I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 17: Let’s play with magic and spells!

It was the dawn of a new day.

They had been given free time, something about 'Aclimating' to the school environment.

Her next battery of classes on the powered stuff was a few days away. So for now she could enjoy being lazy all day around!

If only she wasn't being dragged by the incarnation of all evil in the world...Under the guise of a pink-haired girl.

"Let's go Eli-Eli, we are almost there!" came the melodic voice of the pink-haired girl that was dragging the protagonist of this story.

The pair of girls eventually made their way to the library of this mysterious academy. It was more normal than expected to be honest.

It was a spacious and modern facility located at the heart of the campus. It had towering shelves lined with countless books, papers, and academic journals. All of this is split into several different sections and study areas to accommodate different branches of study.

The main reading area was a vast comfortable area with tables and study carrels. Providing ample space for individual study or group collaboration. Natural light streamed through large windows, creating a bright and inviting ambiance.

The walls were adorned with posters, book displays, and artwork to celebrate the pursuit of knowledge. Also, a few posters of famous [Tinkers] and magical girls focused on the study of the arcane.

The library had a comprehensive cataloging system that allowed easy access to its resources. The books are categorized by subject, with clear signage guiding visitors to specific sections.

Librarians and staff members were present to assist in locating materials, navigating databases, and answering research inquiries.

If her own [Soulscape] wasn't part library she would be amazed by this work of art.

But then again her [Soulscape] was a better-looking one than this one. Even if her personal library only had one librarian...

She didn't see many of her cohorts from the powered side for some reason.

"What do you need girls?" asked one of the librarians when they saw them enter the library.

"We need [Spells] of [Healing] affinity!" Said the pink-haired girl with a hand raised and a bright smile on her face.

"Also a few spells on different affinities and the basic books on the [Shift] spell for several affinities." Finished the blonde girl.

The librarian just gave a knowing smile "I will get you a primer book on the basic [Bolt] spell from several know [Affinities]. And after that, you can search for the right [Affinity] for your [Shift]." Finished the librarian giving both girls a card with instructions for the loaning of books.

Hmm...Weren't they supposed to keep a secret their affinities?

Rossie was busted but that wasn't something new.

"Also we all here are under a [Geas] we will never share the information of your questions nor give hints or the records of what you read here." Aaaand they can read minds it seems?

"This school loves their Geass too much." Said with a huff the pink-haired girl.

The librarian just laughed it away and added "That they do, but it's a necessity. If not people like your friend here wouldn't search for what they need," finished pointing at the blonde girl.

And wasn't he right...

"If someone asks for a dangerous affinity you will still keep that a secret then?" Asked with a dangerous smile the blonde girl.

"Of course, we do teach [Villains] and [Super Villains] from time to time, even if you end as a [Warlock] your [Affinity] will not be leaked by us." That...wasn't a good thing from her point of view.

"But it's all right since Eli-Eli doesn't have a dangerous [Affinity] nor will be a [Villain]!" Came the pink-haired girl raising a fuss and trying to defend her honor.

"Of course. I know that she is one of the [Good Seeds] of this [Harvest Season], carry on and study well. The meditation room is on the far end, you both can share it or pick one. So long your [Affinities] don't clash there shouldn't be a problem with sharing." And on that note, the librarian left them alone.

So many questions...

So little time...

And soo much wasted time that could be used on sleeping...

"Let's go Eli-Eli!" But alas, no rest for the wicked. Nor for those haunted by pink-haired girls.

"So here is the formulae for [Bolt] the basics are the same for every [Affinity] and only the finishing touches are different..." mumbled the blonde girl while studying the spell.

The pink-haired girl was engrossed in her [Healing] book so she wasn't paying much attention to details.

The book didn't have the variation for the more exotic [Affinities], neither darkness nor light. And obviously not [Shadow] either.

The formula didn't look that hard to practice, but even as tempted as she was...There were two problems.

One they were getting very pointed looks from several librarians nearby, so she didn't feel confident enough to try and cast the spell.

And second of all...

"Eli-Eli, this is easier than I thought!" The pink-haired girl was making too much of a fuss about her spells.

She already knew that her affinity would be high for healing since her origin was [Healing]. But still...Was it that much of an effect on the learning curve?

Granted she didn't think the [Bolt] spell was hard...

"Try learning this one and see if it's as easy as that one," said the blonde girl passing her the book on the [Bolt] spell. And the many many variations for different affinities.

All so that she could compare her advancement in Magicks against another different [Origin].

Also, she didn't want more pointed looks her way from some higher-grade cohorts that mumbled about prodigies and bullshit learning curves.

She was on their side but even if Rossie didn't want to keep secret her affinity, she didn't want the extra attention she was getting.

Surround yourself with genius and you will look like one and all that.

So for now she would point the pink-haired girl into the [Bolt] variations and focus herself on the [Shift] spell books.

"What in the seven hells is this?" And so she proceeded to raise her voice and call more attention her way.

It couldn't be helped since this book was...Weird.

It only had formulas on how to build mandalas and no specific stuff on how they achieved their effect.

Kinda obvious if you didn't want new students messing around with mind-wiping spells. But still...

How was she supposed to tune her [Shift] to protect her privacy?

The only one that covered more information on how it worked its magic was the [Skirt Protecction] enchantment. And it did just that.

It fixed the skirt of the magical girl in place so no matter what kind of movements they did no one could see under their skirt.

It seemed that it also obscured what was under her skirt so even if someone took a picture they would only see [Darkness].

