I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 132

Instructor’s Preparation

Next messenger, I can see the demon trends. The messenger came when the people of the town were twitching but getting ready.

The messengers who came were immediately put through to the church, and besides the heavy towns of the town, were also called the mentor and Edgar, as well as Shaw and Hull, Cyrus and Rik. It feels like we were just fine in the middle of the day when everyone was getting together.

“Are you saying that the crowd of croissants has become much smaller?”

Following the messenger’s first voice, the mayor of Canaan, Garwin’s father, sighed relieved.

“At least, it was a herd of a size that the living people had never seen before, but it was just around the plain that the movement started to slow down, and where it did, the hunters seemed to decrease their numbers slightly to the extent that they did not stimulate the herd, and the herd would also reach near Canaan, but probably would not cause significant damage with the Croywat lizard. The time is about three days from now.”

When the messenger said so at once, he immediately took over the words.

“That’s the first news. And one more thing, bad news.”

The messenger turned his body toward the line of Deep Forest.

“Acavanesaurus is out. Three heads, too.”

It was probably Edgar who inhaled his breath.

Talk about children in the deep forest being heard over and over again.

Thirty years and a little while ago, we talked about three heroes who saved the town.

Three acabanesaurs the same size as one house attacked a town in the north. Three people stood up and defended the town as the building was destroyed and the hunters were hit one after the other.

Gaius. Leon. Falco.

When Acavanesaurus leaves, escape into a sturdy building. I’d prefer a basement if I could. That’s how you wait for a strong hunter to get rid of you.

You should never go outside until it’s all over.

Shaw was up when he noticed.

“If you can get away, evacuate the town. If you can’t make it, lock yourself in the sturdy building as much as you can. I’d prefer a basement if I could. The pharmacist should prepare the usual potion and use it. Because it’s a battle against time.”


“If you flew this far from Nordham, you must be weak. If the hunters don’t make it, we’re the only ones who can stop them. I’ll take the sword.”

“Shaw, calm down!

Shaw freaked out at the instructor’s loud voice.

“Just because you’re a hero’s daughter, you don’t have to act on behalf of a hero, Shaw”


“I’m the only swordsman in this town who can fight Acabanesaurus. But of course, I wouldn’t do anything reckless to fight either.”

Not fighting. The clear words of the mentor finally calmed Shaw down.

“Let’s hear a little more about it. My apostle, let me hear more.”

“Yes, but that’s the adopted son of the hero Lord Falco. You lose your mind in the speed of that decision, in your decisiveness.”

The messenger really bowed his head to Shaw. And when I looked up, I immediately resumed the conversation.

“Now a line of hunters in the northern town is only chasing us on the trend of Acabanesaurus. It’s getting a lot weaker, so he wanted to keep it somewhere so he wouldn’t reach the town of Canaan if he could.”

Relaxed air flowed on the spot. Shaw was so relieved of the tension that he remembered himself earlier and was a little embarrassed.

“This time, thanks to the early convocation by the town of Nordham, they have brought together outstanding people in Nordham. Usually it’s just the hunters, but you think we’ve got a lot of magicians this year? Among other things, thanks to the arrival of the director of the retired sorcery during this time, he was able to contemplate the operation in collaboration with the sorcerer and the hunter”

He didn’t make any moves, but Shaw felt Hal take a step back in his mind. Shaw looked for Hal’s hand and squeezed it.

“The meadows where demons ran through ended up in a wilderness where no grass grew, but thanks to hunters and magicians, there was little damage to the towns and villages along the way,”

The church had a relieved air this time.

There was the sound of pampering and the mayor slapping his hands.

“That’s not why it’s over. Until you know it’s all over, stay alert and don’t let yourself, your stockpiles, your potions ready, and more!

A voice of understanding was heard, and the day was dissolved.

But on the signal of the conductor, a row of deep woods and Cyrus and Rik remained on the spot.

“I guess as an adult I should reassure Shaw and Hal here. But I have concerns.”

The mentor sat loosely, but began to talk that way.

“I was in the northern town a little over thirty years ago, when Acabanesaurus came out. I’ve been called a mentor since that time, and I’m confident in my healing arm. He was younger than he is now, and he had strength.”

