I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 35: Plans and maps….Also other stuff

Now that they had set up that part of the plan and knew how many troops they would be able to field, it was time to move to the next part.


“Okay, we will have [Lunar Shade] in defense and [Law Bringer Sentinal] in overwatch.” Elizabeth said as Reginald wrote that on the blackboard.


Then turning to Rossie Elizabeth continued, “Rossie, you will be on Healing duty, you will need to make sure everyone is up to form and be ready to move as needed.” That was what would be best for Rossie after all.


“If I see an opening I will take it, and let me state this first.” Rossie said turning to look at Jenna, Lexia and Luna, “My priority will be Elizabeth, Rena, myself and then whoever is hurt the worst.”


Elizabeth wanted to complain of course, “I see no problem with that.” But Jenna was the first to chime up.


“Same, I will be working in defense so if I get hurt it means that our frontliners are hurt, so this would be undere the premise that you needed to get them back into the fight.” Lexia said afterward.


“I would rather you focus on the degree of wounds…But most [Magical Girls] are like this, setting their own healing priorities, so it isn’t anything new.” Luna said from the side, “So long as you go and do a round on us when needed, I will not complain.”


….Were they all so carefree?


Elizabeth would have probably complained if she had been on the other end of this.


“You haven’t worked with other [Magical Girls] have you?” Jenna asked from the side.


“No? Most of my work was with Rossie alone.” Elizabeth answered.


She had never actually fought besides other [Magical Girls], or any other [Hero] for that matter.


“Most [Magical Girls] have a quirk like this or two, this is on the tamer side. I once saw a [Magical Girl] who wouldn’t heal anyone unless they spoke in a high-pitched tone and said ‘uwu’ at the end of whatever they wanted.” Jenna sighed, “Of course in high stress scenarios it made for chaos and everything, but nothing you can do about it. Since she claimed her Magic worked with the power of ‘uwu’ or some bullshit like that.”


That…sounded troublesome, at least Rossie didn’t asked for something so weird like that.


“I will go to the front lines and try to subdue [Shadow Pact].” Rena said as soon as Elizabeth finished her conversation with Jenna.


This one…She didn’t have a good excuse to limit the danger that Rena would face.


“Yes….” So Elizabeth answered, “You will go to fight him while I try to limit his [Shadow Powers].”


“....you will attempt to do what?” Lexia asked, “You…are you mad?”


And she stared at her as if she had said something weird.


“Why would she be mad?” Jenna asked from the side.


“If Elizabeth says that she will do something it should be doable.” Rossie also added.


While Rena didn’t say anything, she also nodded her head in approval.


“Okay, let’s… fine.” Lexia sighed, “Shadow attuned magic and skills are diferent from other elements, we wield a primordial force.”


Lexia started explaining, saying that [Shadows] were a primordial force…wasn’t that overreacting?


Was her more…childish side surfacing?


“Unlike spells of othes elements Mana isn’t the main deciding factor of who controls what. While two Fire Mages can contest control over a Fire Ball, the one with more mana will win most of the time.” Lexia said, bringing an easy-to-understand example. “But with Shadows, there are other elements at play, [Willpower] has importance, as [Skill Mastery].”


….Skill mastery? The level of her [Skill]?


Well, Elizabeth would probably be okay on both fronts since she had more [Stats] than [Shadow Pact], right?


“That won’t be a problem. Remember, I have [S-Tier] power. At the very least, I should be able to contest against him,” Elizabeth said, nodding.


“Sure….just….prepare a backup plan or something, I don’t want to have to deal with our forces collapsing on us.” Lexia said with a sigh, “And you Monster. What are you going to do?”


Lexia and Luna turned to look at Jenna.


“I am backup, if any of you is about to die I will rescue you, but otherwise my job is to keep the members from the [Nine Stars] at bay.” Jenna answered.


“...You should be also a S-Tier at least, but why are we stopping the [Nine Stars] from helping? Shouldn’t we invite them over?” Lexia asked confused.


“I need to give a message to [Shadow Pact], so I can’t have the [Nine Stars] taking him away.” Elizabeth answered, “So that is why Jenna is in watchdog duty.”


“Your funeral, if this becomes dangerous we will run away you know.” Lexia said as a warning.


“If you can run away then that is your right.” Aura said with an evil smirk, “But do try to run fast, I doubt my [Brethren] will look at you running away with understanding.”


As Aura said, the shadows behind the purple-haired Maid turned into red eyes that stared at Lexia and Luna.


“Hmph,” Lexia said, grunting. The shadows behind her blossomed with red roses, each one seeming to radiate an oppressive Aura. You aren’t the only one who can use this environment as an advantage, [Maid].”


“I like this one Mistress, any chances you want to rope her into your harem?” Aura smirked as she ignored Lexia and her roses, turning to Elizabeth, “I will enjoy taking pictures of her bashful face.”


….Aura was truly evil, and she seemed to be a masochist.


“WAH!?!?!” Lexia couldn’t help but stutter at the words of Aura.


