I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 68


The town of the plain to which the mentor was invited is called Canaan. Three weeks from the northern town, avoiding the center and near the rock tunnel. They say it’s a town to the west, even on the plains. They say there are relatively hilly terrain in the plains, mainly wheat, but also dairy farming.

“Canaan, Canaan”

In the dining room of Gina’s inn, he repeats as if Falco remembers something. It will mean meeting your mentor here and leaving straight for the plains.

“Something caught in the corner of my memory.”

“The word Canaan? Or the town?


I use my head rarely. Yeah, I’m saying it.

“He’s a really stupid kid. Hey, Falco is”

“Gina, that’s exactly what it is”

This is what Falco would look like if she called Gina. Shaw got a little crazy and laughed bitterly.

“It’s your town of birth, for sure.”

“Were you?

“Well, I think Lila did say that. Because it’s unusual to talk about plains. Hey. When I first got here with you.”

“I don’t remember which town I went through until I got here. I can’t believe I was there till I was three.”

Falco is still twisting his neck trying to remember something.

“I was farming, too?

“You’re an idiot. Hey, you can’t have three years old working like that. But don’t you remember anything about wheat fields, cows? Dad or something.”

“Wheat, cow…”

Falco put his arms together. Gina looks somewhat fun. Sure, there are no wheat fields or anything near the northern town, and there are no cows even with horses. I know exactly what the curiosity is.

“No. I can’t remember anything plain. My young mother is laughing, and the picture floats like someone is reaching out to me, but it feels high and invisible to my face. You know?”

“I get it.”

Shaw nodded and showed it.

“When I think of my mother when I was little too, something floats with my hands that are connected to the apron, not my face. Your face is high and you don’t remember going out.”

“Right, Shaw. Like that. I wish my mother had asked me what she looked like.”

“But at least you know his name, don’t you?


Falco turned sideways with his sieve as he creased between his brows.

“I don’t know…”

“Something, I’m sorry”

Falco is a little grumpy. Leon and Hal have a slightly troubled face for not being able to say anything.

“You’re late. Shall we go? Hmm?”

I opened the door and a mentor came in.

“Is there any trouble? We’re leaving now.”


Leon stood up as he stretched.

“We’re going to talk about Canaan, the town where Falco was born, and we’re going to talk about Falco not knowing his name, and we’re going to have a problem with that.”

“Oh, my God, you know what?”

The mentor shrugged his shoulder like it was out there.

“Falco, son of Cyrus and Lyla. The church has a proper record of that.”

“Cyrus, or…”

Falco is in his mouth to be sure, but Shaw turned an admirable eye to a mentor who can immediately remember his parents’ names. Hal and Leon, on the other hand, are flowering into the story when they hear that.

“I wonder what he’s like”

“My prediction is silent, unfathomable, uninterested outside of work”


Falco looks at Leon with cold eyes wondering if that’s about me.

“But it could be. You’re starting to like Lyla. It seems like the most likely thing to think of as someone on the way to work accidentally lost their blood.”


This is the second bitter laugh of the day. Gina is really tough on Lyla.

“I’ve kept that hunting lila on the plain for years, and I think it’s a big deal, I am.”

I knew I wasn’t following you.

“Well, I figured I might see Falco’s father, and it’s time to leave.”

It’s cozy and delays my departure. When Shaw stood up, they all stood up.

“Come on, we’re off on a three-week trip!


Only Hal raised his hand small to Shaw’s words, and he was embarrassed.

“It’s just Hal, you’ll see”

Shaw hugged Hull before Leon tried to hold him.

“Hehe, come on, let’s go”


Now is the beginning of the journey.

In the winter north woods, Gene and Bibal were always together, neither Shaw nor Hal participated in the hunt, and usually the youngsters do not participate in the adult hunt. Even when I went to Rock Cave last year, Shaw was a healing officer, and Hal was working on healing either way, so I’m still not in the hunt.

So Shaw got a little surprised when the carriage stopped early and Leon said this.

“Well, the mentor’s fine with one.”

“No, where did the escort mean”

So much so that I accidentally stuck it in like this.

“I’ll be fine. You’re basically on the side of the carriage.”

The mentor himself meant very little to this, to the escort.

“Shaw, Hal, me and Falco, let’s go hunting.”

“” Eh. ”

Shaw and Hal were stunned. For once, the younger group may also participate in the hunt if there are older hunters. But although basic training has been made solid, until now Falco and Leon have been keeping it safe with Shaw and Hull.

“Are you sure?

“It’ll be time to get along”

It was Falco who gave it back.

“That’s what I’ve been thinking since last winter, when the honey lizard moved. You’re not at the apprenticeship level anymore. I was just about to join the hunt and work out in action when I had the chance.”


Falco moved his neck left and right into a crisp motion.

I’m telling you, it’s tough.


Shaw was beginning to want to be a powerful healer fighting like a mentor in the life of a northern town, even if he didn’t like to be hurt and lived as a healer. You have to be strong to help people. Like a mentor who laughs that you don’t have to have an escort or anything.

And as one adult, so I can protect the people in town.

That was the same for Hal. Though it was difficult in the lake marshes, as they were cherished and healed in the towns north of the deep forest, they became self-reliant as one adult and naturally wanted to be in a position to protect them this time.

“All right, then it’s hunting till evening!

“Come back by dinner.”

It was Shaw and Hull who went out on their first proper hunt, being dropped off by the distracted voice of the mentor.

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