I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 38

Let’s pick him up.


Shaw, who was settling next to Falco, raised his voice like he was going to scream.

“Hal? ‘Cause, Dredd, you said Hal was studying at the magic school.”

“I was studying. Food and shelter were also covered. But he didn’t have any foster parents, and nobody cared to do it. At the end of the sentence, it was a decoy in the hunt because it had a lot of magic and attracted demons. He got caught up in the magic of the sorcerer then, and he was injured.”

The story was so bad that no one knew what to pursue from.

“You don’t even have a foster parent. That’s… Even when I was in Shaw, I had a hard time wanting to do it.”

“Were you?

“That’s right. I won.”

I told Falco, who seemed to be good at it, that my mentor would pity him.

“It was decided because Shaw was going to take care of Falco.”


Shaw continued as he looked sideways at the impatient Falco.

“But Hal’s the same age as me, so he’s a youngster, right? Backward support only.”

“It’s a decoy. I mean, they said it was a function of gathering demons on the front lines. It’s impossible. But it was happening.”

“Can’t say no,”

She seemed like a quiet woman. He said he wanted to protect him because he was just being protected.

“You said you’d send me somewhere to take care of me…”

Shaw, do you remember where you were sent?

Falco told Crushed Shaw.

“Yes, the middle winter forest. It was a real coincidence Falco came through!

to Shaw, who I noticed a long time ago, and my mentor said:

“Any magician can pick a good person and send them, etc. And.”

The mentor clouded his eyebrows.

“If Hull and the others had the same strong power as Shaw, it could drive people crazy”

Yes, there is a possibility in Shaw that he can play the missing body, although he is hiding it. What if Hal had that power, too?

“But that’s not Hal’s fault!

Shaw said that out loud.

“Exactly. Fortunately, I hadn’t made any plans yet this winter. Anything that comes to healing training can be adequately mentored by church healers in this city.”

“So long, mentor.”

Dredd saw the mentor.

“Accept Request”

“Appreciate it”

Lyla laughed furiously at the relieved dread.

“I only saw him where he slept, but he looked so much like Shaw. I wonder if my hair was different. Straight ahead.”

Sarah straight! Shaw didn’t like his curly hair, he admired it straight. I’m jealous.

“Shaw’s running around fine, but this kid can’t be here or not.”

Dredd said it seemed illuminating.

“Okay, one day to get ready. Can we leave now?”

“So soon. Thankful.”

“Do you want an escort…”

“Of course, me and Lyla go”

“You must have just arrived”

“Until I take you, please.”


Listening to the story to be decided, Shaw looked at Falco. Falco is


I said.

“Are you sure?

“Since Leon asked me, but he likes funny things, so you’re gonna be okay”

“I’d like to take you home if possible”

“I know. Don’t look for a breadwinner in the deep woods.”

“Falco……, thanks”

Shaw gave Falco a hug. Falco pounded Shaw’s back.

“Instructor, that looks like a good occasion, but if Shaw’s going to give me a hug about this, I’m thinking I’m going to do anything, I don’t know if that means a little dumb son.”

“Lyla, there’s something I don’t have to tell you.”

“That’s hard.”


Shaw and Falco took Lyla and Dredd to Gina’s Inn first. I’m sure there’s Leon there too. Gina is

“Oh, my God, are you here again?

Same as always.

“Gina. This time, please.”

“A request?

“You’re a loser in the lake swamp. He wants to use his mentor’s hand.”

“Hmm. That’s the only way. There are lots of kroywalizards in there this year.”

“So please.”

Gina was kind.

“The lake swamp? You shouldn’t rely on too many other countries, but I don’t know.”

That’s what Leon said as he asked for Yale. Falco replied:

“You look like a child. Hey, Leon.”


“I’d like to go as an escort to my mentor.”

Well, I don’t care what’s funny about Shaw.

Leon said that in a difficult face. Parents are parents even if they are adoptive parents. I need to take care of my children more than I do until I grow up. But Shaw says lightly.

“I’m coming, too.”

“Traveling to children is still dangerous”

“But I’ve been to Rock Cave three times.”

“That’s because it’s a hunter’s move around town”

Leon was surprisingly stubborn. Shaw thought for a second.

“Hey, I have Dredd and Lyla, Falco and Leon, and a mentor. Isn’t this a safer journey?


Falco looks interesting looking at the much stuffed Leon and

“You lost Leon.”

“There’s no way Falco can leave Shaw behind.”

“I’d rather you guys take care of it”

and noisy around.

“I get it. Instead, Shaw is to listen properly. That Falco is not sweet.”


“Why even me…”

Thus, he was to travel to the lake swamp with considerable force.

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