It would probably syngerize well with her own [Origin] since she could probably change [Darkness] for [Shadows] and get away with it.

But the rest of them?

She couldn't make heads nor tails of half of the effects of these things. She could understand the individual parts of the [Bolt] spell and how they turned from neutral to different elements.

And she was somehow confident that she could make it work with [Shadows] too.

But these?

Who designed these things?

Where was the manual?

Was she supposed to Copy & Paste as such?

Was this the GitHub of the magical world?

Only one way to find out about this now.

"Rossie. I'm going to a meditation chamber to try and ensemble the [Bolt] spell and to try and tamper with the [Shift] spell." First, inform your friend about where are you going and what you are going to do.

Just in case something went wrong.

Second, confirm that your friend listened to you.

"Okay Eli-Eli, good luck. I'm trying to work this but I don't think I have the talent for this complicated stuff..." Said the pink-haired girl while fully focusing on the book in her hands and trying to make some sigils with her hands.

So she found it that difficult that she was practicing hand sigils?

That was a funny thought to have, an easy time with higher tier [Affinity] but problems with the basics.

"Have fun ~" was all she said before moving on and searching for one of those goddamed meditation chambers.

Now to find one of those things.

It wasn't as hard as expected since everything was labeled, she had more problems getting access to one of those since as a first year on the first week they didn't though she had everything in check to access one.

But a quick showcase of her ID and the little badge that signaled her motif was enough proof to get her past the annoying receptionist.

That and it might have something to do with asking how to make a call to the exterior...

Granted she might have wanted to use the fame of her Mother in some aspects since after watching how her teacher on [Shift] classes acted...

But still, she got her pass and so went into the comfy room and sat beside the crystal ball that was in the center of this room.

It was one comfy-looking room if nothing else, she might even plan to sleep in one of these one day.

But for now, she would delve inside herself to try and build a spell...Or a few.

After making a quick call that is!

Since these rooms had access to the exterior might as well ask a question of the expert!

"I use my trump card. Call Mama!" said the blonde girl while pressing her hand on the crystal ball.

"Eli-Eli!!!!!!!" Came the voice of her mother from the crystal ball. She was dressed in her Magical Girl outfit, so she probably was either working or playing around with Father.

And after a few seconds of rustling sounds the crystal ball projected a mandala that in turn projected a holoscreen of her mother.

That did not surprise her.

"Mama I have a question on the [Shift Spell] or more like on the [Protection Spells]..." Gotta steer the conversation before it turns into something pointless.

"Awww, you only call me when you need something from me, no 'How are you doing mama' or 'I love you mama' or 'I wanna marry you when I grow up mama'..." came the disappointed voice of her mother.

So many wrong things in there...

"Aren't I supposed to marry Papa? " But for now, ignore the rest and focus on the weird one. She likes it like that anyway.

"No no, Papa only loves me, so you can't have him even if you are Eli-Eli." Said as it was the more obvious thing in the world with a Tut-Tut her mother.

Wonder where her smarts came from if her mother was like this...It didn't come from her father that is for sure.

"Anyway, the [Shift] spell huh...You didn't like my version? I am sure they have a few of my [Scrolls] and [Spellbooks] on it...." So those weird books were indeed her mother's...

Wait [Scrolls]?

"I want to test my [Affinity] with the other stuff first." Gotta keep it normal first.

"Ah it's okay Eli-Eli they can't spy on us. So your affinity wasn't like mine?" Of course, her mother would go straight to the point.

"Not sure what your [Origin] is, but mine is related to shadows." Can't be serious around Mother...

"[Shadow] Affinity huh...Eli-Eli, your teacher registered your [Affinity] as [Space related/Travel] you shouldn't lie to your teachers." Said the stern tone of her mother.

"I didn't tell or said to her that my affinity was related to yours, Mama. Teacher Agatha probably did it on her own." So they did log the probable affinities.

God dammed hypocrites.

"Huh? Your teacher is Gaty?" Said her mother with stars in her eyes.

If not for her knowing that she was under the [Shift] spell she would wonder how she managed to get stars on her eyes.

She now could understand why her teacher thought her [Affinity] was the same as her mother.

Her motif was also [Stars] after all.

"You know teacher Agatha?" either way, first confirm the relation her mother had with the teacher.

"She was an...Apprentice I got a few years ago. We were trying to get higher [Affinity] evolutions by covering all the possible spots. She didn't take well the [Evolution] she got in the end...I had thought she would retire or something after the tantrum she threw. So she was a teacher now..." So she was her mother's student.

Poor woman, then what was the Walpurgis thing the teacher had as her title?

"I can see why she thought you had the same type of affinity as me now. She saw my magic from close and if your [Shift] had Stars in it as in the report... She probably jumped to the higher-end stuff instead of going to the lower branches on the [Affinity Tree]." And here we have it folks. More words that give questions instead of answering!

But will Mother elaborate?

"Anyway, the protection spells you asked for...Just put them as is and don't worry about them. They are tested and if you tamper too much with them they will not work. The [Council] got annoying with the protection and most of the stuff about how to make it is behind [Geass] level information. So I can't tell you about it, since my own [Mind Protection] can only guard me and you from hostile attacks. If we know that we will be hit by a [Geass] and we don't dodge, the protection will not trigger...I tried it" grumbled her mother.

That was good to know actually. So she couldn't get away with getting herself under a Geass using that shield huh.

"Okay Mama, tell Papa I said Hi. I will go into my [Soulscape]." So she finished her call and went into meditation.

Time to build herself some mods for her [Shadow Shift]. And maybe edit the [Dress] a little...

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