I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 96

It’s my fault.

Having had lunch, a line resting his tired body, no matter who said, when he woke up from his nap, he gathered in turn in the instructor’s room.


While I really thought it would be a hassle, we all set our posture to the voice of the mentor.

“I’m sure we all know, but this time the problem is not that there’s been a huge outbreak of honey lizards. In the first place, even though the numbers were increasing, they should not have been large enough to travel.”

The mentor confirmed to Leon and Falco.

“Sure, when I looked around, I thought there were a lot of them, but I wasn’t expecting anything to happen right now, so I was surprised.”

Leon nodded.

Shaw knew why this happened. When Shaw looks at Hull, Hull is a little annoyed. Hal, of course, knows. Because I know, because I jumped out into the meadows and drew demons to myself.

Still, Shaw was worried that attracting demons would make him less reminiscent of the unpleasant feelings of the Lake Marsh era. When I looked closely at Hal’s face, I was relieved that he was nagging, but his expression was not dark. I guess I’m just tired.

Shaw looked more at Rik this time. And I saw that face that had not come one pin to the mentor’s story right now, and I understood why the mentor had started this story.


Hal raised his face to Shaw’s voice as a hack.

“Can you explain to me why you shot the magic?

“That’s right! Hal, if you could shoot such amazing magic, I wish you’d told me sooner!

Shaw also knows how it feels to shout out Rick. Whatever you say, magic can be used because it was the most fun to be reincarnated. Although Shaw was satisfied with his practical use only.

“There’s no way you can use such big magic, unscathed by people in town. I think he was supposed to show it to me when I went to a place where no one was around.”

Shaw explained to Rik instead of Hal.

“Is that true, too? Sorry.”

Hal sneered and shook his head sideways. I guess that means you don’t have to worry about it. And I started talking like it was hard to say as I looked at Rik.

“It gets a little longer when we talk about this, but will you listen to me?

“Sure. But why me? Oh, we’re the only ones who don’t know what’s going on.”

Rick convinced himself to look better at Hal.

“I was dropped in front of the Lake Marsh Magic Academy when I was reincarnated. So at first, I trained to be a magician naturally.”

Hal began to briefly explain to Rik, skipping the history in between.

“In it, the first time they put me in action for a hunt, I was afraid the demons would come nearby, and I accidentally shot down the magic of maximum flames”

Rick is obsessed with hearing it, but Cyrus frowned. Being put into action means being put into action even though you are young, because you are the same age as Rik. That’s weird, which means you’ll know as soon as you hear what you hear.

“Then the magic brought the demons together.”

“Awesome. Does that mean Hal’s magic is attractive to demons?

There is no convenient story like that, where you only miss demons in your magic. Hal shook his head sideways again.

“So for the first time, I found out that I could gather demons with great magic. Then at the beginning of the hunt, it became my job to shoot big magic and collect demons.”

Cyrus shook his neck left and right in pain and with an unhideable rage. Involving younger children in hunting is a strange thing in itself.

But Rick opened his mouth with Pocan and then looked like he noticed something all the time.

“That’s why I went out to the meadows then and shot the magic. To protect the town so that no demons go to it. To attract demons to yourself.”

Half right. Will Rick be able to think this far ahead? Both Shaw and Hal watched Rick without saying anything as it were. Rick asked himself and answered himself.

“But yes, but. When Hal ran over the meadow, wasn’t the demon coming towards us, not Hal? Right, right. So that I can get in the wrong place with Hal. Many, many.”

I remember Rick desperately with his face about that time.

“Yes, with Hal’s magic, the demons that were gathering in the hills also moved to Hal. In other words, at first all the demons were headed for the hills…”

Rick’s body began to tremble fine.

“You said the demons were drawn to magic and gathered together. It’s not magic, it’s magic, I mean.”

I knew Rick noticed.

“Because I poured magic into the earth. So you’ve come together.”


Rik stood up, paying for Cyrus’ unexpectedly stretched hand.

“Because of me, because of me!

“Rick, no. Try to remember all the circumstances!

“It’s my fault!

Rick popped out of the room when he shouted as if Shaw’s words or something were out of his ear.

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