I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 106

Talk about Falco

Falco held Shaw’s hand softly, though he only moved to the other room of the inn.

Shaw looked up at Falco with a little surprise, but gripped back as he did. It’s only a few steps to the room across the diagonal.

Open the door and sit in line on the bed.

“Can I make you some tea?

“Fine. I drank enough just now. Thanks.”

“Sure. It’s a tummy tape.”

Shaw tried to hold his stomach. I’m pounding by the way. It is a serious matter in the maiden.

Without saying anything as it were, they were leaning shoulder to shoulder, but Shaw was gradually getting sleepy.

I was actually going to wait forever for Falco to start talking.



I don’t think so. It’s Shaw.

Still, I guess I’m willing to tell you that I replied.

“You know, Shaw.”




Me and Leon.


Reply one by one to the pompous talking Falco.

“I’m going to head to Rock Cave”

“It is.”

Originally, escort work continues until you return to the deep forest. But Shaw thought it wouldn’t. Because there are too many demons on the plains.

“I had expected it in the town of Anfa, but the town of Canaan is going to take longer than I thought”


There are signs of a long war, just because the town is big. The truth is, the mentor should want to get back to Deep Forest as soon as possible. Still, he is also someone who doesn’t feel comfortable if he doesn’t get the job done properly.

“Meanwhile, it doesn’t make much sense for us to be here. It’s not just about the escort.”

Falco rarely and politely tries to talk.

“For example, let’s say there was another major outbreak of honey lizards. Even if we fought, it’s water on the burning stone against that number. It’s the first time Shaw and Hal have been around, and I’m just wondering if they can do enough to distract me from town.”

It worked out in the town of Amfa, but that was because it was a small-scale outbreak.

Shaw knew too.

The Falcos are hunters who defeat the big, powerful demons.

Falco’s defeat is the smallest, croissant lizard. Something smaller than that is apprenticeship or beginner hunting prey.

And there’s nothing any strong hunter can do if he becomes a herd, even if he’s a little demon.

“The fact that there are so many demons out there on the plains must mean that the border town of Rock Dong is supposed to be worse than usual. If we don’t contain it over there, that’s what the plains will suffer from, which is no place for a honey lizard. So.”


“I consulted with Leon and decided”


Shaw had largely predicted what Falco was trying to say.

But really, at some point, it wasn’t just about Shaw, it wasn’t just about Deep Forest, it was about everyone and we could move.

That’s a great thing, though, but.

“Kind of lonely”

“Shaw! Me too”

Falco drew Shaw’s shoulder. Shaw also turns his hand around Falco’s waist.

At first, Falco and I were hoping we could stay on our side as caregivers until we were nineteen. Even if your body is small, your mind is an adult. I thought I could do anything by myself.

But I don’t know, actually. Instead of together until we were nineteen, the situation around us immediately tries to separate the two of us.

Because of this, he loves Falco, and even temporarily spends time with Falco, even though he doesn’t want to waste his time as a parent and child.

Thinking so, Shaw got angry.

“It’s caused by this town that called its mentors in the first place with a half-hearted feeling, isn’t it? Me and Falco are going to be separated.”

“Ooh. Maybe.”

Falco freaked out at Shaw, who suddenly started to get angry.

“We made a lot of concessions in the town of Anfa, but we don’t condone them in this town!

“You were conceding, with that”

Falco is saying something next door, but Shaw didn’t care.

“Edgar said the kids didn’t pick the herbs, but I can’t even take down the slime. I feel what your kids are talking about. Even lizards said Gina couldn’t even go to her daughter-in-law in Deep Forest if she couldn’t take them. Well, it’s bad that adults are blurry in the first place.”


Falco pounded his palm over Shaw’s head.

“If that’s all you’re doing, you can’t handle it without me”

What are you talking about? Shaw is the one who can do anything alone without Falco in the first place.

Still, my heart can’t help it.

“I can’t do anything about it. I can’t help but miss you.”


Falco couldn’t stand it and put Shaw on his knees, hugging him.

“So, I’ll try my best here, good luck, come back and pick me up”

“Of course.”

“If it’s too late, we’re going to go as far as Rock Cave.”

“Good for you, too.”

The two laughing at each other completely forgot that they were coming with a mentor’s escort.

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