I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 280 Samael Gracefell [2]

As the tall, gaunt creature neared Samael, the latter puffed his chest to inhale a long, deep breath.

In the very next instant, Samael opened his mouth to unleash a torrent of incinerating white flames that had the power to erase beings from the very plane of existence itself.

Beiadra, the alien king, already knew that no one, no matter how strong they may be, could ever hope to withstand Samael's existence-erasing flames.

Hence, the gaunt creature sidestepped, allowing the pillar of white flames to pass harmlessly to his right.

Samael thought about spinning to spit the flames in a wide arc, but before he could act on this idea, the alien king ran forward with remarkable speed, appearing before the black-haired conqueror in the blink of an eye.

Without giving his opponent even a second to react, the alien king swung his radiant laser sword at Samael, aiming to cleave off his neck.

But just before he could do that, Beiadra was flung back several meters into the air, as if struck by an invisible force akin to a speeding train.

Stabling himself in the air, Beidara landed on his feet, gritting his teeth, and thought out loud, "Telekinesis? How many powers does that monster possess?"

Hearing the alien king speak, Samael threw his head back and let out a short chuckle.

"That was not mere Telekinesis I used. What I hit you with is known as Neither Energy," he said.

Neither did Beidara know what that term meant nor was he interested. 

Instead of dwelling on such useless topics, the alien king willed a surge of strength into his legs and rushed forth again.

Seeing the fool charge to his own death, Samael shook his head and released a huge destructive shockwave of invisible energy forward, capable of leveling cities to ruins.

Instead of backing down, Beidara sped up and unleashed a devastating telekinetic surge to counter Samael's attack.


The two cataclysmic waves of invisible energies collided to nullify each other.

However, their clash shattered the earth and tectonic plates beneath the point of collision, causing a catastrophic localized earthquake.

Any remaining tall structure that wasn't toppled before was surely not standing now.

Ground cracked, clefts and crevices surged and dust rose in a raging storm yet the two perpetrators of this destruction were left completely unharmed.

Samael raised an eyebrow upon seeing his attack not inflicting any harm to his alien enemy. 

In a surprised tone, he remarked: "Ah, I see why my General struggled to put you down."

Unfazed and unflattered by his comment, Beidara rushed forward at a blurring speed and soon stepped into the striking range.

As soon as that happened, the alien king launched a barrage of powerful slashes on the Conqueror of Worlds using his laser sword.

Exasperated, Samael rolled his eyes and deftly evaded every strike. 

Soon, however, the alien king made a mistake. Samael quickly seized a clear opening.

His fist shot forward, striking Beidara on his upper torso. Swiftly, he followed with a series of punishing punches, each infused with enough force to shatter a mountain to dust.

Thwack, Thwack, Thwack—!!

Helpless against the Conqueror's onslaught, the alien king found himself defenseless.

Despite the fact that he was much taller than his opponent, Beidara couldn't fend off his enemy. 

Samael's speed and strength were utterly insurmountable; his arms moved in a blur, carrying enough strength to topple cities.

Beidara only managed to remain somewhat standing because of the Telekinetic barrier he had cast around him beforehand.

Anyone else would've already been dead if they had tried to face this succession of blows.

No, even he should've been dead by now! Surely, the Conqueror was strong enough to surpass his Telekinetic force, so why had he not done so yet?

Then it hit him. Beidara suddenly realized that Samael didn't only want to kill him. 

No, he wanted him to experience the agony of being powerless. He wanted to make him suffer and grant him a painful death.

Truly, he was facing someone worthy of the name Demon King.

Just when Beidara believed the agony would never end, Samael stepped in and delivered a final devastating punch.


The impact propelled the alien king backward, akin to a marionette with severed strings.

The gaunt creature crashed violently onto the scorched ground, rolling several times before coming to an abrupt halt.

Taking a split second to catch his breath, the alien king quickly jumped back to his feet.

Coughing out fetid, acid-like green blood that matched his skin color, Beidara glared forward with fury.

Suddenly, however, the gaunt creature's eyes widened in shock as he saw Samael had puffed up his chest once more.

Before Beidara could even react, Samael opened his mouth and unleashed another torrent of incinerating white flames.

Yet, before the flames could reach him, Beidara summoned his strength and stepped forward.

Putting everything he had, the alien king swung the incandescent laser blade of his lucent sword with destructive force.


A crescent arc of devastating Telekinetic energy surged forward, clashing against the torrent of incinerating white flames and dispersing it.

Samael raised his eyebrows in shock and quickly crossed his arms over his body to shield himself from the incoming attack.


The arc of invisible energy collided with Samael, pushing him back a short distance as two grooves were left on the ground beneath his foot.

