I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 57 Delicious foods made from soybeans

The old couple moved all the bedding, daily necessities, clothes, etc. from the country to the new house. It seemed that they planned to live there permanently. For this reason, Jing Shu's mind was put back in her stomach. Is it possible that her grandpa is under her nose in this life? Can die?

Sangu and Wu Youai also made a special trip to find Jingshu. In the past few days, Sangu knitted Jingshu a cotton vest, knee pads, and cotton socks with wool thread. Wu Youai packed a dozen silkworms in cartons and said, "Didn't you say you wanted silkworms a few days ago? I asked the professor for some experimental ones. There are no more domestically raised silkworms. This is the amber silkworm. , the silk it spits out is gold silk, and is currently only produced and used in India. The feed can eat a variety of plants, and it’s up to you whether you can feed it.”

Jingshu collected the silkworms in surprise. She had been busy collecting various supplies during this period and had forgotten about the silkworms. When she thought about it, she could no longer find the silkworms. They were probably dead because of the temperature, unless they were like her. The villa is heated 24 hours a day.

Jing Shu did not expect that Wu Youai could still be found. Although it was not a Chinese species, as long as it could spin silk, it was a good silkworm.

If you raise some silkworms now, the silk will be of great use in the future. There will be no new production of cotton, linen, etc. after the apocalypse. In the past few years, it was okay. It could be picked out from other people's homes and corpses. In the next few years, the government The quilts, clothes, etc. are almost all given out, and there are no new ones anymore. Although Jingshu also bought a lot, there will always be a day when they are used up.

Cotton is okay, she can plant some in her Rubik's Cube space, and we can weave a clear path, but there are many places where silk is needed. She doesn't need too many silkworms, she just needs to leave a seed, and it can be reproduced at any time when it is needed.

Jing Shu knew that Sangu and Wu Youai were thanking her for the medicine they sent that day. Although she didn't say much, her actions spoke volumes. Jingshu feels that this is how relatives should get along with each other: reciprocate politely and be grateful.

Relatives are not obligated to do anything for you, just like Su Meimei, who asks endlessly in the name of relatives. If you help, it is a sign of affection, but if you do not help, it is a duty.

Jingshu's interest in San Gu and Wu You, whom she had not gotten along with in her previous life, increased.

"Grinding tofu is also a university question!" Jingye turned the small millstone and started the 'Jingshanhe style' bragging. Jingye's full name is Jingshanhe, a very majestic name.

Jing Nai added some water from time to time, directing Master Jing like a donkey, while Jing Shu looked on amused.

In the next few days, Jingshu was busy grinding soybeans into tofu and making various delicacies.

In the south, it is made with gypsum, which has a delicate texture. In the north, it is made with brine, which is older in texture but has a stronger tofu flavor and is tougher. Wucheng in the north uses brine more often.

I also made a dozen 2L tofu curds to eat in the morning. I made a lot of soy milk and burned it and stored it in the last cubic meter of space. It is convenient enough that you can drink it directly when you want.

When making tofu, you burn the soy milk, and there will be a layer of skin on top. After cooling, the tofu skin will form. Jingshu fried them all until crispy, and also made yuba and put it in the free refrigerator.

Jingshu made part of the remaining tofu into frozen tofu. Next time she takes out the hot pot, she can put it in and cook it. Part of it was made into dried tofu of various flavors, and part of it was made into fried tofu and wrapped in eggs. It is fried to a golden color and tastes delicious simply sprinkled with salt.

Jing Nai left some tofu to make stinky tofu, and Jing Shu thought of Changsha stinky tofu and was so greedy that her mouth watered.

As expected, Jingshu made the remaining soybeans into five-spice salt-and-pepper crispy soybeans. There was really no room to store them, so she stored them in a 2L sealed jar. She saved more than a dozen jars and squeezed two more jars into the space. Where to eat, you can achieve the highest state of being a foodie when you want to eat at any time.

Time blinked to mid-March, and the weather was still so hot, and the dark days still showed no sign of recovery. Everyone realized a terrible fact: the dark days seemed to never end, and the weather seemed not to change. Normal!

However, because there are no vegetables and other non-staple food at home, the food consumption at home is extremely high as they only eat rice or plain water noodles every day!

The food in the refrigerator at home also turned into water due to insufficient power supply time. Families that eat quickly eat meat and frozen products every day. If you are not careful, all kinds of food in the refrigerator will go bad!

At the same time, eating one kind of food every day has caused dissatisfaction among most people. Many people feel like vomiting when they see white rice again. Just like Jingshu in her previous life, she ate white rice at noon and white water in the afternoon, or fried it. Steam it and eat it in various ways.

But no matter how many varieties are changed, the quality has not changed. After eating the same food for a week, there is no appetite anymore, let alone everyone has insisted on it for more than a month. Jingshu even swore that she could just eat something else, but she didn’t want to eat in vain. I ate rice, and then started eating instant noodles.

Wang Cuihua sent a voice message: "I used to have two buckets of water every two days, but now I only have one bucket. It's not even enough for cooking and rice. It's just enough for our family to drink."

Jinglai No. 25: "I went to the west of the city to make cooked food. I heard that the water will be less and less. The water in several lakes in Wucheng is now green and full of rotten organisms."

Sangu and Wu Youai joined a group on behalf of Jing Nai to spread the news. Sangu also went to the west of the city to make cooked food some time ago. It was very hard, but Sangu was very excited about what she did, and she made many friends there.

Wang Cuihua sent a voice message: "Is your place still recruiting people? I heard that you can provide a meal with vegetables."

Jinglai No. 25: "No more recruitment. I'll call you when I'm about to recruit."

Wang Qiqi No. 13: " @Everyone, important notice, the opening hours of major supermarkets have been changed from 20:00 to 21:00, and they are only open for 1 hour. If you don't have food at home, you'd better queue up to buy it every day! Because No one knows when the Dark Day will end, which means that a large amount of food will not be grown before then! Also, I heard that the use of natural gas for cooking will be restricted soon! I don’t know when the gas will stop. I can’t even cook any food.”

This news shocked many divers. Everyone asked what was going on. Forget about the power outage and water outage. Now if even the natural gas is cut off, how are they going to cook?

Young Master I Have a Baby No. 13: "This is the end of the world. A lot of it has been exposed on the Internet but has been deleted. Some people say that the dark days will never end. China will not be able to grow any food in these years. Even if there are 3 The annual storage capacity will be used up sooner or later, so we should try to save as much food as possible!"

Wang Dazhao No. 1: "That's true. Hey, if I had known I would have bought more food in the past few months! I came here at 2 o'clock to queue up. There were already a lot of people here even 6 hours in advance. Please get off. The first time I come to line up, I have to come at least 12 o'clock. Anyway, the person in line behind me has already reached the other side of the road, and I don't know if I can buy something even after driving for an hour."

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