I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 125

Falco and Leon1 in those days.

“Come on, keep up with me.”

Next to your seat, Leon called out to Falco, who was not helping or talking but just blurry.

“Is Leon okay?”

“I guess I am. Hal and I have a relationship of trust. It’s okay to stay away.”

Falco glanced at Leon next door with a frigid face.

“Even if you want to get along, you can’t pack your distance. You’re a heck of a bitch.”

“I just don’t want Falco to tell me”

It is a barren dispute. Until then, the carriage was filled with the bright voices of Shaw and Hull, but now it’s just Leon and himself. To think so, it was kind of a powerless Falco.

“I forgot about the mentor.”

“The mentor, well, that’s it”

It was the mentor who slapped Falco, who was not close to his father, on what society was all about. Traveling with casual liras, you become oblivious to common sense. I used to just want to smoke without my head up, but now that I’m somewhat in the same position as a comrade congratulating Shaw, it feels like I don’t have to have a mentor.

“Ah, mentor, treatment to that extent? Poor thing.”

“That’s okay. Even my mentor doesn’t care if Shaw and Hal are around.”


The mentor is very child-friendly, even though it has an intimate atmosphere. Falco secretly thinks that he has become a healer because of his healing aptitude, but also because it is the Church that is responsible for the basic education of his children.

“You never thought a child was such a cute thing. Glad I picked up Shaw.”

“You, don’t talk about Shaw like it’s something else.”

I’m not energized when I think Shaw isn’t around, but I’m energized when I think of Shaw’s cuteness.

“All right, then why don’t we turn up Shaw’s cute spot”

“Rejected. You’re an embarrassment. Whatever you think, Shaw will see you with a cold eye.”


Falco looked at the meadows boringly again.

“Why did I tell you I was going to Rock Cave?”

“Well, Falco, you’re cooler that way.”

“Right. Shouldn’t it have been cool and profitable?”


“The profit of being by the child and watching”

But hey.

I know Falco and Leon.

Honestly, I don’t care much about rock caves and plains, even if they are troubled by demons.

But the problem gets worse in Rock Cave, and I don’t like the hunters in northern towns coming to help me hunt because of it.

Of course, that’s why Shaw will be sad if that happens.

That Leon seems to feel the same way.

“Until now, you’ve been free to do what you want, and you want to do what Hal thinks is cool these days. I’m not free at all, but I don’t hate it.”

“Right. Even without Shaw, I feel like I’m alive thinking about what Shaw would think if he were here.”

That’s the fun part, but right now, there’s no Shaw. Falco was brought to his seat again.

“We’re back to the beginning again, Falco. Oh, boy. Hurry up a little bit.”

I can’t force you, but let the horses work a little harder. Leon rushed the carriage just a little bit.

Return to the Deep Forest, head to the Rock Cave, and in any case, you must stop by the town of Ampha.

“Oh, what happened to those little healers?

Inn’s father made me wonder,

“Shaw and Hal originally came here to help Canaan with his work. We’ve been following with escorts, but it’s going to take awhile to work in Canaan, so we’re going to be hunting in Rock Cave.”

“Sure, Plains. Then I don’t think you guys have a job to do. But the ladies are worried.”


There’s nothing to worry about in the plains about demons. If there’s a big outbreak like this the other day, but it’s about a honey lizard, we can deal with it with Shaw and Hull.

“Look, Ampha’s a country on the plains, too. When the countrymen go to a big town, there’s all kinds of ridicule and meanness.”

“That’s not…”

Leon was plunged into the void. Because I never thought about that.

“I’m fine. My Shaw doesn’t lose like that.”

It’s more about why Falco is so confident.

“You’ll be familiar with the north town in no time.”

“Speaking of which, I did.”

“Hal would be fine if Shaw was around.”


Inn’s father shrugged his shoulders to the two easygoing.

“I hope so. The more you put up with a good boy, the better off you are.”

“Oh, thank you”

In the end, we just have to get the job done and get back to Shaw and Hull.


“That’s the only way.”

When they left Ampha, they hurried to the border town of Rock Dong.

That’s how I traveled and got to the border town of Rock Dong, would it still have taken me about two weeks?

They might have come in a week if they hurried on horses, not carriages, but there was no reason to hurry that far.

But the border town was different than usual.

‘Cause you went around from the south.’

Leon looked out at the town in surprise.

“No, it’s not. It’s like a midsummer hunting season.”

“Besides, it’s the same as when Shaw and I first came together. It’s like you’re understaffed.”

Spring was already here in this part of the west. But it should start in the early summer when you start to get busy with hunters.

“Are you saying that it has become the most cumbersome scenario that Gaius assumed? I don’t think he’s here yet, Falco, but why don’t we go to the north town camp first”

“I can’t imagine a prudent Gaius sending a hunter here until he thins out the defense of the northern town.”

To Leon’s suggestion, Falco nodded as he leaned his neck and headed to the camp.

“There you are.”

The camp was small, but the camp was built. It’s noon time, so I guess he’s out hunting. There is no one in the camp. Leon shrugged his shoulder to Falco, who accidentally snapped.

“Right. So you want to come over here, not the inn? Probably full of lodging.”

“I don’t have any Michi Shaw, and they’re both the same.”


Don’t be silly. Leon tried to make fun of Falco, but when Shaw and Hal woke up early, they thought they would never put the futon back on me, they did lose their motivation.

“Still, you don’t have a choice. I’m also curious about the hunt, but why don’t you keep your horse and carriage and go to church for now? The hunters are here, which means the healers are being sent from the north town.”

“A mentor would have hit that many hands.”

The town is as busy as usual, and Falco usually doesn’t even care about that, but he is fumbled by accessories and other things that are in the outdoor store.

“Hey, that’ll be later. Church first.”


“No, no, no, no.”

Leon grinned and pulled Falco to church.

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