I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 70

First town

Shaw also heard the story the first time he went on a summer hunt to Rock Cave.

“Maybe the demons flooded the plains from the cave.”

“Looks like it’s here.”

Falco replied terminally. In fact, we’re talking about when neither Falco nor Leon was born yet.

“I’ve only heard of it in my legend, too. Wouldn’t that have been over 200 years ago?”

He said it was about when he wasn’t even born a mentor.

“There was a massive outbreak of cloywatlizards, and he said he headed to the plains to be pulled by something. It’s from around there. Summer hunting began and hunters began to be gathered from all over.”

“What happened to that after all?

To Hull’s question, the mentor put his arms together as he closed his eyes to remind him of something.

“They spread to the northwest area of the plain, withered crops and stopped,”

“What about after we stop?

“They disappeared.”


“Without leaving any stones behind.”

Hal suddenly looked at Shaw. The Shaw also looked at Hal and his face, then looked at the mentor for an explanation.

“I didn’t know I was going to wither crops in the first place.”

“Right, Deep Forest or Lake Marsh, I didn’t care because I didn’t really grow crops in the first place, but demons suck life out of creatures, which means they suck life out of crops and dirt as well. So that part of the plain was desolate.”

In the first place, I didn’t know what would happen to the end of the demon because I would defeat it as soon as I found it in the deep woods.

“If it disappears, I feel like I should just let it go…”

“In doing so, you will be inhaling the life of the organism all the time while it is in motion. But as soon as you find it, you’ll get the Demon Stone, and you won’t be harmed.”

“Right, Master Sein. Speaking of which, you were the first to say that demons are like a moving resource.”


What a strange world.

“If demons have been growing lately, I think the plains are the ones that should be wary of this narrow passage.”

I think Hal’s eyes looking everywhere probably show a move about how to fight when the demon arrives.

That’s how you have to think about it. Instead of demons, because they were doing it to you on your side. Shaw shook his hand long after remembering that.

“Well, I don’t think that’s going to happen now, because even Rock Cave is a lot of demons in the summer hunt.”

Leon said with ease.

“You figured it out when you were in the lake swamp. What the hunters see in their eyes can’t be done by the other realms. Trying to make me do something I can’t, I just eat rebellion. All we can do is accomplish what was asked of us and do what we can in Deep Forest.”


Falco nodded as well. Hal was still anxiously looking over the narrow meadow, but in time he finally seemed to change his mind that what he needed to do now was accomplish the request.

Through the narrow streets because of it, it had become a slightly higher hill, overlooking the plain beneath his eyes.

“Wow. It’s a meadow as far as I can see…”

Shaw raised his voice unexpectedly, but that would be natural if he came from a deep forest with lots of woods and rocky mountains. But it’s not actually flat, there’s also a lump of green that can be called a hill or sometimes a forest, and it was like a world of old stories.

And the streets are second-hand apart from here.

“The left hand is the center, the right hand is the southwest, and we’re going to the right.”

When Leon declared so, he began to move the carriage. Leon handles his carriage well, either because he was a guild hauler while his legs were bad. Besides, Leon and Hal often sit on your stand because they seem to enjoy doing your thing. Still, the rest of us want to see the plains too, so we each showed our faces and sometimes walked and ran and enjoyed the view outside.

Among other things, Falco seems to enjoy himself rarely. I look at the wheat fields as they narrow my eyes and pass, leaving aside the fact that it doesn’t always seem like fun when I’m with Shaw.

“It seems odd that there is no forest, but it does feel spacious and nice. And I can’t believe there’s so much farmland on the side of the street. I wonder how much we have to patrol on the monster watch.”

“No demons,” he said.

Leon gets his hands on each other. Leon seems to enjoy driving the flat ground all the way in a carriage in Leon. On the day they crossed the border, the Shaws traveled by carriage southwest of the mountains and were to stay in the town of the plains for the first time in the evening.

The mentor and Leon proceeded to the inn when they deposited the carriage, looking at it with the same eyes as seeing something rare. They were certainly also seen when they went to the lake marshes, but that country was introverted and didn’t bother them so much because they didn’t try to be too aggressive. But when I realized, the Shaws, who were supposed to look like plains, were also attracting attention.

But this is a town close to the border. I wonder if you’ve seen as many people in the deep woods on the way to and from business.

“Hey, I think we’re kind of noticeable.”

While going through the lodging process, Leon asked Inn’s father subtly. After all, will the merchants pass by, the size of the inn was huge there, and the inn’s dining room, visible from the reception, was starting to gather guests trying to get an early dinner, as well as those trying to drink.

“Oh, my eyes are gone by accident.”

“Eyes go? This is a border town, so the Deep Forest guys are coming, right?

“No, you rarely come. Most of the merchants will go from here and carry the load straight out of the deep forest. Besides, I do see people in the deep woods, but raw hunters, like you, are rare.”

Leon looked at himself again. Leon, Shaw and Falco dress like very normal hunters. As far as the mentor goes, these two don’t even look like hunters with yellow bands hanging from their shoulders on healer-like robes and daggers on their hips, such as Hal.

“Normal though.”


The receptionist’s father erupted as he said unexpectedly.

“First of all, travelers with children are rare. I’m not around here with kids with swords, and I don’t have kids with daggers. And one of you is wearing a healer’s yellow belt.”

“From there?”

“There’s no such thing as a hunter with such a fine sword, and one of them looks like a plain. And you’re probably a mentor.”

My father’s words suddenly became polite. At first glance, he found out he was a great healer.

“A mentor who travels and has a sword of his own, no, you’ve never seen a healer. I mean, you five, what are you all looking for?”

“There was no discomfort in Deep Forest.”

Leon looked troubled and put his head on.

“Well, it’s just funny, no hostility whatsoever. Get some rest and go.”

“Appreciate it”

That’s how the mentor quietly watched the inn dining room while Leon went through the process.


“What is it?”

Is there a healer in this town?

“Yes, I have a young healer recently replaced”

“I’m Sain from the town north of Deep Forest.”

“Master Sein… that Master Sein!

Shaw and Hal looked back at Inn’s father in surprise. I didn’t expect the mentor to know his name until the plains.

“Fast if you know. I’m only here for one night, but if you want to learn something, can you tell someone to come here?”

“Thank you! I think I often just worry about being young, so let’s go!

“Also, if anyone is unwell, not just injured, you may speak up”

Inn’s father was happy to start making arrangements everywhere.

“I have a bath, so please refresh me.”

“Appreciate it”

Without thought, it was a line that seemed to get busy from the first town.

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