I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 282 A New Day

With a suffocating gasp, I shot my eyes open and sat back up. I rubbed my bleary eyes and tried looking around through a bottle-glass blur.

Huffing and puffing, I felt my heart raging like a wild rabid beast, smashing against my chest to the point where even taking a full breath was painful.

Gods, could this be a heart attack? Am I seriously having a heart attack?! What the actual fuck?!

No, on second thought, it couldn't be a heart attack! 

My body was awakened to mana. My physical stats were also good. No way I'd suffer from something so mundane as a heart attack.


But as a low guttural growl of pain escaped through my lips again, I began to doubt my earlier assumption.

Fortunately, a medic quickly rushed to my side and started chanting a healing magic spell to relax my violently wrenching cardiac muscles.

Slowly, my breathing began to calm down and my heart started to beat a little more rhythmically.

–"...et ...cas! Can …u he… me?!"

The world, which had been spinning until now, started to return to normal, and my vision became a lot clearer.

I heard someone speaking to me. 

Although I had to concentrate a little, I was barely able to make sense of what they were saying.

–"First-year cadet, Lucas! Can you hear me?!"

It was the medic who was speaking. I slowly turned to him and gave a tired nod. Even moving a little was tiring, for some reason. It felt as if I had no strength at all.

Upon seeing my response, the medic offered a bright smile and nodded back.

–"Okay, that's a good sign. Now listen to me, first-year cadet Lucas, you're currently experiencing a severe case of hyperstress. I'll inform your guardian, Instructor Leo, that you're awake. But until then, please take this."

With that, the medic handed me a small jar of white pills and asked me to consume two instantly.

I did as I was told, and almost immediately, my mind numbed. The headache that I didn't even notice until now subsided and I felt light-headed.

"What the heck happened to me…" I finally uttered, carefully looking around for the first time.

Drips connected to a bag of liquid were attached to my arm, while many machines monitored all my vital signs—heartbeat, brain pulse, and more.

I wore an all-white patient robe, and bedsheets clung to my profusely sweating body.

Now awake and calm, I could finally think back on what happened.

I used Dawnbreaker and then saw a vision of a… king? A god? Sitting on a tall throne, looking down at me.

Afterward, I fell unconscious and saw more vivid visions in my dreams…

I saw galaxies being ravaged by billions of battle-ready warships. I saw countless suns and stars being extinguished.

I saw people of different races slaughtered by invaders. Bloodshed, darkness, and agonized cries all filled the air.

But most of all, the vision that scared me the most was that of a giant ebony Dragon overshadowing an entire planet like an omen of death and destruction.

The Dragon opened its maw and let out a sea of incinerating white flames burning entire solar systems, and my vision ended there.

"Arghh," I let out a frustrated groan and massaged my temples.

This nightmare—or whatever it was—felt eerily similar to the recurring nightmares from my past life when I was little.

Much like them, this one was vivid and real. The destruction and bloodshed I saw was gut-wrenching.

But throughout all that chaos, a single name continued to echo in my thoughts.

"Samael Gracefell…"

Who… Just who was that? And why do I remember that name now?

"As if something wasn't already wrong with my memories. Now I'm even starting to see visions."

Letting out a sigh, I shook my head. Well, I guess it's one more mystery for me to solve then, huh?

Just as I was trapped in my train of thought, the sudden screeching sound of the infirmary door opening shook me out of my daze.

In came a tall man with fiery red hair tied into a high bun. He looked at me with his ember eyes, full of worry, and shouted:

"Lucas, are you okay?!"

I managed to put on a weak smile and said, "Master, was I cool?"

So, apparently, the doctors said that I experienced a crippling case of hyper stress because of Bloodpolis. 

Somehow, the crimson mist must've affected my mind, they presumed.

I knew it was far from the truth, of course. After all, I had my Phoenix's Embrace on me when I dove into the crimson mist.

Even though Phoenix's Embrace can't protect me from any mental damage, I knew that the reason for my deteriorated condition was that harrowing vision.

Anyway, Leo was way too worried about me. He thought that he worsened my condition by pushing me to battle the high-vampire commander.

He didn't let it show too much, but I sensed he was angry at himself. He promised to never push me that hard again, but I knew he would.

After we talked for a bit about this and that, he was called to the academy council meeting. They were going to discuss recent events and how to handle the media.

They were also going to find the traitor who helped carry out this attack soon. 

Until that, everyone was asked to stay cautious of everyone else around them.

I was now discharged, so I was free to go home, but since I didn't feel like it, I was currently headed for the terrace of this hospital building instead.

Arriving on the terrace, I drew in a deep breath of fresh air and looked at the bustling city below.

Even after a vampire attack, the streets were full of cadets going about their day.

Yes, it was a new day already. Currently, it was [8:46 AM]. Our semester break was supposed to start today, but now it's put on hold for three days.

We won't have to attend any classes, but no one is allowed to leave Academy City.

Even from up here, I could see that some cadets walking down the street were a bit shaken, but none of them were scared.

Yes, the vampires somehow managed to attack one of the most secure and powerful cities in the world.

Yes, they also managed to seriously injure one of the strongest soldiers stationed here as an instructor.

Yes, they killed many cadets and mortally wounded even more.

However, in this war-filled world, situations like these were common. It's just that no one dared to touch the Global City until now.

But now the vampires have crossed even that line. It shows that they are growing desperate for some reason.

It shows that they are willing to put their elite squads in danger just to achieve their goal.

Yes, this attack was the first, but everyone knew in their hearts that this attack was just one of many to come.

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