I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 129

Falco and Leon 4 in those days.

The demons, which had increased to an amount no longer stopped by the hunters alone, had become streams as if they were rivers and had begun to move to the meadows.

An advance team of hunters and magicians has already been dispatched to the streets and towns along the way, where they have been arranged to adjust the flow of the herds so that the herds of demons cannot be drawn to the towns along the streets.

By then, it was time that if we hurried back to the northern town, we might make it to the star pick-up festival.

“All right, we’re done hunting in Nordham this year. Leave the defense of the town to the original town hunter and we’ll go down south to follow the end of the herd!

It is the hunters of the northern towns who raise their voice to Gaius’s voice, oh.

The herd of demons, the stronger they become at the end. The strong hunters of the northern town remained at the end of the day afterwards.

“It’s a pain in the ass, but if we get to the plains, maybe we can rendezvous with Shaw and Hull”

Yes, making fun of Falco and Leon is Gaius, who was bringing in hunters much earlier than usual. He’s a man who can’t go wrong if he has to.

“Wait, Gaius. Rock Mountain is noisier.”


I was already ready to leave, and one of the lines that was just leaving, I noticed strangely. Croywat lizards coming down from Rock Mountain will no longer hunt this year. I don’t think there should be any more problems because I’m just gonna get rid of it so I don’t lean on the town.

“No way. That can’t be right. That should be it.”

So crushing, the hunter takes one or two steps back. Falco and Leon, who came forward to be replaced, took their breath.


It is a demon of cause for Falco and for the town of the north. I was supposed to be far away, but I could clearly see that. That should be it, too. It is the size of a house.

“One, two, three. Why do they always have three heads when they leave?”

I snapped like Leon was sick of it.

“Kuku, hahahaha!

Gaius laughed joyfully, pulling out his sword with a sledge.


“You’ll get paid for taking my thirty years, you’ll get it!

“Stop it! In that case!

Freshly occurring demons are strong. Leon remembered that Acabanesaurus, out of the northern town, was a little weaker.

With Gaius forgetting me, the hunters of the northern town calmed down the other way.

“Fortunately, their consciousness seems to be pointing ahead of the herd. I have not shown any interest in the town of Nordham. Gaius, what we have to do is not defeat Acabanesaurus here.”

“Won’t you knock him down? Why.”

Leon kept his eyes open from Acavanesaurus and sighed softly. Gaius hasn’t calmed down yet.

“Even the big Acabanesaurus is just a demon who goes wilderness if he doesn’t attack the town. All we have to do is wait for Akabanezaur to weaken while we restrain him from attacking towns and villages along the way.”

“You’re not going to knock me down”

“Defeat, but not until you’re weaker. Now, if we fight those freshly occurring healthy guys, we can do half, or all of us. It’s a pointless sacrifice.”

Gaius’ eyes, which were glimpsing Acabanesaurus, returned to his companions in the north town.

“Yes, you sure do. Fortunately for you, there’s nothing here to protect us until we risk our lives. Auf!”


Dredd and Lyla are in the lead to support immature magicians. All that remained with the hunters of the northern town to identify the last was the former Dean of the Magic Academy, Oahu.

“Even swordsmen can make you change direction before you fly. But in case those guys change direction when they’re flying, only a magician can stop it.”

“I know. with me, and”

“I’m here, too.”

“Alfi. You really can’t count on the kids in the north town.”

“I regret losing to Shaw and Hal.”

Alfi joins the line as a healer and magician.

I’ll take care of the supplies.

I even have Aura. Once Shaw and Hal were sent out to meet, they couldn’t stop the kids from following them.

“We’re leaving on guard!

Now it was time for a line in the northern town to leave.

Shaw and Hal in those days

“I bought souvenirs, too. I wonder if I forgot to buy it.”

Shaw and Hal line up what they bought on the bed at the inn. Even when I picked up Hull in the lake swamp, I remembered that this is how I arranged my souvenirs.

“There were so many thin, clean fabrics that Aura would be delighted. Handkerchief with a different pattern for everyone. For men, a knife with a cow horn pattern”

“You all have a solid dagger, you want this”

Shaw chuckled as he watched the little sheathed knife arranged by Hal.

“Sort of. But it’s also really easy knowing that you’re sure to be happy.”


And it’s a particularly big scarf for Gina. Gina with this around her head would surely be beautiful.

“You can finally go home.”

“You had fun at the end.”

Most people in the town of Canaan will continue to live unchanged lives now and forever.

Still, it’s true, the pharmacist guild moved on, and more healers were able to treat it. I can tell you that this alone was enough to accomplish the request that came to my mentor.

“On top of that, even on a farm outside Canaan, a minimal but potion has gone and you can treat it immediately, even if it’s a slime of harm.”

“Many of the children who come to church are now able to hunt slime.”

“The herb collection seems to be gathering enough that the pharmacists don’t have to go around collecting it.”

The Pharmacist Guild people promised me that they would collect herbs sometimes, so as not to forget their beginnings.

“And then, wheat,”

There are many varieties of wheat as well, and this makes a souvenir to Gold.

“Baking your own bread is a pain in the ass, so it’s the best thing to have Gold do”

“It’s neat.”

“So, Hal’s gonna do it?

“Don’t do it.”

We both do chores, but Hal doesn’t really like to cook and Shaw doesn’t really like to clean.

That’s what it is.

“And then there’s a lot of biscuits. Then, fish dried. Uhihi.”

“Uhihi, Shaw”

Hal gave me that look.

“No, ’cause, of course, they carry you into the deep woods, but meat isn’t the main thing in northern towns in the first place. Gold said the fish weren’t brought here because they weren’t popular.”

“That’s right. There’s a storage bag, so you should be able to really bring anything dry.”

“Falco, Leon, even if the fish comes out, you look like you want some meat,”

Well, there’s nothing wrong with eating meat because you can take the meat of demons.

“And then there’s the pouch for Aura, which I left from the Bell Chamber of Commerce, and I wonder if it’s something like this”

Nearly three months back and forth, it was longer than I thought, but I was relieved that I could go home now.

“Falco and Leon, you didn’t come back.”

“The carriage isn’t coming back either, so I’m feathering a scheduled flight home, but that could be fun”

To be precise, I said that the town of Canaan would give me a carriage to the north town, but my mentor said no.

There are regular flights out of Canaan everywhere, so I don’t have any trouble getting to the town of Anfa. Next, switching from the town of Ampha to the Deep Forest is like a normal journey.

Sounds like a journey between a father and two daughters.

Edgar will not forget to plunge into a mentor who is overjoyed.

“Don’t forget you have a brother.”

Edgar is, in a way, the hardest person this time, so neither the mentor, Shaw, nor Hal can lift their heads.

“Leaving tomorrow morning,” he said.

Cookware and ingredients for outdoor use have also been checked.

And, at that time, a ton, and a knock on the door.

“Shaw, Hal”

It’s Edgar. Hal, who was close, opened the door.

“What’s going on? So late.”

“It’s an emergency. Come right downstairs.”

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