I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 24: Do we have to come here? Can we do it another day?

The soulscape is supposed to be a sacred place for Magical Girls.

The fount of their power and the last bastion of their soul.

The place where they hold all the memories that make their core as magical warriors, be it for justice and love... Or revenge and hate.

For Elizabeth?

It held another meaning, for her soulscape was a strange place.

A place of wonders? Yes, it was a marvelous place full of incredible sights.

A bastion for her soul? Perhaps, if nothing else she doubted anyone would be able to violate the defenses in her soulscape. Be it the ones that her Mother had installed or the ones that she could identify with her fledging knowledge of magic.

But a core for justice? Hardly.

A core for Love? Maybe love for books, so many books...

Revenge or Hatred? Definitely no.

Even so, she found it funny how little control she had over her own Soulscape, case in point this moment right now.

"I'm sorry Miss, but Alexa told us to send you to the other wing. Since you would be working mostly on that side of things." She was arguing with the receptionist since the door to the Library was closed.

How was even that possible?

She had read that high mastery of your soulscape could allow you to teleport anywhere within it.

But she wasn't near that level yet. Usually, a big mastery of soulscape meant that your soulscape was big. But she couldn't use that as a measure...

Hers was big from the start after all.

"But I'm working on a skill from the magic side!" Said the blonde girl exasperated at the receptionist.

Why was there even one now?

There wasn't one before!

"But it is a skill, isn't it?" Said the receptionist.


"It's okay Miss. I'm sure the [Head Scientist] will be polite..." Added the receptionist.

The who?

She must have seen something on her face since she added "The blonde asshole?" she asked with a smirk.

Oh, that blonde asshole...

If he was a [Head Scienctist] couldn't he present himself as such instead of using weird garbled words?

"Fine..." said downcasted the blonde girl walking with heavy steps to that side of her soulscape.

She... Wasn't looking forward to that.

So she didn't notice until she was in the middle of the laboratory again.

Just in front of a shabby blonde asshole looking down on her.

Rude, staring is rude.

"Oh, c'mon. I don't bite" Said the blonde smiling down on her.

If the blonde girl didn't know that this asshole also had skills, and could somehow use them inside her soulscape. She might have kicked him... Perhaps she would do it anyway.

"Not outside bed anyway." Added with a knowing smile.

She couldn't help but laugh at that, it was totally out of character that she found it funny.

"Well, that's rude... Shouldn't you blush like a normal girl? I mean... I will not look down on a gift if you are offering..." She just laughed harder at that.

"Let's don't go down that way. Papa would murder you for even thinking those jokes if he found out." Said the blonde girl, she did need that laugh.

"He might do it anyway if he finds out about you using that skill on me last time." And she might just tell him anyway, it still ached in her chest the place where the railgun had hit her.

"He would definitely try. Not that he would achieve anything. Few among [The Twelve] could come here...But he isn't one of them." And the blonde just smirked while playing down the danger of father.

That was...Worrying.

Instead, he just walked to one of the stations and powered up a program.

"Didn't you want to create your [Super Suit]?" Asked the blonde man while pointing at the holoscreen that showed a projection of her body.

At least this one had clothes.

"Will this project another me in the outside world?" Asked wary the blonde girl.

The blonde man just sighed and shaping his fingers another holoscreen materialized.

"It shouldn't matter since you are in one of those weird design rooms the school provides. But no, it will not. That just happens because the [Mana] isn't regulated so it seeks to escape. I will regulate it this time, [Alexa] isn't good at that type of stuff, so she couldn't regulate it." And so he just shrugged and offered the blonde girl a chair.

She was wary of it, but the new screen showed her sitting in the middle of the room that was allocated to her with her eyes closed.

And she was alone, with no projection or anything.

It was a fairly well-prepared room, there were sewing machines, all kinds of mechanical instruments for forging, and some suits on the walls.

Besides her a few boxes with some body suits (Leotards with bikini armor) that father had prepared haphazardly stowed away.

She had tried them in the end...

And may or may not saved a few select pictures, she looked cute after all, and it would be a crime to not save them!

"Now, the program is the same as the one in the [Photo Both], so just do your thing." Said the blonde man while walking to another station to work on something.

"What about the enhancement of the suit?" Asked the girl to the man that was walking away.

"You all don't read nowadays do you?" Said while pointing to the holoscreen to the right of the blonde girl.

Shadow Shift:

Allows the user to create an alternate body while safeguarding her actual body in the [Soulscape]. The alternate body does not transfer wounds to the real body. But the amount of health is shared, so care is advised since the user might die if she isn't careful.


Alternatively, the user can create armor or clothes to earn extra protection for the alternate body.


The durability of said cloth is dependent on the amount of mana used and the amount of intelligence & Wisdom of the user.


Alternatively, the user can use alternative armor to grant durability to the skill.


Said armors must be in the [Inventory] for this to work, and the user must assign individually one armor per [Shift Slot].


