I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 109

Move the pharmacist

“Okay, Shaw. And Hal.”

“” Yes!

Shaw and Hal rose up fine after being called by the mentor.

“Hey, young boy? Besides, she’s Canaan’s kid.”

“No, these beautiful kids, if they were in Canaan, they would definitely know!

It was the young pharmacist who raised his voice. If Falco were here, Shaw would be embarrassed to step forward.

“These two are young, but it’s also the year they go up to apprentice this year. However, as much as I would like to bring you as an assistant, I assure you I am good as a healer”

I’ve never seen a mentor introduce Shaw and Hull so much. He always treats me as a help and discreet so as not to make the two of us too responsible. That is why we are allowed to operate freely in it.

But I can’t even say that in this big town if I want to achieve results in just a couple of months.

The mentor is going to leave the pharmacist relationship to Shaw, Hull and Edgar. That said, the Shaws had not heard anything beforehand, but Edgar had heard the circumstances of the town and, in light of the experience of the town of Anfa, thought that would be the only way. That’s why I was so ready.

“And in Deep Forest, he has been involved in securing medicinal herbs for pharmacists, including Edgar. In addition, he is also a brilliant mentor who taught children in the town of Rock Cave herb collection and slime hunting”

The pharmacist in the town of Canaan looked like no way, but if you look at the seriousness of the mentor and Edgar’s proud face, you must have found out that it wasn’t a joke or something.

The mentor looked at Shaw with the face saying something. Shaw nodded, staring firmly at the pharmacists. Of course, there’s a solid line of hulls next door.

“I have taught in the town of Anfa to hunt slime and lizards in search of medicinal herbs with the town’s pharmacists, to teach the town’s children to harvest medicinal herbs, and not to endanger herb harvesting”

Shaw thinks it won’t sound like the people in the town of the plains, no matter what they say they did in the deep woods and rock caves in the distance. So I dared to achieve results about Ampha, a town on the same plain. Well, actually, I’m at the stage where I made the trigger that’s going to come to fruition.

Shaw’s words that he did it in the town of Ampha, as Shaw thought, seemed to resonate with the pharmacists.

“A week. That’s when the kids in town got used to the herb collection.”

Both Leon and Falco helped me then. Having an adult was actually huge.

There is also Edgar here, but Edgar is young, and there are signs that he has already been made a child of. It was visible that it would be difficult.

And the people who were there deliberately complained of Shaw’s words of the week.

“It won’t be possible”

“There’s no way”

Even if Edgar is ahead, it is a herb collection that does not advance as late in Canaan. In a week, I couldn’t believe that even the slightest amount of herbs would provide an environment.

“Because it’s natural in Deep Forest, the youngsters will all do herb extraction. Whatever the slime, lizards hunt all the girls.”

Even more surprising voices spread.

“It wouldn’t be a bad thing for a child to earn their own pennies or take lizard meat to their parents. For everyone in Deep Forest, that’s work and play. The town of Ampha was also aggressive with the girls”

Shaw turned around a bit.

“Hey, Rick. Yes, you did.”

“Huh? Me?

Rick seemed surprised when the conversation suddenly flew by. But I suppose you thought it would be a shame to stay here. When you get a firm face,

“Surely taking lizards was more aggressive with girls. I have also been in the town of Anfa where I have interacted with Anfa children to teach Shaw and Hull how to heal, collect medicinal herbs and hunt slime. It was only a week, but now I think we can take a teaching stand”

I ran out of words.

“Rick, really?”

“Yeah. Really. It’s not that hard as long as you’re willing. I didn’t force them on kids I didn’t want to, and the kids were happy to do it.”

He said he knew Rick, and he asked Rick directly and still looked unconvinced.

“No matter how much I say let the children do it, if the pharmacists themselves don’t know where the herbs are or haven’t collected them, the effect is thin. So in order to know the distribution of herbs and to be safe, I think it’s imperative that the pharmacist first remember herb collection and slime hunting”

When Shaw spoke on top of each other, the pharmacists looked sinister.

“It seems impossible to do so, the creation of the potion will be delayed, and no matter how many healers exhaust their hands, so many marks will remain on the people of the town. Sometimes women, sometimes children.”

That’s what the mentor said in a quiet voice. Several of the healers looked blue and looked down. The pharmacist also had something out of sight. I mean, there are already people like that. And it also means we’re giving up on the injured.

“Sometimes when I come, there are some marks left, but they can be healed”

To the words of the mentor, what was annoying looked up all the time.

“But you can’t stay in this town forever. What are we going to do after we return to the deep woods, as those who are now injured and leave marks healed? Just mourn and live.”

The mentor was harsh.

“The power of both pharmacists and healers is what the goddess has given us for the people. Instead of being sweet on its power, do its power for the people. That would be our role”

When I heard of the goddess, the edge of her mouth moved unexpectedly, Shaw, but she nodded at what the mentor said. Above all, mentor, because the person plays the role. It was a really convincing word.

“Compared to the week in the town of Anfa, we have so much time in Canaan. For a week first, adults should train before letting children do it. Just take turns, train them all with participation and make a distribution map of the medicinal herbs. Can someone come up with a plan?”

Ask them to come up with their own plans so that they don’t feel as bad as possible about the thought of being defrauded. It’s in the form of full cooperation.

The minds of the pharmacists, who burned in the words of their mentors, leaned easily towards the planning proposed by Shaw.


It was the young pharmacist who whispered Shaw’s words.

“No, because the plan will surely be made by the elderly. We young pharmacists want to join you in training today.”


I looked at Shaw and the young pharmacist holding hands with disappointment and turned my eyes in the face that Edgar didn’t cooperate with you when I was there. I admire Rick for inadvertently blowing it out and coughing and deceiving it.

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