I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 23: About the super suit!

The classroom was once again quiet.

After having such a rough start, the class turned more normal than expected, even if the stuff learned was... Weirdly normal.

Normal for the standards she expected at the very least.

"And now we have the Code", said the annoying suit man called Arthur.

"Some people called it different, but in a nutshell, they are [Rules & Regulations] self-imposed by the community as a whole." And so he once again pointed at the whiteboard.

And once again more words were written on it.

They were fairly common things.

Don't attack civilians.

Don't attack non-combative personnel.

Don't pursue fleeing personal beyond a certain distance/time.

"Why should we allow villains to flee?" Asked Akira while pointedly pointing behind him. As if all but him would be villains.

"Now that is some interesting question you field... But that doesn't only apply to heroes, but to villains too." Said with a smile the suited man.

"So if we want to be allowed to flee after a certain point, we must allow them the same?" Said Rena while trying to pacify the black-haired kid.

"Exactly!" said while applauding Arthur, as if they had found the true meaning of this class.

"But that doesn't mean everyone will follow these codes," said the blonde girl, "Some might, some might not, from both sides. Heroes & Villains" finished Elizabeth, pointing at the crux of this problem.

"EXACTLY!" said Akira without missing a beat, "No one guarantee we will be safe by following these rules you put." He even gave her a thumbs-up.

More material for Rena to glare at the blonde...

"And you two came to the second problem of this!" For his part, Arthur just applauded again.

"No one guarantees everyone will follow these [Rules]. But... Most will, you see. The secret identities are a joke. Unless you are powerful enough to go without them or discard them all together... Mostly everyone will know your true identity." And then he pointed at the whiteboard... Again.

Only this time instead of words a picture was shown.

"Like him for example." It was a picture of a man in a tight body suit, he had blue eyes and a messy black hair.

"He doesn't care about secret identities and doesn't even use a mask or helmet to try and hide his face... But even so, no one is dumb enough to try and search for his house..." And indeed... Who would even try and attack him?

"No one is dumb enough to attack one of the most powerful heroes in the world." Said the red-haired girl, and she was right.

"Who would even try to attack The American Crusader in his home." Added Akira with a shrug. "That would be suicide".

And it would be indeed, for Father was a beast when he thought someone would hurt his family.

"Someone did try it once." Said Arthur, Elizabeth couldn't help but shiver at that mention.

"They did?" Asked Akira surprised, of course, they would be surprised, that didn't make it to the news.

"A Low-Level Villain tried to make himself famous by trying to attack his family. He is currently stuck in a low orbit in the sun... With his family." Said the suited man shrugging.

For their part, most of the students didn't know how to react.

"That's... Ilegal..." Said Rena while looking at everyone else trying to find support for her claim.

"Of course it's illegal, it breaks probably half of the laws on the correct use of powers." Added Elizabeth. "Now go and find someone to enforce said laws." And on that note, the blonde girl pointed directly at the suited man.

"That is the thing you want to make a point of right?" said the blonde girl while also pointing at the photo of her Father.

"If we don't want to end up having to deal with that kind of problems we either shut up and hide our faces. Or have enough power to make an example of the people that try to attack our homes?" Such an annoying example he was making.

She hadn't even learned about that event till she was 12 years. That was a fun way to find out someone tried to attack you while you were five.

Mother made a ruckus it seems, and they laughed about how other A & B Tier heroes tried to save that villain's family.

They couldn't.

Mother had tied that particular spell to the life span of the sun. So long that star shined brightly in the sky... They would stay stuck there.

"So there you have it, follow the rules. Because if you try to be a smartass about it... You will not have anyone else to protect you." Finished the suited man his class.

"But... That isn't right! Someone would have noticed people orbiting the sun! Why it isn't on the news?!?" Came the astonished voice of Akira.

"The muscle head got an [Obfuscation Geass] stuck on them, unless you are a powered or a magic user you will never be able to see them. And even then... If you don't join this kind of life... You will not see them. It's a good way to strike fear in the ones wanting to ignore their rules" Answered the suited man.

"But in reality that only serves the purpose of warning folks against attacking the family of the big shots." Said Rena with an annoyed huff.

Of course, she was right on that.

"But it gives the right message nonetheless. Don't mess around or you will find out." Said with a shrug Arthur.

"And with some hope, you all will never have to find out." And on that note, he started walking outside, since his hour of class was about to finish.

Such a weird class.


The mood in the classroom was now heavy.

Some found the destiny that the villain ended with hilarious, some were astonished that the heroes they admired would do such a thing.

Others were amazed at how The American Crusader had managed to do that.

She found that group hilarious.

"So you also find it funny the cruelty that was done to that poor man?" Said a voice from behind her. She didn't even need to turn to know who it was.

"I find it funny that they think The American Crusader was the one to stick that man in orbit." Answered the blonde girl while looking behind her to see the red-haired girl glaring at her.

"Or what? Do you also think a strongman could do that, Rena?" Asked the blonde girl with a placid smile.

The red-haired girl said just grumping in annoyance before returning to her seat, leaving behind the black-haired kid.

"Thank you for having my back. But I still don't like how stuck up you are." And on that note, he left.


She could only be amazed at the self-entitlement of that duo.

"Am I stuck up?" Asked the blonde girl to the closest person.