The mentor was impatient. If I said thirty years ago, would it be as old as Gaius is now? Face that he must have done something wrong too.

“Acavanesaurus itself appears somewhere in the three territories, with the exception of the plains, once every few decades. I don’t know what caused it or anything, but I do feel like it happens in line with the year when there are more demons, like this one. Mm-hmm. I’ll have to discuss this later. Shit, that’s off the record.”

The mentor seemed to have questioned him while he was talking, but he shook his head gently to undo the story.

“Thirty years ago, Acabanesaurus seems to have occurred in the northern forest. But where it occurred was behind the woods, and when it came out to the northern town, it was quite weak. If that was land that opened up like a plain, and there was no town, I don’t think there would have been any damage.”

Shaw and the others heard the spit. The mentor’s story was different from that of the hero Tan, who was heard like a fairy tale.

“Of the three heads that came down from the north woods to the front of the north town, only one flew through the sky. And then I no longer had the strength to fly.”

I was surprised by this story because Shaw imagined Akabanezaur to be a flying dragon flying around the sky on his own and attacking the town, although it was fire that wouldn’t blow.

“But imagine. What happens when a feathered lizard about the size of a house moves around in town”

The walls of the houses would collapse just one swing of the tail, or just go down the streets of town.

“Even if the hunter manages to get close and hit the sword, those feathers just hit and they jump. That’s all I had, so many broken bones that I couldn’t keep up with the potion or the healer.”

In that, how did the Falcos defeat Acabanesaurus?

In Shaw’s questioning eyes, the mentor loosened his eyes.

“Shaw, I wanted to show you. Falco read where Acavanesaurus was going, went up the roof from the building, and waited quietly for Acavanesaurus to come nearby. You’re only twenty years old or younger.”

A young man says it, but it comes from that look that he’s proud of Falco.

“When I came directly down, I jumped straight off the roof with my sword facing down. It’s a stab in the roots of my neck. The demon didn’t go wild, it died.”


Unexpectedly crushed Shaw, the mentor smiled gently.

“Do you see why all that noise happens to women in northern towns?


Shaw reflected on Falco, who thought he was popular because he was just a young hunter who could make money.

“Um, what’s Leon like?

As an adopted child here, Hal will have to listen.

“Leon was from the front. I ran through the front of the Acavanesaurus, breaking down the streets of the town.”

Hal shook his hands together and put them against his chest as he prayed. I guess it’s stronger to be thankful that you’re well done than cool.

“All that’s left is one flying head. Gaius drew Akabanezaur out of town using a hunter who could also use magic. And just one, put up your sword.”

My mentor’s voice trembled a little.

“I pierced the acabanesaurus from the bottom down.”

“Does that mean you took on the weight of a house?”

Silas, who was listening in silence, shook his neck to the side as incredible.

“It will mean I took it with my sword. Of course, you didn’t mean to die. But people are too weak to take that weight no matter how much they avoid it. Immediately treated with a total healer, but only the crushed knee never returned.”

Too much damage can fly to the memory of your soul no matter how quickly you treat it. Of course, that can kill you.

“The town was saved. But some of the hunters died. Gaius was lucky just to have his life saved.”

Then Shaw’s healing made Gaius almost better, but Shaw’s healing won’t heal his body cadre. Healing is not omnipotent.

“I accidentally told a story back in the day, but that’s not what I wanted to say. Even if it’s weak, it’s about the size of Acavanesaurus, and you don’t know what it is.”

“Just moved, demon destroying town, is it”

“Yes, Edgar. I can’t even predict how much strength I have left in a dying state. Even though it’s weak, at least now, if the Falcos haven’t been able to defeat it, it means they still have the power to fly. In other words.”

What is the mentor trying to say?

“It means you could squeeze the last force and come ahead of the hunter”

That’s the worst assumption.

The hunter must always think and act on it.

“Shaw, I lied earlier. I’m sorry.”


“As just one swordsman in this town, I wait for demons outside of town”

There was not one thing I could tell you to stop on the spot.

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