“Aura, don’t bully our guest,” Elizabeth said, snapping her fingers and commanding the shadows to return to normal.


She did notice that only those behind Aura answered to her call, she could feel some degree of…connection to the shadows that were under Lexia’s control, but she didn’t want to [Wrestle] the control as Lexia had called it.


“As you command Mistress.” Aura said with a curtsy, “Do think about what I said Lady Bloodthorn.”


Aura said those words and turned to look the map, “Our forces can be mobilized like this.” And shadows sprouted from the floor in front of the blackboard, writing on it and placing figures that seemed to represent Elizabeth’s Shadow Armada. “We can set up a warning system using the scouts.”


The first image had a small shadow dragon with a pair of goggles atop its cute head.


Aura had set them up in smaller groups of three to five members and had them spread in a long arc at the outer area of the meadow.


“These will rotate in scouting parties and make sure we aren’t taken by surprise, they will have comunication at all times with our base of operation, so if any is taken out we will know.” Aura said, moving to the next part the knights. “These are our main fighting force, and they will be set up at the front of the base camp.”


That didn’t had too much explanation needed, they would form a line of defense at the forefront, ready to fight.


“Each of these will have a [Tank] and some [Mages] in their squads. We will have a ratio of 6:1:3 or so for now.” Aura said, placing the next stickers: a Shadow Dragon with a Sword, another with a Shield, and a third one with a staff.


“There are other types on the list you provided,” Lexia said from behind, pointing out those she hadn’t mentioned.


“Well, of course, Lady Bloodthorn. I was about to mention them,” Aura said with a sweet smile, one that Elizabeth didn’t trust at all. As for the [Royal] variant, they will move with Mistress.”


…That was it?


“And the [Healer] caste?” Luna said raising her hand.


“They will move with Lady Rossaline.” Aura answered with a shrug, “We don’t need [Healing] as we are [Summons].”


“Not even you?” Lexia pointed out with a smirk.


“If I were on my [Body], then yes, I would require [Healing].” Aura answered with a smirk, and with that still on her face, she drew a sword from…somewhere and stabbed it into her arm. “But this isn’t my body, but one made of [Shadows].”


No blood dripped from that wound. If anything, the wound mended itself back to normal. All that one could see inside the flesh wound was darkness and shadows.


“So the cost of this is mostly [Mana], unless he manages to wipe out all the shadow armada in one move, nothing will happen, and even if [Shadow Pact] manages that, we [Minions] use our own mana pool to regenerate in the first [Death], if we deem it a detriment to our Mistress we will not return to the combat unless called.” Aura answered with a bow to Elizabeth, “If our Mistress commands us to fight, we will fight. But if we are to be a stone in her path, we will yield.”


That was…actually good. Elizabeth hadn’t felt the drain of mana from the wound that Aura healed, but if the 470 or so minions died in one go…And she tried to revive them…


Yeah, perhaps if they all were the base model, or the [Scout Model], but she doubted a [Royal Knight] would cost the same as a [Shadow Dragon] witouth evolution.


“And before you ask, the maid corps, engineering corps and cook corps will not participate in the fight. What would you have a cook do?” Aura said towards Lexia.


“...fine.” The black-haired girl admitted, “So, what will you do, Elizabeth, if your crazy plan of trying to contest the authority of an S-Tier [Hero] fails?”


Elizabeth did have a plan for that actually.


“I do have something else I want to try, but I don’t know if it will work. So for now I want to focus on what I know I am good at.” Elizabeth answered while flexing her mana senses, “Mana Manipulation and Shadow Manipulation have been what I was best at since I got these powers.”


She had been working hard at these things after all, if she was good at something was these two things. Her senses had been sharpened by the use of her mana manipulation skills, and her shadows could spread far and wide.


“If you are confident, most [Magical Girls] had an especiality even before the advent after all.” Luna nodded, “Not like this [System] gives us any hint about that anymore.”


“You mean the [Affinity]?” Jenna asked from the side, “I think the Galaxidae had a way to check on those.”


….Of course they would come there.


“They charge a leg, arm, kidney and half your brain for those things. Better to go by feel as [Odyssey] would say.” Luna said back.


…Of course Mother would say something like that.


“I know what mine is, and that is part of the reason why I am confident in my plan.” Elizabeth pointed out; of course, she knew what her [Origin] was after all.


“Hmm….not going to ask how an Orphan got that, but that's fine. So, now that it is done, when do we move to our spots?” Luna asked, turning to look at Aura and then at Elizabeth. “Are the scouts already working?”


“Aura?” Elizabeth asked, “Reginald?”


“We have a small detail working on overwatch duty, but we will mobilize the rest of the armada at your call Mistress.” Reginald answered.


“I can drop them at their positions and let them start from there.” Aura added to that answer.


“Do it.” Elizabeth didn’t want to wait too long after all. “Send any free Minion to try and bait [Shadow Pact] towards our way.”


“It will be done Mistress.” Reginald answered and sank into the shadows.


