I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 47

Real name


The mentor crouched on the floor. The great mentor would then also look up at Hal’s face.

“You were dropped in the wrong place. This world has a long life span and it’s hard to have children. So children born are taken care of, and even children without parents are taken care of. Hal should be taken care of.”

Can I believe it? Hal saw Shaw. Shaw nodded with a serious face. The mentor kept laughing like this.

“And it would be like Shaw’s sisters. Then there will only be one more cute child for the town of Deep Forest. Rest assured, you’re back where you really should have fallen.”

“The Real Place”

Hal snapped.

“Together, we can help protect someone.”

He remembered what Hal said.

“If you two think about it, you’ll be able to develop a new magic with two pathologies inside.”

“I don’t like that.”

Now Hal could say clearly. Shaw and the mentor were relieved.

“Okay, then I’ll start healing.”

Shaw told Hull,

“Sit down in bed.”

and gave instructions.

Shaw knelt down in front of Hull, who sat in bed.

“Put your hands out.”

Hal put out his fearful hands.

“I’ll shed my magic.”

With the words of that Shaw, something warm poured in. He said magic, but this is not magic used by magicians. Pure energy itself. How bright. My body resisted if I thought so. Is it worth accepting such a straight light that I have lived in such a dim place?

“Don’t run away!

I was frightened by Shaw’s loud voice.

“You’re not responsible for being in a tough environment. Did Michal hurt someone?

That’s not true. Hal shook his head sideways.

“I just came alive so hard. I have nothing to be ashamed of. Come on, let’s reset. Let’s live again. For that, accept.”

Come on, take a deep breath and leave yourself to Shaw’s energy.

“The right leg, once healed, is incomplete. Right shoulder and clavicle. The connection is off. Back. Large cut diagonally. Then…”

Shaw’s voice trembled.

“Do you want to replace me?”

“Dear Sain, I’m fine”

Shaw opened his eyes once and looked up at Hal.

“In the meantime, we’ll only treat this big wound. Because then it’s not hard to get around in a carriage.”

“Yeah, please”

Hull is still growing, so there is no left or right distortion. Shaw inverts and copies the shape of his soul. Goddess, it’s us you brought in, so give me the energy without a scratch.

Hal is frowning. It shouldn’t hurt. But a soul that is going to be repaired with massive amounts of energy will be hard because it makes the body hot.

Cure your shoulders. Clean the clavicle. Return the leg bones firmly. The back flips and copies nicely from the middle. This should have almost disappeared the part where you feel the pain. Shaw opened his eyes softly.

“Hal, fine. Try lifting your arms.”

“Yeah, oh, it doesn’t hurt!

“Good. The big part’s healed.”

Hull’s body, supplemented by energy, had regained a bit of vitality. The supervisor’s eyes are gently narrowed.

“Brilliant, Shaw”

“Thanks, Shaw”

Hal is happy to thank you, too.

“I’m tired after healing, so sleep well today. And pretend it won’t heal.”

Pushing Hull nodding into the futon, Shaw and the mentor left Hull’s room as they saw him begin to groan.

“Shaw, how’d it go”

“There’s a huge number of wounds.”

Shaw accidentally held his mouth.

“If I saw your reaction earlier, I’m not used to it being a healer, and whether you knew how to use the potion properly. It was only natural in our country to leave a wound if it was injured. I guess I wasn’t using the potion anymore when the pain was gone. If I could only use it a little, I wouldn’t be able to heal properly. It was a wound like that.”

“It’s going to heal.”

“Perhaps not entirely. But I think it would be a lot better if I stayed on the side and managed it well.”

“Well, will you”

“Of course, Master Sein.”

He nodded vigorously Shaw, but felt signs and Falco picked him up.

Shaw, if it’s over, let’s take a break.

“Yeah, Falco. Good night, Master Sein.”

“Good night.”

Falco and I are in a room today. I usually try to get him on my lap right away, but Falco sat next to me sitting in bed today. And held my hands softly.

“Hmm? You want me to heal?


Falco saw Shaw once he took a deep breath,

“Shaw, Quo”

I called it. Oh, you were listening.

“Shigeko, yes.”



“Shaw, Co”


Shaw hugged Falco in the stomach, closing his eyes.





Even in Japan, more people called me Shaw, and I wasn’t going to give a shit. But I didn’t think Shoko and I would be so happy to be called by their real names.

Falco, who is gentle and backward, once again,


call. Shaw looked up and grinned.

“Shaw’s fine.”


“Shaw is fine. I was reborn in this world, and Falco called me Shaw the first time.”


“Thank you, Falco”

Re-riding on Falco’s lap, which lights up a little, will also support Falco well. Shaw stretched out and kissed Falco’s cheek all the time.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.”

“Thank you, huh?

Falco went bright red and fell nappily into bed holding me. I chuckled as I creaked over Falco’s stomach. Shaw is fine.

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