They just denied it with their heads without saying anything. Should she ask Rossie?

She would probably say no though...

She was too sweet to say yes to something like this. But Father & Mother would probably say the same... She needed more friends.

"ATTENTION!" came the thunderous voice of the crazy old man again.

Most were used to it so they just returned to their seats.

"This class will be the last one you will attend using those uniforms." Said the old man while passing new pamphlets to the first students on each lane, they grabbed one and passed the rest behind.

It was a pamphlet on ideas of how to design a super suit and where to get materials from the school in case they didn't have materials themselves.

"You can find a tinker or genius student from other classes if you want something extra for your suit. We advise against that behavior, but we will not stop you from doing so." Added the crazed man.

Father also had said that was a bad idea since those students didn't know their limits so it was dangerous to use possibly faulty tech.

"If you already have a suit or want to modify it, that will give you the directions to private rooms. You will be able to rent them for a limited time this weekend. Afterward, we will allot time for your evaluations in class." And with that note, he went on and on about possible modifications.

She had already a few ideas on what to do. And Father had already sent her a few body suits to use. Most used the same style as his... So she wouldn't use them.

It might look good on him to have such a skimpy thing...

But to send your daughter body-tight leotards with bikini armor... That man had serious issues...

She would try them though.

She wouldn't use them in public or anything, but she would try them nonetheless...

"My personal suggestion is that you first test the normal suits provided by the school and save your preferred style for after graduation. Since most of you will not be able to afford a good enough disguise right now." Said the old man.

Aww, he cares for his students after all.

It was a bit of good advice even!

She wouldn't follow it, since she had an idea of what to do already. But it was a sound one.

If she was a betting girl she could see a couple that wouldn't follow either.

The dynamic duo of Rena & Akira would probably not use face masks either.

Father hadn't sent any masks, so if she had planned to use one she would need to make it herself... If her trigger didn't create that skill at least...

Or was her awakening the one that made the [Shadow Shift] skill?

She needed to think of a name for that event.

"If you still want to use your personal suit... I can't help you and in that case go for it, if you don't have a super name we will use the name of your [Skill] so start thinking of one too." A super name huh?

She would need one... Or a few ones if she wanted to keep her magical side separated.

But a name... Using the name of her skill was out of the question, should she use the [Origin]... That sounded like a bad idea.

Most of the other students were busy drawing and planning, some even had a long list of names. Others didn't even bother to open their notebooks (Akira & Rena).

And here she was... Trying to think of a good name.

She would need one for her magical side too, so she needed two good names. And a theme for the powered one too...

Maybe use inspiration from one of her favorite heroes? Using father was out of the question...

She would need to use one of his body suits... Those leotards weren't PG 18...

Maybe she was indeed a prude?

No, she was normal.

Who in their sane mind would use that kind of clothing if you knew your father had chosen it for you!

Maybe if Mother was the one... No...

Mother would probably send her a bunny suit or something.

That was out! ...Although, she would try using one of those bunny suits too.

"Now important things to care about when designing a suit!" Said the old man bringing her back from her machinations. "Always remember to use fabric that breathes!"

And in a too-serious tone, he wrote cotton and other type of textiles that had good breathability.

"If you use the wrong fabric you will stink after a day of work. And trust me, you don't want to wash that suit after a day of work." That was so... mundane. This crazy old man was killing the magic of a super suit...

"Number two, if you are using a powered suit or one tinker made... Don't use an integrated bathroom. If they hit the septic tank, more than likely you will bathe in your own piss during the fight... Worst case scenario you will drink it." Ugh... That image would stick with her, it also explained why her father didn't use that kind of suit.

She could imagine it already... Yeah, not going that route either. Maybe if she used magic circuits she could achieve something similar?

"Number three, don't use perfume while in the suit. You will hate that smell, and more than likely it doesn't mix well with grime and blood. No matter what the label says." For some reason at that particular point, he looked at her.


She wasn't planning on using that.

Mother could get away with using perfumes since she had dedicated magic to keep herself clean. But she wasn't planning on doing it!

Not unless she managed to get those spells at least.

"Number four?" Asked the blonde girl while trying to not look too concerned and pretending to write stuff in her empty notebook.

"Number four. Don't make the locks of your suit too good. If you are wounded, you want other people to be able to treat you. " He added while writing that on the whiteboard, and then underlying that a few times for good measure.

"This is the important. I know you want your identity to be a secret. But no doctor or nurse can nor will snitch on your identity. And trust me, the people that matter already know who you are at that point." Finished saying while shrugging.

He was right of course, most magical users would use the shift spell so they didn't bleed blood, but mana.

Powereds didn't have that advantage, so they left blood and hair all over the place, you only needed to collect that and would be able to find them easily enough. Part of the reason Father didn't bother trying to hide his identity.

At this point probably no one remembered his real name.

"So with that out of the way, you have the rest of the day to either prepare a suit or whatever you feel more comfortable using. Same with a name, if you don't submit a name to the school we will assign you one. So Good Luck." And so the crazy old man finished his class.

This one felt shorter than the one that Arthur gave, even though it covered more important stuff. But for now... She had plans to make and a private room to use.

Ideas were forming on her head about her powered suit. And questions about why it was called "Suit" if some of them were just fabric or leotards...

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