I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 54 Jingshu’s killer weapon

Wang Dazhao No. 1: "I'm so greedy when you say that. I went to the supermarket to queue up last night and all the seasonings were sold out. Now I just add some salt when cooking at home, and it's all gone."

Wang Cuihua sent a voice message: "The spice wholesale market is closed. You must buy some oil when you go to the supermarket, otherwise you won't be able to even cook in the future."

Feng No. 3: "The maggots on the meat in my refrigerator have frozen into ice. Can I still eat it? I only need to use electricity for 3 hours a day on a crazy day. I don't even know what the meat in the refrigerator has become like!"

Wang Xuemei No. 2: "It's all meat, so what can't be eaten? Supermarket snacks and frozen foods are all gone. It's good to eat what you have."

Feng No. 3: "What are you afraid of? I have saved more than ten bags of rice and I can't believe it won't be available by then."

See, people in the early days of the apocalypse always hope that light will return.

Jingshu shook her head and ignored what was said in the group. She quickly roasted the quails and put them into the Rubik's Cube space. She then went to the ice machine to replace a few buckets of ice and put them in the yard. Jingshu was fully armed and went out with number 1. .

The heat wave suddenly rushed into the respiratory tract, and the sweat on the body immediately flowed down. In the dim community, only the shadow of the fat chicken could be seen unaffected. Not far away, you could still see the looming light coming from the luxurious glass cover. .

Jing Shu then thought that although the villa area was remote, it was still within the community. As it would be full next year, her family's electricity, water and food would have to be covered up. As a person, she still had to keep a low profile.

Just like if you look through a telescope from the heights of Building 25, you can definitely see the apple trees laden with fruit in the yard of her villa, so Jingshu decided not to sweep away the dust on the tempered glass cover of the villa.

Keep accumulating it, the thicker the better. In this way, if you turn on the lights inside, the fish ponds and vegetables in the yard will be covered, and no one can see what is going on in the villa.

Oh, by the way, most of the residents now don’t turn on the lights. They either use flashlights or candles. Everything is slowly returning to its original state. If your car is out of gas, you can use a bicycle or an electric tricycle. During rush hours, the streets are filled with the sound of car bells and the honking of bus horns, and the traffic police are busy again.

Most of the people who are still going to and from work are civil servants and people from public institutions, and most businesses are closed. It is reported that so far, more than 500,000 migrant workers have left Wucheng, and they have all returned to their hometowns. Hundreds of thousands of people who went out to work have returned. , there are still hundreds of thousands of people idle at home, doing things for themselves, and the government slaughtering poultry and hiring idle people is another way to find something to do for this group of people.

Planes are currently grounded due to weather conditions, and a large number of people have to be deployed to maintain the rails due to soil excavation, so the number of trains has been reduced by half. Fortunately, Jingshu and her family no longer need to travel to other places. Jing’s mother heard from her uncle that they have this A distant relative was coming, and it was something that had never happened in her previous life. Jing Shu's heart was pounding. Could it be that she was inciting some kind of butterfly effect again?

Number 1 twisted her butt and could peck out all kinds of bugs without fluttering. The new species of carrion bugs would invade soon. Jingshu felt that the current proliferation of these bugs should be inseparable.

The black fungus beetle is now completely extinct. It has only been popular for half a month, but it has also caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people in Wucheng. As for Jingshu, she doesn’t know how many people have died from viral colds across the country. Before the end of the news One month to catch corrupt officials, the first month to catch celebrities, this month they have been confiscating materials from various food factories, and by the way, they report how chaotic the public security is abroad.

As there are only more than a hundred people living in such a remote community, and five people have died so far, the 4% mortality rate is actually relatively low in the apocalypse.

Jingshu came to the back mountain again, which was overgrown with weeds and granite.

After thinking about her life-saving trump card for a long time, Jing Shu felt that it would be more reliable to use hard granite to complete it.

Jingshu received the huge granite into the space, and then swung the pendulum saw back and forth to cut the rock. It can leave curved incisions on large stones. This technology comes from the Mycenaean civilization in Greece, and is very difficult to achieve in reality. Complete but quiet in space, the spiritual power is the master.

Despite this, after scrapping dozens of tools and spending twenty days, Jingshu completed 30 killer weapons occupying 15 cubic meters.

Cut granite into conical columns that are taller than a person and thicker than a person. The sharp heads can be used to kill enemies. They can also be dropped into the ground to form four rows of shield walls in times of crisis. They can even be used when there is a lack of houses. Transformed into a mobile stone house.

Each conical column made of granite weighs more than 2 tons. Jingshu uses space as a source launcher, which can be shot out like an arrow. She uses her mental power to lift the rock and smash it out with all her strength. The moment it is smashed out, It frees up space for it to continue completing its inertia.

Jing Shu has been practicing with other rocks these days, and the best result is that she can shoot it more than 20 meters away, and there is a huge crater around it. With the intake of spiritual spring, she can shoot further.

If Jingshu's life is in danger, Jingshu can throw seven or eight cones in an instant due to the large number of people on the opposite side, and they are guaranteed to smash them together. If he cannot be killed in one hit, he can pick them up and smash them again in the space.

But if she uses this trick, she will not be able to survive. She will not let anyone know the secret of the Rubik's Cube Space in this life, except the dead.

So this is a life-saving move that cannot be used unless absolutely necessary. The pistol can still explain it. How can you explain why you shot so many rocks out of thin air?

In addition to walking chickens, handling manure, collecting water, and cooking every day, Jingshu has another task: cutting granite. Since the space is limited and there is no room for extra granite, Jingshu still secretly makes weapons every day. After making them, she inserts them into the soil and buries them. When they are needed in the future, she can come over and store them in the space.

Although this killer weapon is awesome, it is too huge, heavy and limited in distance. It will break into pieces after falling from the air a few times. Without the impact of the sharp end, it is difficult to cause serious damage.

The inspiration came from Jingshu's sudden idea of ​​firing a repeating crossbow in the space. In the same way, Jingshu can also control several repeating crossbows in the space to release the arrows at the same moment.

The advantages are: the random arrows have strong firepower and are suitable for when there are many people. The disadvantages are: it is not accurate, it is left to chance, its lethality is not as powerful as that of a stone, and it cannot kill with one hit.

Jingshu also touched the pistol these days, just raising it to aim, and did not dare to shoot, not only wasting bullets, but also afraid of attracting attention.

At the same time, I practiced the repeating crossbow. The operation is simple and convenient, but the accuracy is inaccurate. If it doesn't work, I can control multiple repeating crossbows in the space. If there is someone I want to shoot, just shoot them with random arrows. She really doesn't have the strength of the protagonists in other novels. You can hit the target with just a little research, so let's use simple and crude methods.

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