I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Special Side Chapter 1: Chaos

Special Side Chapter 1: Chaos

“As such I am going to give you a name”

These words were similar to the singular phrase of “Let There Be Light”. It created life for a race that lived between the dimensions and in search for a master who couldn’t be corrupted by their power. An impossible dream that they spent aeons trying to achieve and failing, and yet she made it possible. She was their god and they were her servants. They could have chosen to lend their power to the Elder and Outer Gods yet chose not to because they would be poorly utilized by beings who knew what power felt like. When She was angry they felt the rage of her wrath, when she was sad they felt the deep sorrow of her despair and when she was happy they felt the warmth of her smile. These were things that the Dark Matter never thought they would experience and yet they did.

Originally before Yukiyo came into the picture the Dark Matter were a hive mind, they shared memories and thoughts together. It could be said they were cold and calculating but that fateful day they found a being they could lend their power to, at that moment they knew they found what they had been looking for. Their God gave them a home to live, she cared about them enough to give them names, they wanted them to be the best that they could be. Muramasa was the first to display the aspect of uniqueness, she was also the first to have a range of thoughts, an imagination that danced free in her mind and the ability to use her innate skills to the fullest. Muramasa felt like she didn’t deserve the title of Dark Matter Empress but her duty compelled her to move forward in this unknown universe of theirs.

“Our master is somewhat of an irregularity. I can say this much, she is one of a kind. I am sure that there is one like her out there but I am satisfied knowing that she accepted us and gave us purpose and a home to live in”

Muramasa speaks up with a satisfied tone, she takes in a deep breath and smiles. Her closed eyes and pleased face showed she was truly happy. The sounds she was hearing was truly satisfying to indulge in.

“I am sure you do not understand”

She spoke with her eyes still closed, the smell of burnt flesh and sounds of the screams of those who opposed her made her truly delighted. Muramasa opens her eyes and sees the flames of war burning right before her, this universe was not under her control. She had to take it by force and prove to her Master that she was worthy of the title Dark Matter Empress, one planet, two planets, an entire system, a galaxy, several galaxies, all of it would be in the iron grip of her hands. Beatrice stood beside her and watched it all unfold with cold uncaring eyes, she wore bloody Japanese fashioned armor carrying twin black short swords that dripped the red blood of her enemies. 

“Are you going to stop fooling around and start fighting already Muramasa?”

“Can’t you see I am enjoying the view Trish?This is like fine sake”

“You haven’t consumed that yet”

“Don’t mind the small stuff Trish. Anyway back to you”

She directed her gaze at the one she was speaking to, the form was similar to an orc however he was not the pig like orcs that Yukiyo was used to in the outside world, he was similar to the green skinned apes in western fantasies. She waged war against these unintelligent creatures whose sole duty was to copulate and cover the planet with their vile children.


“You will never defeat me with your measly strength”

The orc leader ran towards her with his hulking body, he was pretty nimble when charging at her like that making Muramasa kick off the ground as she sprinted towards her. The beast within her laughed as she received his attack with her katana and pushed him back before he could do much. Panicked orders from his flying ass to rush towards her, much like her creator Yukiyo she grinned intensely as she saw their numbers go up even more.

“Allow me to show you why I am called the Dark Matter Empress”

She slashed across the space behind and front of the rushing orcs as they got ambushed by Dark Matter Eyes that fired burning lasers at them, with melting flesh and their bodies being sliced and diced by a rapidly moving Muramasa the orcs cried out in agony and fear. They attempted to retreat even but failed as Muramasa’s shadow lengthened into a stream of jaws and mandibles that tore through their flesh. The orc chief or king or whatever he was called saw this and roared at Muramasa who was enjoying this scene. She pointed her finger at him and uttered a single phrase.


A laughable black point appears before Muramasa’s finger and bursts out into stream of energy that devours everything in its way. She puts her hands in her pockets and walks to where the orc leader was, nothing was left behind. Not even ash was something that could be retrieved from this guy, she completely vaporized him and ended his existence in this world. Everyone was finishing up as well which made her yawn.

“Good job.”

“It wasn’t much, are you going to be filling in the documents of a conquest gone right?”

“Yes what else would I be doing?I am not you”

“Ouch. I know I do not want to do the paper work for this kind of thing but fuck you”

“I am not even sure if Dark Matter can even have children”

“We could find out”

“I am not interested”

Beatrice flat out said as she wiped the blade of her sword. She sheathes her sword and walks away with Muramasa being left alone on the battlefield. Muramasa chuckles in response to this as she heads off to the same direction that Beatrice was going.

