I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 38 Getting more serious

The big pot of rice served in Jing's mother's office at noon was full of sand. You had to swallow the rice directly without chewing it. Jing's mother broke her teeth just eating the big pot of rice. Jingshu decided that she should prepare it and take it with her. This had never happened in her previous life. Such a thing.

"Isn't this domesticated? Our poultry is not in contact with the outside world, and it is no problem to maintain ventilation and temperature. When I come, I will have to change the chicken pen to a double-layered one with my dad, otherwise it will be too small."

"I know, hey, although some farms have processed poultry in accordance with regulations and qualified operations, more farms have made these (river crab) processed meat into various kinds of braised meat, air-dried meat, etc. and sold them." Jing Dad felt like vomiting when he thought of the countless unprocessed chickens and ducks floating in the black water in the big boiler.

In fact, it is good to eat some. Now that poultry is dying of heat in large areas, it is not serious. If the poultry that cannot be disposed of is piled up in two or three months, carrion and all kinds of rotten maggots will break out, then it will be serious. .

Not eating meat in the early stage, but eating maggots in the later stage is hypocritical.

"Now I don't dare to eat poultry meat outside. The price of vegetables has increased a lot, and the price of food has also increased. I hope this dark day will end quickly in more than ten days. We are so relaxed." Jing Ma said with a headache.

I'm afraid the Dark Day will never end. The end of the world has just begun, but no one realizes it.

After seeing off Jing's mother at work, Jingshu took a pen to record what happened in the first year of the apocalypse in her mind to make corresponding preparations. The main reason was that after ten years, Jingshu had forgotten some things.

In the first month of the apocalypse in the previous life, Jingshu was doing live broadcasts at home with the air conditioner blowing. Jing’s father and Jing’s mother went to work as usual. Half of the water in Wucheng was mud. Jing’s father found a connection and bought a batch of mineral water at a high price, but it was a pity that he divided it. Half of them went out, which resulted in running out of water.

It is now January 14th. In a few days, due to the high temperature, the fish in the river will die and float, completely polluting the water source. When it comes to a month, the power supply will begin to be restricted, and it will be difficult to refuel.

The water supply was cut off for a month and a half, so we relied on water tankers, and each household received a limited amount of water.

The dark days of the past two months have not passed yet. Everyone has entered a sense of crisis and started to collect more food. However, as the power supply hours continue to decrease, the weather is getting hotter, coupled with the lack of water, restrictions on food purchases, and the reduction of supplies, etc., Within a few months, a dark half year of gang killings took place.

Jingshu bit her pen, so her current shortcoming is her absolute strength. She has become much stronger through the spiritual spring. She can definitely knock down an adult with one punch, but even the masters were beaten to death by random punches, let alone those who have no foundation. What about her?

He quickly wrote down a plan, at least to get the wooden warehouse before the dark half year comes, and he must also take precautions in the villa;

To prevent various surprise attacks, you must always prepare a foolproof life-saving bargaining chip. No matter what weapon the opponent uses, you must ensure that you are protected instantly and have the ability to fight back, so as to prevent the tragedy of the previous life.

Jingshu's only bargaining chip is absolute control over the Rubik's Cube space, so how can she use the Rubik's Cube space to save her life?


A message from the owner group interrupted Jingshu's thoughts.

Supermarket boss Bai: " @Everyone, I bought a batch of mineral water, 20 yuan/bottle. If you want it, leave a message with the building number, and I will deliver it to you."

I have a baby on the 13th: "Boss Bai, there is still a way to get water. It's awesome. What brand is it so expensive?"

Supermarket boss Bai: "Produced locally."

Then the crowd began to compete for water. Nowadays, large supermarkets limit the amount of water that each person can buy, but the new water that arrives every day is still sold out in a short time. The purified water produced by major water plants cannot keep up with the consumption of the people.

In fact, the water from the faucet has too much sand and soil. Installing a single filter will definitely not work. You need to install 6 filters like Jingshu did.

It is okay to use soil for domestic water, but no matter how much the water you drink is sedimented, it will always be full of sand, which many people can't stand, which has led to the scarcity of mineral water today.

Jingshu remembered that in the early days, in order to make money and work, some people poured industrially filtered water into mineral water bottles and sold it through small businesses. Many people drank it and had diarrhea and metal poisoning. Those with poor health went directly to their ancestors, which was worse than eating hot chicken. serious.

After searching the Internet, it turned out that a lot of locally produced water is industrially filtered water, so I took a picture and sent it to the owner group to remind everyone to check it before buying.

Supermarket boss Bai: " @Xiaoshu villa area, what are you talking about if you don't buy it? I used my connections to buy the goods for only 19 yuan a bottle and earned 1 yuan of hard-earned money. You posted this kind of picture to put me and the profiteering little guy What do you mean when traders make comparisons?”

Luxury car dealer No. 5: "Boss, ignore her and bring us water quickly."

Luo Hao No. 13: "Yes, the villa area is amazing."

Feng No. 3: "Local products are so expensive. Isn't it because the industry can filter water? Can't it be cheaper?"

Young Breast I Have a Baby No. 13: "Xiao Shu reminds me well, I can't take risks when I have a baby, and I don't need any more water."

Then there were a few more people who refused, and the angry supermarket owner said: " @Xiaoshu Villa District, I remember you, please don't come here to buy water or food in the future."

Wang Qiqi No. 13; "Okay, everyone, stop arguing. @Xiaoshu Villa District is right to remind you that everyone needs to check things before buying them."

The group became much quieter. Jing Shu just kindly reminded them that the Holy Mother was not trying to stop them from dying. It would be good if they could take care of themselves in the last days.

After a while, Dad Jing also saw the group message.

Jing'an Villa District: " @Supermarket Boss Bai, do you open the small supermarket at the entrance of the community? [Smile]"

Supermarket boss Bai: "Yes, you want water?"

Jing'an Villa Area: "Okay, got it. [smile] [smile]"

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature in Wucheng was as high as 49°C. Jingshu was sitting in the lobby of J, blowing on the air conditioner, drinking refrigerated orange juice, ignoring the drooling looks of the people around her.

"So you knew in advance about the industrial water sold by the supermarket owner and alerted the members of the owner group. As a result, you were insulted by the supermarket owner. And your father went to the supermarket owner to argue with him about why he sold industrial water, which caused a conflict. Your father was protecting himself normally. , right?" the staff confirmed again.

Jingshu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

The truth of the matter is that her father suddenly went to the supermarket and beat the supermarket owner until he couldn't take care of himself. Then the supermarket owner's wife called the police. When they were about to arrest Jing's father, Jing Shu came to the rescue. The man named Luo Hao came to the rescue. A neighbor got metal poisoning soon after drinking the water. He sent a message asking for help in the group, and everyone realized that the supermarket owner was selling industrial water.

Jing Shu took the opportunity to discuss it with Jing’s father.

"You have done a great job. We will severely punish the behavior of selling industrial water at high prices. We will confiscate all his materials and carry out labor reform. In view of your brave behavior, this transaction will be recorded in your files. Yes. You can rest for a while and wait for your dad to come out." The staff member saluted, took the pen and left.

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