I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 132 Dad, someone is bullying me!

“Big data has been synchronized with WeChat activities. You can see where and when you went every day, and you can also bind the whereabouts of your loved ones.

Moreover, from now on, all citizens must check in with their faces every day. Each visiting specialist is responsible for conducting spot checks and videotaping at any time. Each district government is responsible for investigation. Civil servants, individual public institutions, and people over 65 years old ignore this requirement.

In addition to personal data, big data also has reporting and emergency call functions. It is expected that new shopping platforms such as big data barter market, virtual currency exchange, and intra-city buying and selling will be opened next year, so stay tuned. "

After the news broadcast, WeChat was updated again.

On this day, almost everyone was discussing big data, and they all found it novel. At the same time, the benefits of the system were increasingly reflected, and the superior civil servants who made exceptions in everything made everyone gradually popular. Blinded.

The terms "inside the system" and "outside the system" are gradually being spread by more and more people. What is "inside the system"?

Not only civil servants, but also public institutions and employees in various fields under the government, such as those who manage recycling items, those who are responsible for food sources, those who cook in supermarkets, those who clean, security guards, etc.

How to become a civil servant? First become any employee under the government, and then become a full-time employee after you do well. Of course, it is even harder to find a formal job now. All you have waiting for you are odd jobs issued by the government. It is good to have enough to eat. .

After the family finished dinner, they each opened WeChat and looked at their own data with curiosity, "I wonder where I went that day? I don't even remember."

Jingshu also clicked on Big Data's own information. The route from January 2023 to the present is recorded in detail, with curve charts and analysis charts, and purchase and consumption records dating back to 2018.

Of course, the other work column records: Honorary Advisor of the Development Zone Management Department.

The recorded incident is recorded as follows: Acting bravely for justice on January 14, 2023, recorded commendation.

On May 29, 2023, Zhang Qiang, the leader of Zhetian No. 3, and a group of lawless elements were captured and recorded second-class merit.

Note: Second-class merit winners will be given priority to skip the queue and go straight through when swiping their ID cards.

Others were recorded as guilty of crimes, but Jingshu was recorded as having second-class merit. She no longer had to wait in line for anything in the future. How cool!

"I don't need to sign in and clock in." Jing's mother took out her phone.

"I don't need it either." Dad Jing said with a naive smile.

"I don't need it anymore!" Third Gu felt very honored. Although she was not a civil servant yet, she had become the team leader last time because of the condiments given by Jingshu. The director said that she would be considered for the next round of promotions.

"Not only do I not have to sign in and clock in, I don't have to queue up to buy or change things and swipe my face!" Jing Shu felt a lot. In her previous life, she couldn't afford to eat and was on the verge of life and death. However, in this life, she brought her family into the system.

What a great start.

Jing Nai and Jing Ye said, "We are older, so we don't need to deal with this."

The whole family laughed, it was so nice.

With the release of big data, status within the system has increased. Coupled with the shortage of food and water, everyone is still relying on eating grain worms to survive, and they are increasingly thinking about finding connections and jobs.

If you are too hard, you can only use soft food. If you rely on others, who will let the government hold everything you eat?

The government now advertises every day that those who obey will get food, and those who disobey will be punished by killing so many people every day. This move of the government really scares the people.

But he never expected that Wang Zhong from the original decoration company, whom Jing's father never wanted to have anything to do with, came to visit.

Jing Ye and Jing Dad have been very busy recently. Every day when the temperature drops, they are busy building a house in the area behind the villa. It is mainly a large garage prepared for RVs. When there is an earthquake and various natural disasters, the house must be strong and earthquake-resistant.

Also, Jingshu needs to occupy all the land that needs to be occupied before the flood next year. Otherwise, even the basement will be crowded next year, and it will be difficult for her to occupy the land again. There is a mountain behind the villa. It was relatively desolate. Although it was considered a public area within the community, this place would not be inhabited and would not affect others. When the time came, she would pay a "fine" and get over it.

Before dinner that afternoon, while Jingshu was mixing cement from the decoration master Liu in front of the villa gate, an electric bicycle rode over, and a middle-aged man wrapped in a military coat but with a pretty appearance got off. man.

Jingshu was busy using the shovel and cement while the man took down two large bags of things from his bicycle, looked at the villa, and then at Jingshu.

Oh, after the apocalypse, someone actually comes from home to give gifts. Who is it for?

"Is it Jing'an's family?"


The middle-aged man frowned, "That's the family name. Don't you know Jing'an?"

"do not know."

"I am Wang Zhong, an old friend from Jing'an. We have a good relationship. His wife's name is Su Lanzhi, and his daughter's name is Jingzhu. Look, I came to visit him. What Lao Liu told me is here, this cement is still You took it from me, are you Jingzhu?"

Wang Zhong finally couldn't bear it anymore. He was convinced by telling lies with his eyes open, but he still asked patiently.

My sister Zhu, you can’t even remember your name and yet you dare to come and give me gifts.

"I don't know, I'm not Jingzhu."

Jing Shu narrowed her eyes, it turned out to be Wang Zhong, the old friend whom she had heard about for more than 20 years, who had been living in Jing's father's mouth, a good brother who had never seen him in this life, and who he wanted to ask for today. Time for people?

The impression of Wang Zhong has always been in the legend. No matter whether Jing's father was poor or down and out, he had never met him. In this life, because of the butterfly effect of the tempered glass cover, Jing's father accidentally fell out with the company and was dismissed. He was fired from the company, and he was the mastermind, so he had never seen Wang Zhong.

"Then I'll call the door."

Jing Shu blocked the door and said nothing. In fact, she was thinking about what Wang Zhong had done in her past life.

It was obviously a company started by Wang Zhong and Jingba, but in the end it became a company owned by Wang Zhong and several other shareholders, and Jingba was kicked out. Jingba did not resist and worked with 2% dividends every year until the end of the world. Later, they parted ways. Selling the company in exchange for food was even more unthinkable for Jing’s father.

This life went even further, directly expelling Jing's dad and forcing Jing's dad to withdraw his shares, which broke Jing's dad's heart.

"Whose family do you naughty kid belong to? Get out of the way!"

Jing Shu is still blocking the door. Logically speaking, Jing’s father has been trained by her and is no longer the same as before. However, Jing Shu is afraid that Jing’s father will see someone, and she is looking forward to seeing someone, so she gives her an answer sheet. .

How many points will the answer sheet that Jing’s dad gives Jing Shu get? Jingshu was a little uneasy.

"Jingshu, get some more cement." Jing's father's shout came from the back mountain.

At this moment, Jingshu rolled her eyes and immediately howled: "Dad, someone is bullying me!"

Thanks to Kaikai’s children for the reward.

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