Without pause, Beidara lunged forward and brought his radiant laser sword down at Samael.

"Tsk!" Samael clicked his tongue in frustration as if he was dealing with a mere roach rather than the king of an entire powerful alien civilization. 

He casually raised his arm and caught the approaching laser blade with his bare hand.

Beidara's eyes widened as soon as Samael caught the sharp plasma blade that should have been able to slice right through even the most durable metals in this universe!

And not to mention, he casually withstood the force of an attack that could have very well obliterated a descending meteorite.

"You're strong," Samael's voice was cold, yet his eyes held a hint of amusement. "But you're starting to annoy me, and I don't like resilient bugs. I'm ending this play now."

As Samael spoke, violet energy crackled around him, and an imploding bolt of pure black lightning flashed in the air.

Beidara's eyes widened as Samael's body became engulfed in a blinding violet glow. 

In the very next instant, a massive nuclear explosion erupted and blue flames surged forth with Samael's body at its epicenter.

From above, it looked as though a radiant blue sun had spawned on the ground.

Soon, the blue sun shrunk and collapsed on its own before exploding once again and then surging forth in all directions, reducing everything to nothing but ashes.

As the blinding brilliance of the blue explosion faded, a colossal ebony Dragon emerged.

Beautiful obsidian scales covered the Dragon's body like a suit of majestic armor, emitting a faint violet hue from between the insets.

A single flutter of the Dragon's mighty wings sent churning gales throughout the area, almost as if forcing the ground itself to kneel before it.

In the Dragon's wake, a single humanoid figure stood. It was Beidara. 

An invisible telekinetic energy barrier shielded him from the explosion, but he was left bleeding from his mouth and nose due to the shockwave that followed.

Terrified, the gaunt alien creature looked up at the ebony Dragon hovering proudly in the sky, thunderously flapping its wings.

"G-Gods… Please have mercy…" Beiadra helplessly uttered, gripping the hilt of his Energy Saber tightly, knowing full well that his weapon was not going to provide any help. 

Though the radiant laser blade of his saber still glowed, the resolve to kill Samael in Beidara's heart was now nothing but snuffed out.


The colossal Dragon, which was as big as a metropolitan city, was none other than the Conqueror, Samael Gracefell himself.

With a fear-inducing, deafening roar, capable of even shaking the heavens, the mighty Dragon parted his maw and unleashed a sea of immolating white flames.

The entire planet was now destroyed. 

Although it was just a dwarf planet, orbiting like a moon around the alien king, Beidara's home planet, it was suddenly destroyed… just like that.

The dwarf planet was now nothing but a scene of utter wreckage, with a substantial portion of it obliterated. 

Incandescent white flames smoldered around the whole planet, making it look as though it was hit by a solar flare.

Amidst the debris from the obliterated portion of the dwarf planet that scattered across the frigid void of space, floated the lifeless body of a humanoid creature.

The creature's once rough green skin was now a charred mass, reminiscent of burnt coal, completely unrecognizable.

Above the burnt remains of the creature, a majestic black Dragon soared. Slowly, the Dragon's mighty form started to shift and shrink as it began to change shape.

In a matter of moments, Samael reverted to his human form. Several pieces of regal clothing materialized around his bare body.

He then turned around and flew back to what was left of the barren dwarf planet that he himself had decimated.

Gently landing on the smoldering ground, Samael let out a soft breath, not affected by the heat of the immolating flames around him even a bit.

Another champion had fallen by his hand. How many champions had he killed by now?

He didn't even bother keeping count but the number must've been billions if not trillions already.

It had likely been a century since anyone had challenged him for more than a few minutes before being incinerated by his Dragon's Breath.

Well, to be perfectly honest, he could have effortlessly ended the battle with a mere gesture of his hand if he had wished to.

However, it had been so long since he last transformed into his Dragon form that Samael had shown restraint with the alien king.

A soft sigh escaped his lips once again as Samael surveyed his surroundings. Around him, the white flames were devouring the life of this dwarf planet.

If there is hell, then it must look like this, right? Quite fitting for someone who is known as the Demon King to be here, Samael thought.

His gaze then shifted upward, seeming to pierce the very heavens as he uttered coldly:

"How many more of these champions of yours must I vanquish? How many more of your creations shall meet their end by my hand? Do you think the Gates of Heaven will protect you forever, O Gods? No, I will reach you one day. I will… kill you all one day. It's only a matter of time before I get my hands on Akashic Records now."

At that very moment, a rift tore through the fabric of space behind Samael, and a tall young man emerged from it.

The young man swept his jet-black hair back with his fingers and surveyed the planet he had teleported to with his bright blue eyes.

His attention soon fixed on Samael's figure. A gleam entered his eyes as he addressed the young man, saying, "Brother."

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