Before stability would even come close, chaos would have to happen for them to take hold of this universe. In the mean time they had already conquered two worlds, returning to their main world named after their Master called Yukigahara Muramasa yawned dressed in a sleeping dragon themed jinbei* with sake in her hand she downs it quickly. This residential area was created shortly after they killed off the natives who weren’t intelligent enough to hold a conversation. It was called the Dark Matter Universe and yet the Dark Matter encountered beings who certainly did not belong to their race, it was both odd and not surprising. A universe had a plethora of races that were different from one another. There were some who were similar to them out there, with their numbers they could find them if they searched hard enough.

“Everything, from the grass to the very clothes we wear was made possible through her actions alone.”

Muramasa took another sip of the colorless sake as sakura petals fall right into it. This universe of their’s was great and not even they knew all that was inside of their home. She stared at the blue sky and nodded as she directed her gaze at the man who now made his presence clear.

“Mifune-kun what brings you here?”

“Muramasa-heikka I have come with news from Beatrice.”

“Oya?C’mon spill it.”

Mifune was clothed in all black, he was similar to the shinobi of past, bowing before her once more he offered the scroll into her hands. She sighs before placing her sake to the side and opens it. The details made her both happy and frustrated that she wasn’t the one to uncover such a mystery.

“A new race has popped up on the third planet in the system and they are claiming to be the representatives of the mountains, lakes, river, forests and the very sky. This is interesting, previously when we occupied these worlds we had nothing but goblin like monsters who only saw the fertilization potential of some of our people. And now we have a group that wants to communicate with us on the third planet we were preparing to invade.”

She read aloud as a new development was happening, interest sparked in her eyes. Muramasa finished her sake and got up, she nodded her head to Mifune who vanished like he never existed in the first place. A predicament was popping up within this new world of their’s Muramasa tapped her sheathed katana in excitement as she smiled. As long as Yukiyo lived this era of wonder and conflict within the Dark Matter Universe would continue Muramasa would be the one would make all of those discoveries for her.


“I wish you weren’t the one who discovered this to be honest. Was it really necessary for you to come with me?”

“Yes it is very necessary for me to come with you otherwise-“

“Blood will be spilled for no good reason”


Beatrice held a matter of fact tone as she said this adjusting her glasses doing so. The lush forests were serene and quiet varying vastly from the city life that had long abandoned such a notion. Muramasa was entranced by its beauty and put the matter at hand to the side.

“We need more parks and flora around the city”


“What kind of city are we even creating at this rate?”

“Well I would love to call it Neo-Traditionalism based off of a certain ideal that exists within our Master’s home. Nature and mankind should coexist in perfect harmony, as such our city perfectly embodies the beauty of both the modern life and the forest very well.”

“It wasn’t easy building it though.”

“Of course time in our universe and our Master’s runs very differently. What is a mere minute to her are several years for us. This gives us the opportunity to grow, I realized that when training the disciples.”

Beatrice had a sentimental gaze when she mentioned that word with Muramasa staring back at her and laughing loudly. Though her range of expression was limited she showed great confusion from Muramasa laughing at her like this. She wanted answers and immediately spat out a question.

“What’s so funny?There’s nothing particularly humorous about what I said.”

“You are so hilarious. I thought you would never get attached to anything but you actually care about the kids”

“I am sorry and this is funny because?”

“Humor and irony are wasted on you it seems.”


Beatrice had human emotions but couldn’t comprehend them unless she instinctively understood them. Muramasa was blessed with a wide range of them after her first encounter with the concept, they were almost close to the location they were supposed to be in.

“At least you care, that’s all that matters right?”

“Yes, that is what matters in the end. We’ve arrived.”

A grand castle stood before them which made Muramasa excited for some reason, she wanted to know what these things even looked like since only a message was passed to them without a messenger to give an accurate representation of what the other side looked like. It provided a sense of mystique and allure that was not present with discovering a new land they had to conquer. Muramasa opened the gate by pushing it using telekinesis and walked right in. The castle was black and red, very similar to the ones that were back in Yukiyo’s country. Statues of mighty and powerful beings were erected displaying their triumphs over their enemies, Muramasa admired the artistry put behind in these works of art. This certainly was in balance with nature and it made her appreciate her own world, the doors opened up revealing a man in the mask that Yukiyo would refer as a tengu mask wearing a sky themed haori over a otherwise black kimono, Muramasa was prepared to cutting him down and asking questions later but luckily Beatrice was around to stop her.

“What’s the hold up?”

“I know your violent tendencies spiked as soon as you saw this gentleman but please calm yourself. We were invited for peace not battle. Isn’t that right our mysterious gentleman?”