Current Used Slots: 2 (Origin Magical Suit, Custom Magical Suit)Available Slots: 3


Did she forget to [Identify] that skill?


Or she did?

She had some memories of knowing that already, but not enough info was in her memory for how to make that work though.

"Oh... Right. I had that inventory thing..." Said the girl while wondering why she hadn't used that one yet.

She was abusing both [Status] and [Identify]... but with [Inventory], something made her wary of it.

Mother praised that type of skill in her travels when she had access to one of their variations. And even spoke at length of one guy that had evolved his skill to [Garage] or something like that.

She was wondering why an [Inventory] evolved into [Garage] though.

Perhaps it meant more as an amount of stuff you could save?

"Fine...Let's work this thing first and then I will go and do that." Said the girl while working on her station.

She would first embrace the darker side of the shadows. Since her skill was originally shadow themed.

First, she put on her model a full-body tight suit. Then striped her model of her normal clothing. Leaving behind an image of herself in a dark body-tight suit.

Without raising a fuss she sneaked a peek to see if the blonde man was spying on her.

She found him minding his business in another terminal laughing while eating snacks from a bowl.

"Want some?" said the blonde man while offering his plate.

"No...I'm fine..." Answered the girl, the blonde man just shrugged and kept doing his thing.

That was... anti-climatic somehow.

Anyway, she continued designing her suit.

She started building herself an armor, not a suit or a dress. No.

She would go full-on with the shadow theme. First, she imported a full female metal suit of armor from the repository. And then started editing it in earnest.

She would first paint it all black, giving it an air of foreboding and intimidation. A few extra spikes in her elbows, knees, and shoulders...

She gave herself a metallic skirt (Because of course, she would need proof of being a girl (Also the metallic skirt looked cute).

The finishing touches on the armor (Like the straps) would be red to give a nice contrast, what tone of red you ask?

Of course bloody red. The best kind of red for an ominous armor!

The helmet on another note would need some changes, she would go away with the visor metal so her vict...I mean, so the people she saved could see her eyes.

She would also only use a face plate instead of a full helmet, so her hair could breathe (And full helmets impeded hearing).

The design was somewhat demonic with so many sharp angles... But her eyes being in full sight would somehow soothe the fears of the civilians...

Even with all the darkened metal spikes protruding from the crown, adding an aggressive touch.

She now had a full-body theme going on and would go in to add the details, the death was in the details after all.

First starting from the chest plate that extends down to the waist. She included an undergarment of dark & gray clothes that would only show around her neck or unless she for some reason had to take off her armor.

The gauntlets looked made of hardened blackened steel, each finger encased in articulated plates that afford flexibility and dexterity. Etched with subtle yet menacing motifs, the gauntlets exude an aura of dark elegance.

The greaves and boots looked as if constructed from durable leather and plated with sleek blackened steel. The greaves shield the lower legs, while the boots have reinforced soles and additional metal plating for enhanced defense. Intricate engravings run along the edges of the greaves and boots, adding a touch of sinister beauty to the overall design.

And for good measure, she added some pants under with dark theme cloth, she gave herself some good breathable pants to make sure. Even if she had the body suit under all of that. One can never be too sure.

Originally, the design included a black cloak. But she would do away with that!

The skill allowed her to toggle the cloak on and off. But she doubted the need for one. Probably wouldn't use it in combat, she knew that they were useful in the past...

But nowadays? That just was one extra point for others to grab you and throw you into orbit or something. It had a hood though, so that was part of the reason it survived.

Any girl that respected herself loved a good hood.

Overall, the armor was perfect. The only problem that she could see now was her.

Her blue eyes and blonde hair stuck like... Well, she couldn't do justice to this armor.

"Oh no, what will we do..." Said in a mocking tone the blonde girl before diving again into the program.

First, she changed the color of her hair to a darker-than-black tone.

She also gave herself a ponytail and shortened her hair to a few centimeters below her shoulders. Shorter than her normal one, she could test another hairstyle and have her super suit in one go!

Then altered her eyes, she took away the stigma of stars in her eyes, and painted her eyes red. She also moved another toggle to give her eyes an azure flame illusion to pop on her eyes when she was moving big amounts of shadows. For dramatic effect of course.

"Perfect." Said the blonde girl while looking at her reflection in the holoscreen.

"It is a good Super Villian suit indeed." Said the blonde man who somehow materialized behind her.

"What are you talking about?" Said the blonde girl while scowling at the blonde man.

"This is obviously a Super Suit, it's innocent. It will only be a Villain Suit if I do bad things! The Suit is innocent!" Defended her creation the girl.

She was a follower of there are no good or bad creations, only bad and good users!

She did think that her design looked somewhat...Evil.

But since she used [Shadow Pact] as inspiration there was no way it was wrong!

Also as a plus no one would stick this suit with her magical girl outfit.

So it worked!

Now she only needed to exit this place and investigate her inventory...


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