I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 105 I’ll see you again next time

"Oh, they lost contact." Shangguan Jun gently teased Wu Youai's cheek, "How does your meat taste?"

Wu Youai's eyes were a little distracted, "I'm a little old, but the glutinous rice balls are still delicious."

"I'll tell you good news. The entire team that went to blow up the villa has lost contact. The people in the villa are indeed not simple. It's time for me to leave. Should I kill you?" Shangguan Jun hesitated for a while, "Forget it. Well, you are the first person who has not divulged any information under my hands. I hope you can survive the rescue and come to see you next time."

If it weren't for the small floral clothes the aunt was wearing and the pockmarks on her face, Jing Shu wouldn't have dared to imagine that this person would be begging for water when she met her for the first time.

Unsurprisingly, these hostages all have a common characteristic: they were all tortured to death!

And the methods of death are different. It is obvious that that person is more obsessed with torturing people in different ways.

So what about Wu Youai? How will they be treated? Will she receive special treatment since she is someone related to the villa?

The sound of "thump, thump, thump" came, and Jingshu's fist rang. At this time, Yang Yang did not dare to speak anymore, for fear of offending this strange and powerful woman.

Suddenly there was a faint sound from the house next door. Jing Shu dropped Zhang Qiang and ran over. Her heart started to beat fast. The person who was tied to the table and making love was none other than Wu Youai!

In the darkness, Wu Youai didn't seem to have been cruelly abused. At least Jing Shu didn't see the bloody scene, but she smelled a burning smell.

"Still breathing!" Jingshu cut the rope with the knife in the space, and Wu Youai took a breath of air, "It hurts..."

"Where does it hurt?" Jing Shu's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that some invisible torture method was used, such as water injection?

Wang Dazhao came over with a flashlight, followed by Yang Yang and five or six armed policemen. The others were responsible for checking the entire office building for anyone missing and guarding all exits.

The moment the flashlight illuminated it, Jing Shu finally saw that Wu Youai's legs had turned charcoal black, the skin was wrinkled, and three large pieces of meat were missing in the middle, and the bones were clearly visible. Combined with the burnt The smell, and the wax dripping on the ground, suggested that it might have been roasted by candles.

Yang Yang said, "Is Shangguan Jun running away because he hasn't gotten any news from her yet and it's too late to kill her?"

Jing Shu's heart warmed up. Maybe Wu Youai survived until now because she didn't say anything. She saved herself!

Wang Dazhao's hand shook and he almost threw the flashlight away. He thought that he could live a strong life in this world after killing more than a dozen people. He did not expect that there would be more fierce people.

Yang Yang raised an eyebrow, "The meat on the legs is basically necrotic. Now we can only saw it off. If we don't saw it off, the infection will gradually expand and eventually we will die. Such an injury is difficult to deal with given the current lack of medical conditions." It’s hard to survive, and I’m afraid I can’t do this kind of surgery.”

Yang Yang's meaning is very simple. This person will not survive. His legs will be amputated before the end of the world, let alone now.

"And as time goes by, more and more necrotic flesh will become rotten and the burn area will expand. The residual pain from this area of ​​burn will continue to torture her for 26 days, and she will be worse off than dead."

"Is there any anesthetic?" Jingshu's silence was terrifying.

"I do know an anesthesiologist who lives nearby. He also hid some anesthetics, but it requires you to pay for scarce food. Do you want to give her euthanasia? I advise you not to do surgery to amputate the legs, or to anesthetize her. She made her life easy for a few days, and the medical treatment needed for the later stages of leg sawing is not available in Wucheng at the moment."

"Okay, call him and ask him to come now. Give him half a pig in five minutes. In ten minutes, there will be only pig legs. If it takes more than twenty minutes, he will not come. I will go to the car to get some tools." Jingshu dropped it. After that, he handed the person to Wang Dazhao and left.

Yang Yang rolled his eyes but still called. This woman used to act silly and cute, but now her true colors are revealed, right? It's just that this style of painting has changed a bit quickly, and now this woman is suddenly strong and cold, and she says the same thing, and it feels like she will destroy the world in a minute if she doesn't listen to her.

After being picked up by Yangyang's special car, people rushed over in 8 minutes. Although there was only a pig leg, I was still very happy.

"This is Jingshu."

"This is the anesthesiologist Alan." Yang Yang introduced the two of them to each other.

Alan tied his ponytail and raised his orchid fingers, and said angrily: "Oh, do you want some anesthetic? I'll give you all I have. Can you give me some more pork legs?"

"Okay, give it all to me and I'll change it for you." Jingshu took the anesthetic and asked how to use it. She first gave Wu Youai a drink of spiritual spring and mineral water, then cleaned the wound with water, and finally gave it to Alan. After being given anesthesia under the guidance, Wu Youai fell into a deep sleep.

A group of people were curious about what Jing Shu would do.

After looking at the wound, Alan clicked his tongue and said, "The area and extent of the burn require amputating the leg."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jingshu cut off all the necrotic flesh on her legs with a knife, and even cut off the surrounding necrotic skin. There were already three big holes, but under Jingshu's hands, Wu Youai's legs were completely damaged in a short time. A lot of meat was cut away, and several young armed policemen vomited on the spot. Yang Yang still observed with interest, and even pointed out to Jingshu where he had not cleaned up.

Wu Youai estimates that she will lose a few pounds at once.

"Hey, are you saving people or killing people? If you do this without follow-up treatment, you will basically die."

"Shangguan Jun is so unprofessional. He didn't completely cut off the necrotic flesh. He's still dead anyway, so let's treat him like a living horse." Jing Shu said calmly, and then took out the various things she had just prepared in the space when she went downstairs. Planting medicine and tools didn’t even go to the car.

The people around looked at Jingshu in a strange way, so Wang Dazhao took off his clothes and said, "I was stabbed in the neck, and Jingshu saved me in the same way." Finally, Jingshu's name was cleared.

During this period, Jingshu put a drop of spiritual spring on Wu Youai's legs and fed her another drop. As long as she could ensure that she wouldn't die, it was better to have two pieces of meat missing on her legs than to have arms and legs missing. But she didn't know what Wu Youai would be like in the future. Can I still walk?

After completing all the steps, Jingshu put on the bandage and breathed a sigh of relief.

"She will have to sleep for a few hours before she wakes up. By then the anesthesia wears off and she will die from the pain." Alan said.

The matter that Jingshu had to do was finally solved. This time, Shangguan Jun, the one who covered the sky, ran fast, and the boss who didn't show up was also a headache. Jingshu didn't like the wolf lurking in the dark, so she had to find a way to solve it. Only then.

Later, Jingshu and Alan exchanged all the anesthetics he had hidden, which was enough for seven times. Jingshu paid him four pig legs. Then, in order to get the news about Zhetian, Yang Yang sent a patrol car to guard the place 24 hours a day. Near Jingshu's villa, Jingshu offered a pig with four legs removed as a thank you gift.

Thanks sime again, Yunshan Yuyo for the reward!

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