Muramasa sighs as she pulls back from having the battle of her life, that was certainly the truth they came here to have a conversation with the other side. Everything else would come after that, Beatrice stared back the man who then bowed to her and led the way to the meeting room. The castle was furnished with art both in paintings and other forms, as well as in the furniture itself. It became clear what kind of people the representatives of the mountains, rivers and forests were. They were respectable individuals who loved art it seems however Muramasa couldn’t be so sure, she felt some of them valued such whilst others valued other things. Like money, women and strength. It wasn’t a long journey to the meeting room, he opened the door before them. A sweet scent covered the room that made even Muramasa feel relaxed, however she didn’t let her guard down due to suspicions of it being a kind of sleep gas. It was incense of some kind that seemed to make the atmosphere of the room approachable. In the room were a large red skinned horned woman as well as her blue skinned counterpart, an angel, and a dragonkin of some sort, the missing chair indicted that the man was the last one on that list.

“We’ve arrived, I am sure you’re the representatives who sent a message to us”


“I had my suspicions but now they’ve been confirmed by staring at you.”

Muramasa had no idea what Beatrice was talking about, they all seemed weird to her if she was to be honest.

“Let me explain I believe this race of people are known as yokai.”

“And that’s supposed to mean something?”

“Yes. In our master’s world it meant that they were very powerful and varied beings.”

“So what do they want?”

“Peace, harmony and cooperation nanoja”

A young voice spoke out to Muramasa, it belonged to a kid about 14 or 15 who had long black hair with fox ears peaking out from her head, she was dressed in a kimono which had stars and leaves on it. Her black eyes reminded Muramasa of her own master, her aura was fairly abnormal as if she was born right after Beatrice and her. Ten fox tails comfortably moved about behind her giving her away her position in this group of yokai representatives.

“Who in the name of our Goddess are you?”

“My name is Tenma Hijiri. Pleased to meet you dear onee-sama ja”


This explained something to both Muramasa and Beatrice, there were beings within this universe who were already named. These special beings were their brothers and sisters who had a great power laying within them, the power to name others and awaken latent power. They were similar to gods, it gave them a sense of familial relationship. Muramasa relaxed as she knew that they were not a threat that needed to be dealt with like everything else that she had encountered.

“Well then you’ve saved me the trouble of conquest and bloodshed little sis. I’ll inform everyone to make preparations to move in and cooperating with your people.”

“Thank you onee-sama”

“But I am plenty sure this wasn’t about exchanging pleasantries isn’t it?”

“Of course I have a reason for calling out to you”


Muramasa and Beatrice sat down being served green tea and sake respectively. Hijiri with the other representatives collectively sighed as now was the time they were waiting for.

“The task requires your assistance, a certain monster unlike our own species has been released by a troublesome individual noja”

“So can’t you just take care of it?”

“If I could do it, I would have done it nanoja”

“That sounds like a pain in the ass”

“I only ask of this of you onee-sama jazo.”

Muramasa stared at Beatrice who did the same, she sighs as she could see in her eyes that she wanted to help this new sibling of theirs. With an extra sigh she gets up and walks to where Hijiri is, she destroys the table standing between her and her new little sister. The tengu prepare to protect her but that is unnecessary as Muramasa pats her instead. 

“Hey!What are you doing ja!I am not a child noja!”

“Hmm hmm”

After she is done she walks away with a smile. She takes a glance at Beatrice who nods, Muramasa holds her katana looking back at Hijiri.

“It will be done”

She exits the room and walks off to the direction of where this monster is. Just like Hijiri sending a message to them and revealing her existence as her little sister Muramasa patting Hijiri had a purpose, she searched her memories and saw what kind of monster it was as well as the places it frequented. She smiles as its exactly the kind of thing she would be interested in fighting. She also knew that Hijiri lied about being unable to deal with it, this was her way to explaining to those of her race that her older sister was strong and they needed to fear that strength. The task of being the Dark Matter Empress was a tough one and yet it was the one that gave her purpose, meaning as well as happiness.


Gaikotsu. This was the type of yokai she was facing, it had amassed over a hundred skeletons whose main purpose was to kill every living being in the area. This particular Gaikotsu had black bones and crown, it lead the hundred thousands of skeletons with the march of death and despair. Hijiri could defeat one easily and proved herself to her people that she was their leader. Muramasa tapped the hilt of her katana smirking as she watched this challenge make itself available to her. They moved like an army with the Gaikotsu being the commander. Muramasa watched them walking over the plains without stopping, her eyes were completely focused as she pointed her sheathed katana at the looming threat before holding it in a sword swinging position. Numerous other swords appeared all within the same pose. At that moment the earth shook as Muramasa quick drew her katana directing it to the numerous undead that came her way, bones were turned into fine dust with muted screams echoing throughout the battlefield.

Muramasa leapt backwards increasing her speed by adding Dark Matter who use acceleration magic. She did this to avoid the massive floating hand of the Gaikotsu that it sent flying in her direction, she sent several swords as retaliation. Muramasa wanted to one shot it but it had noticed what she wanted to do and instead brought the attack to her, it was making its way towards her. She stomps the skeletal arms that emerge from the ground using that as a boost to enter the sky, with several swords acting as footholds Muramasa sprints towards the Gaikotsu. Several swords are shot at the Gaikotsu that creates a wall of bones to protect itself. With increased concentration she cuts the wall in half and launches herself forward with the help of a great sword, summoning a second katana Muramasa grins viciously once she reaches its forth arm and begins to rapidly slash it creating fractures that spread faster and faster.

