I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 114 Condolence Specialist

Wang Fang stared at the kitchen door with itching eyes. During this period, Jingshu went in several times to add dishes. She could only see through the cracks in the door what seemed to be a dazzling array of things inside. Jingshu turned a blind eye to these small actions. Fortunately, she had the foresight, and her aunt Can't we learn from Su Long and eat it with peace of mind when it's on the table? What are you trying to do?

"Brother, I haven't asked you yet what you did with the black pig last time? Did you give it to your sister-in-law and her brother?" Jing's mother asked.

Jing's mother was also cautious, so that her sister-in-law would not give all the benefits to her parents' family.

The uncle smiled naively and said: "I broke up with her brother and let us and my wife join the government. Now we are responsible for visiting communities. The position is called condolence talk specialist. It is a new government occupation. You also know that your sister-in-law used to They are lawyers, and there is a shortage of talents in this field right now.”

Jing Shu narrowed her eyes. In her previous life, her eldest aunt knelt down and licked her eldest brother, but she didn't even enter the system. She didn't expect that in this life, because of a pig, they both entered the system.

To put it bluntly, visiting communities is the government's spy. This is also a job that many people envy. In the middle and later stages, they have great power.

Their task is to count the number of survivors and deaths, and to understand the situation of each household within their jurisdiction.

Which family may have committed a crime and what they did all day long will be matched with the newspaper and big data. If both the big data and the interviewer believe that someone has committed a crime, they will basically be 100% convicted, and it will not take long for them to be branded. imprint.

Our next task is to visit every household to comfort these people, and the world will get better. We must believe in the power of the state to guide the people, so that citizens will no longer have thoughts of causing trouble, and listen to the government. Those who are disobedient will have nothing to eat.

My usual task is to be a troll on the Internet and guide positive public opinion.

In ancient times, if you controlled the people's hearts, you controlled the dynasty. Today, if you control public opinion, you control the lifeline of the country.

Please remember one thing after the end of the world: basically what you can see online is what the government wants you to see.

With the rise of big data surveillance, the government will soon announce that everyone must bring a mobile phone and turn on GPS positioning. On the one hand, it is to protect you, and on the other hand, it is to monitor you.

Therefore, the right to visit the commissioner is even greater.

Jing Shu has always wanted Dad Jing to be the visiting specialist in this area. It will be much more convenient in the future, but poultry breeding is not bad. At least the visiting specialist will also be greedy for meat in the future.

"Condolence talk specialist? That's also a good position." Jing's mother nodded. Now the positions in the government are internally digested. It's not that the Chinese people are corrupt, but that we need to find people who are trustworthy and have recommenders. Who should be recommended if something goes wrong? People are also responsible.

The national situation is like this. If you apply for two people, one is a well-informed and reliable person, and the other is a complete stranger, you will definitely choose the person who knows the ins and outs, but if something goes wrong, you, the recommender, will not be able to run away.

Wang Fang fiddled with her messy hair and said excitedly: "Who says it's not the case? Other people's relief meals are moldy mushrooms and maggots. We are the only ones who are given some vegetables every day. In addition to the daily work points, It’s okay to have enough food and clothing.”

The uncle said: "A pig has gained an iron rice bowl. In order to avoid losing money in the long run." The uncle is still very discerning.

Look, this is the difference between people inside the system and people outside the system. Now it has slowly become apparent. This has also led to countless people trying to work within the system instead of just having endless work to do every day. I exchanged some virtual currency.

Seeing that it was getting late, my uncle urged him to go back. The frog he gave me last time was still at home and he was afraid that it would die if no one took care of him in such a hot day. Now the frogs are treated like treasures, "Hey Lanzhi, thanks to you. The frog saved the last bit of food our family had.”

"We are all one family." Jing's mother still asked Jing's father to send the people back, and by the way, send some rice dumplings, pickled vegetables and braised meat to Aunt Jingshu's house.

Of course, there is no second aunt Jingshu.

This was done according to Jing Nai's words, "The boss still thought that I, the old lady, would call me back to eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival. The second brother, a white-eyed wolf, didn't say a word and wouldn't give it to her. Let her go there alone! "

When he came back, Jing's father brought back all the frozen pears from his aunt's house and the rice dumplings he made. Jingshu thought they were delicious after eating them last time, and her aunt has been thinking about this.

Aunt Jingshu is also a sensible person. Even relatives must have contact in order to survive for a long time. You cannot blindly take from the people you love the most without giving.

This is the way to behave in the world, and it is also the way to be a human being.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the armed policeman in the patrol car was given some rice dumplings from her aunt's house, which were quite ordinary. Jingshu could feel that the patrol car was more dedicated, but there was no news about the incident, which made Jingshu very anxious, as if in the dark. There were eyes watching her all the time.

In mid-June, the patrol car at Jingshu's villa finally evacuated, and at the same time Yang Yang came with Wang Dazhao.

"Just say it at the door, you are dirty." Yang Yang squatted aside and studied the traps in the pit.

The Zhetian matter has not been resolved because according to the latest news, all the spies in the National Code Series have fled to the United States.

"Are you really sure you want to go to the United States?" Jing Shu said as she looked at Wang Dazhao, who had changed drastically for the third time.

At first, Wang Dazhao was a sunny boy with the joy of becoming a father. Then Wang Dazhao's pregnant wife died tragically. He lost the meaning of life and only wanted to recover.

After successfully killing more than a dozen people, he said that this life belonged to Jingshu. At that time, he was like a walking zombie. Jingshu asked him to cover the sky and he went to cover the sky. He might just live to obey Jingshu's orders.

After destroying Zhe Tian, ​​Jing Shu asked Wang Dazhao to follow Yang Yang. Unexpectedly, in less than a month, Wang Dazhao turned black and grew a mustache. He became much stronger and had more eyes. some colors.

Raw colors.

Wang Dazhao looked at Yang Yang next to him, his eyes bright and said: "Although chasing Zhe Tian is also part of the mission, the Lieutenant Colonel still has to go to the United States to do several important things. How can such things be omitted from me? Don't worry, I will definitely do it." You take revenge."

Yang Yang stood up, stepped on his military boots, and hummed: "Don't think that the United States alone can mess up our China. I will never come back unless I go and stir up troubles! So that I can teach them what tit for tat means."

Jing Shu gave a thumbs up: "You can have this."

"I heard Wang Dazhao say that you are looking for a RV? We do have a goal here, but you have to transport it back by yourself, and you have to do me a favor." Yang Yang coughed and finally revealed the purpose of his visit this time. .

"Where is it? What model?" Jing Shu asked. She still didn't like ordinary RVs, but looking at Yang Yang's expression, she intuitively told her that it was not a good thing.

Thanks to Jiu Luzi, Yu Ji, Thirteen of my wife, please reward me when you meet me.

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