I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 138 Twenty-Four Bridges On a moonlit night, where is the beauty...

Chapter 138 Twenty-Four Bridges on a moonlit night, where is the beauty?

Jingshu frowned, "That's your personal opinion. I really need PVC plastic, otherwise I have to replace it with water?" Jingshu seemed to vaguely remember that Nimasang liked Yao Zizhen, and was afraid that she was impatient and thought she was It’s also interesting for Yao Zizhen.

Nima-san: "Maybe you exchange the free 300ml water for some plastic to get the school grassroots to pay attention to you. Oh, stop pretending. I've seen all your little tricks, but the methods are a bit vulgar."

Yao Zizhen, who was silent here, had already added Jingshu, "Jingshu, what kind of PVC plastic do you want? How much do you want? What kind of water should you use to replace it?"

Jing Shu saw that Nima Sang was going too far, and she originally wanted to save some face for her, but she gave up:

" @Nima Sang, you have fallen in love with Yao Zizhen, right? Aren't you afraid that Xie Zihao, who took a mandarin duck bath with you when you graduated from high school, will be jealous?"

Of course, this matter only came out later. Jingshu didn't mind breaking it out in advance to give everyone a good start. As a person who has come back from rebirth, his rank is much higher, and Jingshu doesn't care to play with such a low rank.

He Shouzu: "Wow, is it true?"

Nima Sang: "You fart!! You are so eager to jump over the wall and slander me at will!"

Jing Shu laughed: "You insisted on opening separate rooms for mixed bathing in the bathhouse, but they didn't agree. Xie Zihao gave you 200 yuan before letting you in. I happened to be next to you, and I screamed very loudly. I was also hit by a pinprick at that time. Recorded it and you forgot about it?”

Jing Shu's news was like a cannonball blasting into the water, exploding many people.

"This news is really exciting. Xie Zihao is so ugly and has acne on his face, but he is still with him."

"Although he is ugly, he is rich."

"I didn't expect Nima to be such a person."

"I want to watch a movie, a movie starring an innocent female classmate from high school."

Nima Sang: "That's enough. I have nothing to do with that ugly guy anymore. The end of the world has come, so everyone should think about how to survive. And Jingshu, I advise you to be kind."

Look, you talk about relationships with some people, she talks about ideals with you, you talk about ideals with her, and she talks about life to you. In short, she is right.

At this time, Xie Zihao also stood up: "On a moonlit night at the Twenty-Fourth Bridge, where can beauties teach me how to play the flute? Nima, this is what you said. It's really sad. At that time, you didn't dislike me when you were playing the flute in the Yuanyang Bath." ."

If what Jing Shu said needs to be verified, then it would be real if the parties involved were exposed.


"Worshiping the boss completely shattered Nima's pure image in my heart."

Su Marie: "What does blowing-xiao have to do with taking a bath in a mandarin duck bath??"

Everyone: "..."

He Shouzhen: "Come on, let me tell you what's wrong."

The topic in the group shifted from replacing items to talking about Nima Sang. Everyone was having a great time chatting. Zhang Lingling also counted the number of people again. There were 56 people in the class. Now there are WeChat steps and bubbles. There are only more than half, and the rest do not know life or death. Some people’s WeChat friends circle stays on a certain day forever.

On the other side, Jing Shu contacted Yao Zizhen. Fortunately, Yao Zizhen’s home was quite professional and could make Jingshu’s request, an integrated PVC plastic ceiling, high in the middle and low around the bottom. When it rains, it will flow down.

In order to prevent some red threadworms from settling on the ceiling, Jingshu asked Jingshu to make a PVC wiper. At that time, Jingye asked Jingye to install a manual wiper. The design of pulling the roller curtains under the villa can scrape off all foreign objects. .

Naturally, rain collecting boxes are also needed. Jingshu asked for four to be placed at the four corners, as well as for the RV garage. Speaking of which, the garage has been built. It has been so long. Why did you go to the United States? There is no news at all about Wang Dazhao and Yang Yang?

I made calls during the Jingshu period but they were all out of the service area. Well, the roaming service is no longer available. Forget about international calls and so on. But if there is a network in the United States, is it okay to use wifi to make sure it is safe? Jingshu decided that if there was no news for another month, she would have no choice but to wait. If it was impossible, she would ask Minister Niu again.

As for the color of the PVC ceiling, Jingshu requested black.

Originally, Yao Zizhen was also thinking about what Nima Sang said, and whether she said it deliberately because she was interested in him. Although PVC is widely used, no one wants it now. But when Jingshu said her request, Yao Zizhen Swallowed: This is a big deal.

"Ahem, yes, yes, but how much water do you plan to use to replace it?" Yao Zizhen was a little worried that Jingshu would kill him with a little water.

"Do you want mineral water or ordinary water?"

Yao Zizhen thought for a while: "Just use ordinary water. You can change it more."

"50 liters, right?" Jingshu said. This number is just enough to last their family until October. At least there will be no such shortage of water at that time. For Jingshu's family, this amount of water is just a daily requirement for a cow. need

The gap between rich and poor is so wide.

"It's equivalent to more than 300 centimeters, okay." Yao Zizhen did the math and found out that his family only sold a lot of things for a few tens of centimeters, and now they only picked up branches day and night for only a dozen centimeters, and this one It was worth it to get so many things in exchange for just one item. His house was considered a factory after all, but it was a pity that he had to exchange for food at that time. Who would have thought that there would be a shortage of water?

"I'll give you 10 liters as a deposit first, is that okay?"

"Okay, thank you, we'll get it done as soon as possible."

After Jing Shu finished talking, Zhang Lingling successfully brought the topic back to the group chat, asking everyone to prepare items that could be replaced and have a party in an abandoned shopping mall in the new urban area to replace the items three days later.

Zhang Lingling: "Then let's talk about it this way. Everyone will report their needs and what they can offer to me, and I will write it down in the announcement group. Then it will be clear to everyone."

Jingshu closed the WeChat group. She hasn't thought of any other needs yet. As for the class reunion, forget it. She doesn't want to go. Dressing too cleanly is showing off, and deliberately low-keying her strength is not allowed.

Countless people are wandering on the edge of life and death every day, and many people die. The public reacts fiercely and demands to learn from Africa to build caves more than ten meters high. At least the temperature can be lowered, and so much water is not needed, so so many people will not die.

However, Chinese experts predict that this high temperature will not last long, but if it lasts for so long now, it means that the higher the sea level rises, the more violent the flood will be, and the entire army in the cave will be annihilated.

The arid savannahs of Africa will not be flooded before burrows will be built.

In this damn weather where she should stay at home, Jingshu finished her dinner, drove into the car, and went to the damn class reunion with a few buckets of water. She swore that she really didn’t want to go, she swore that the name Sumary's person must be her nemesis, otherwise, why would it happen to replace what she needs by such a coincidence?

Thanks o佞o, Aiko is giving me a reward.

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