I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 118 New function of space - cultivating poisonous bees

"Miscellaneous, that's not a fool's errand. People just go out to avoid the limelight temporarily because of environmental problems. Isn't there a saying that if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood? You can save your life and wait for the environment to get better, or you will go back. Who? How can you give up your own home!"

"Besides, going out for a walk should be regarded as a trip. Haven't you always wanted to visit Sichuan and Sichuan? Let's go together when we have the chance." Jing Shu planned to take it step by step.

Jing Nai nodded after hearing this: "Okay, I can accept what you say, but our home is so safe, Nai Nai won't go anywhere, and she won't bother."

"...Then when the earthquake and flood come, will you run away?"

"Then you have to run, Nai is not a fool."

Yes, it’s not hopeless after all. When the RV comes and is transformed into a comfortable state, I’ll tell Jingnai every day about driving the RV to Sichuan and travel to Sichuan. Then I’ll wait for a big earthquake to make a few more attempts. The migration will definitely go smoothly.

Jingshu discovered that when persuading someone, you can't deny them, but try your best to get her/him to do it, and then hey, the effect will be surprisingly good.

Everyone has a rebellious mentality, Jingshu understands.

As for Master Jing? Once you have a good grasp of your willingness to stop breastfeeding, it will be easier for the whole family.

In the evening, Jingshu wrapped herself in a down jacket and took the chicken out for a long walk. The chicken has been in a bad state recently, and its appetite has plummeted, so Jingshu took it out to relax and observe for a few days to see if it was possible. Is your life span expired if you drink too much Lingquan? But it doesn't look like he's full of energy.

It's really cold at night. Fat chickens are neither afraid of heat nor cold. I'm so envious.

Speaking of this spooky weather, Jingshu has been wondering if it is because almost all the dust particles in the earth's atmosphere have fallen, causing the atmosphere to become weak.

During the day, because we are too close to the sun and dust particles are falling, the temperature rises sharply. At night, because there is no heat source, the surface temperature drops crazily to a few degrees Celsius. In all conjectures, Jing Shu felt that the stars were exploding. The theory that the earth has been pushed out of its orbit and one step closer to the sun is the most proven.

Now the soil is not as serious as it was at the beginning. It is less than one centimeter thick every day. It has stabilized and will become less and less in the future.

It’s just that the dark days lasted for half a year. According to news reports, dust accumulated up to two meters high in some places. Many roads were submerged and many small rivers and mountain springs disappeared. I don’t know how much of the soil was extinct during the six months of darkness. Plants, how much water is wasted.

It may also be one of the main reasons for future changes in territory and even desertification.

But it is always a thought. Some people propose that when the earth ends, it is when the sun rises, so that the less earth there is, the more infinite hope it can give people.

After walking the chickens, Jingshu checked that the traps in the villa were functioning properly and then closed the door to make sure that the air conditioner in the chicken pen was at a constant temperature and that the poultry were healthy.

Went to the flower house again, where the bees built their own hive and multiplied to hundreds of bees to check whether there were carrion bugs and maggots inside.

Dad Jing brought back a batch of glue and repair tools last time, and repaired the villa perfectly to ensure perfect sealing.

Jingshu seems to have explored new features of the Rubik's Cube space recently.

As long as the animals raised in the space exceed a certain time limit and the limit of feeding the spiritual spring, she seems to be able to feel the emotions of these creatures and guide them.

When she fed No. 1 and a group of chickens, only No. 1 gave birth to Lingzhi, and the other chickens did not respond. She once thought that only a lot of Lingquan could feed No. 1 Lingzhi.

The second time I felt strange was that the bees that I had kept for half a year did not attack her when I kept them in the flower room. She knew that she was the owner, but she seemed unable to guide these bees at that time.

The third time was after the second form of the Rubik's Cube space was frequently activated recently. She was with the poultry in the space every day, facing the tides. She seemed to be able to guide these bees to fly out and fly back. And the bees knew what she was thinking.

However, the bees in the greenhouse, which had been moved out three months ago, had no feeling at all. Jingshu could not guide them, and had no contact with them at all. The only good thing was that the bees would not attack her.

Jingshu released several batches of bees in the space for experiments and found that after more than one day, she could not guide these bees and had no contact with them.

On the contrary, when the bees in the greenhouse were put into the space, there was still no response after more than ten days, and no contact could be established anymore.

This made Jingshu realize how difficult it is to guide bees.

If it was due to the second form of the Rubik's Cube space, then Jingshu had no connection with the other poultry, chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits and quails in the space and could not guide them so far.

Oh, by the way, the other poultry in the space are basically raised and killed in batches. They eat and grow faster, so they don’t stay in the space as long as the bees.

Although the lifespan of bees is about three months, Jingshu's group of bees are still alive because of drinking the spiritual spring. They have reproduced twice as many times and have given birth to a new queen bee.

Therefore, Jing Shu guessed that the creature that Jing Shu could connect with and guide would have to stay in space for at least half a year, and it would need to consume spiritual springs every day. This spiritual spring intake can be very small, but it must be there, and You cannot leave the space for more than one day. After more than one day, the connection will be cut off and it will probably have to be re-established.

Let Jing Shu call it the fusion ability of the Rubik's Cube space, a mysterious ability that allows creatures to completely fuse regardless of race.

Jingshu thought about using bees as a means of attack. For example, when she was tied up and unable to move, or when a relative was threatened with a knife on her neck and could not move, releasing bees was a good method.

Even after a period of time, the law was restarted, and killing was illegal. Using bees to kill people without anyone noticing was simply ignoring the law, which was really convenient.

But a bee sting is not fatal, and just one sting is enough. Jingshu is thinking about cultivating a few killer bees, or getting some poison to soak the stings of bees, or increasing the spiritual spring to cultivate a group of combat bees.

"Would you like to ask Wu Youai if her mentor has killer bees? It's been more than half a year since the end of the world. These species are almost extinct. And if they are to be cultivated again, it will take at least half a year and feed the spiritual spring every day. For now, it is better to strengthen the space first. The bees!"

Jingshu finally decided to get a batch of deadly poison first and let a group of bees do experiments. Under the protection of the spiritual spring, let's see if they can resist stinging people with their stingers.

Thanks to sdtwk, Jingzhi Chu gave me a reward~ If you have a book list, please add it to my collection. Thank you!

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