…

Something important, as if it was a lost memory… Something I shouldn't recall, yet I couldn't help but ignore it any longer…

Soon, my throat felt heavy and my breath grew ragged. My heart contorted as if it was thrown into a grinder.

Only two words escaped my trembling lips before my consciousness faded into the darkness and I collapsed.

"Sa… Samael Gracefell…"


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