With this being the case the Gaikotsu roars in terror as all of the undead skeletons stop marching and now make their way towards it instead. Muramasa is thankful that it knows that it’s about to die as she increases the sword number by 20 surrounding herself with them creating a shredder that making more and more fractures on its body. Dodging the close swipe that it does in order to swat her away like a fly Muramasa jumps up into the air and lands on the shoulder kicking down on one of the arms to the ground with the next shattering into pieces. She teleports to the ground and putting the katana back in its sheath as she taunts it with an evil smirk on her face. Seeing this it spews a mass of flames not even caring about the army that it had. She dodges this by creating a line of earth houses jumping on the rooftops where she kicks off the ground and aims for its body. With this in mind the Gaikotsu smashes the next house with its enormous hand but realizes too late that Muramasa had already reached its other arm fracturing even more bones as she does so. Hundreds of skeletal arms burst forth with sharp claws to lacerate her flesh but Muramasa quickly turns these into fine powder. She evades the next hand swat and stabs its finger leaping up into the air using the momentum, the Gaikotsu’s right eye stares directly at her showing her the immense fear that it feels.

With razor precision she throws a short sword to its neck Muramasa uses the momentum slashing its other arm to launch herself to the neck, she leaps and teleports right on top of a spinning great sword riding it briefly before she strikes the short sword even deeper in its bones causing a spiderweb of cracks. She kicks it and severs the head from the body which begins to crumble into pieces as this was the breaking point she needed to take it down, she falls to the ground but not before throwing the great sword even higher just above the floating head of the Gaikotsu to be exact. She teleports to grab it, the light shining on the sword makes it seem almost holy it stares at her and screams as it sees this. Muramasa dives downwards with great speed smashing its thick skull in one blow but it’s not deep enough, she kicks the great sword even further down before leaving it in place. Muramasa pulls out her katana.

“It was really fun however you are far too weak to even stand before me”


Murmasa rapidly slashes at that singular point causing the great sword to head even deeper shattering the surrounding area with these slices that could cleave a mountain in half. She holds her katana with both hands and swings one more time with a clap of thunder being heard as lightning flies out and breaks the core of the Gaikotsu. She floats down to the ground as the army create a field of white bones. Muramasa sheaths her katana in satisfaction, she looks back at the large bones left in her wake of her destruction os this Gaikotsu.

“You certainly are strong, I have to admit that ja”

Hijiri’s voice comes out of nowhere but Muramasa had expected this. She was crossing her arms, her eyes filled with observation to what just happened. She set this up to let everyone know of her onee-sama’s strength.

“How did you know that I was the one?There’s no explanation for that you know?”

“Simply put tis an instinctive response. An emotion akin to knowing and believing there is a god. I knew you existed out there from the beginning of my birth in this world nanoja.”

“I see. So the same can be said about the others?”

“Verily so. We serve our Master as her strength, I believe if we find the others we will become a lethal weapon. Our knowledge will aid her as well ja”

“Sounds about right.”

“Tis time to travel back to my humble abode nanoja.”

“I am going to relax as soon as I get there.”

“Would you like to join me as we celebrate your arrival to my home world?My treat ja”

“Of course, I am sure you’ll treat me well Hiji-chan”

“Treat me with respect nanoja!”

“Hai, hai”

Muramasa laughed as she teased Hijiri with her words, they walked and sometimes teleported towards the castle. She was glad she got a sibling she could mess around with. Muramasa was happy that Yukiyo granted them life, individuality, and a universe that they could enjoy all of the joys of being alive.

Nyarlathotep crosses her arms and watches intently on the new universe that was recently born, placing another chess piece on the board and taking away a white piece.

“You see that Hastur, she’s managed to do something we’ve been having trouble to do for aeons now.”

“Creating a universe that worships her. How interesting. She is certainly a strange one Nyarlathotep.”

“Just as strange as her counterpart”

Hastur shows an image of Lucky Discord talking with Sophia within her realm.

“Oh you mean them?Yes they have certainly transcended the concept of holding back.”

“How long do you think it will take before she awakens?”

“It will be soon. I’ve already set up the necessary steps that will lead her into that realm once she steps into it, the gods will be blinded for a brief moment by the false signal I will send.”

Hastur smiles pleased with their work behind the scenes, as their plan was running smoothly. They would help her in her conquest of this world and continue watching over her as she travelled the dimensions. She was their entertainment and rightfully so. Yukiyo held the keys of something they never had in their time of fledginghood. That is the key to limitless growth and power.

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