“I will move back to the [Shadow Haven], call me as needed Mistress, be it for any mission you wish, I will be ready.” Aura said as she started to sink into the shadows. “Except for stress-related missions, for those you have Lady Rossaline, Lady Rena, and the new duo ~”




“You have problems Elizabeth Starbright.” Lexia said with a weird look in her face, “Let’s go Luna, we need to prepare.”








….Okay, maybe as she implied sometimes, but not for other girls!


“Anything else we need to go over?” Jenna asked as if that interaction hadn’t happened, “I know that I said I wouldn’t intervene in the combat, but at any moment you feel in danger you only need to call my name. I will rescue you and do a quick evac.”


“And for that you have my gratitude.” Rossie answered instead of Elizabeth.


“Should it happen we will do our best to make sure no one stops you on your way out.” Rena inmediately chimed in.


“Wait wait, stop!” Elizabeth said raising her hands. “If that happens you two are coming with us. And if possible pull [Lunar Shade] and [Law Bringer Sentinel].”


“Elizabeth…” Jenna sighed as a warm smile crossed her face. "I will do my best, but I am not omnipotent. If I need to worry about pursuers, at best, I can pull two other people with me. But they would need to stick to me by their own effort.”


“If it is to heal Elizabeth, I will manage,” Rossie said, determination burning in her eyes.


“For making sure Elizabeth is safe, nothing is impossible,” Rena said too.


This was enough to make a girl in love blush…actually Elizabeth did just that.


“Leaving the corny lines aside.” Aura said as she materialized back, “I have an update from Lady Beatrice.”


Elizabeth took the neatly folded letter and opened it, “The scouts on the outher rim are guiding [Shadow Pact], they report he is moving the [Shadow Tide] with him….”


This…was both good and bad.


Elizabeth wasn’t quite sure what to think about this [Shadow Tide], it didn’t seem to be merely a [Shadow Mana] construct, since it seemed to pull in people and they didn’t return to normal space. But Elizabeth couldn’t feel anything from it.


Even with a Minion near it, she got a blank from her senses. That in itself was worrying, but that wasn’t the only problem.


“Is there any indication of this affecting our minions?” Elizabeth asked. If so, she would need to alter her plans.


“None so far, all the minions that have interacted with some of that mana had been isolated and quarantied,” Aura answered. “Anything else Mistress?”


“No, that will be all…” Elizabeth said, then as if remembering something she added, “Tell Beatrice she is doing a fine job.”


And with that Aura returned once more to the [Shadow Haven].


It was awkward the situation they had found themselves, Elizabeth having fought with one of her most important minions wasn’t something she had wanted to do before a bight fight. But that couldn’t be helped!


She understood the point of view of Beatrice, and she wanted to do that too, but if she even suggested to Rossie or Rena for them to leave….yeah. She was not seeing that ending in a bright tone either.


“Rossie? Rena?” Elizabeth said turning to both girls, “Time to [Shift].”


Both girls smiled at this, “But first some ground rules.” And their smile changed into one of confussion.


“You both should have an extra shift. I don’t want you to use those unless it is a life-or-death situation,” Elizabeth said, getting confused looks from both girls. "I know…how good they must have felt.”


Hells, Elizabeth could probably drown in the pleasure of flexing her [Sin], and hers was one of the tamer ones. She didn’t want to even imagine how Rossie felt when she channeled [Lust].


Or how much Rena felt liberated when she was dominated by [Wrath].


“Unless something has gone very bad, don’t use those, okay?” Even so, Elizabeth didn’t want for her girls to risk their [Soul] or [Sanity] for this.


Worst come to happen she would ditch this attempt at giving the message to [Shadow Pact| and try it later.


“Okay.” Rossie answered first, “I didn’t plan to use it here iether way, that one is reserved for your eighteen birthday post party.”


“I will remember to not use it then either.” Rena said nodding, “I don’t think I can control it that well just yet, so I wasn’t planning to bring it out yet, I need more meditation and to settle my mind before dealing with that one.”


This took a heavy weight from Elizabeth’s shoulders, knowing she didn’t need to worry about that was good for her heart.


“What about you?” Jenna asked. “You also have an extra one now right?”


…..What the hell was Jenna doing here? Ruining their moment?


“....I am tempted to test it right now actually.” Elizabeth said, remembering the absolute certainty she had about being able to defeat Jenna, “But no. I will not use that one either, not today. Not this week, probably not this year. That one is dangerous.”


“Good.” Jenna said nodding, “I would hate for our first days of family time to be ruined because I had to spank that out of your system.”


… Excuse me what?


“Excuse me what?” Rossie vocalized what Elizabeth had felt.


“That one is dangerous. I don’t know how you managed to awaken it or under what circumstances, but that one is closer to a primordial [Demon]. Well, maybe a [Primordial Dragon] would be more fitting for you?” Jenna said while thinking, “Either way, unless you can balance it out or focus it. I don’t think you should use it, Rossaline and Rena would have an easier time returning since you are the one that can work as a beacon for them. But the same can’t be said for you.”




“So what? I need to balance my [Sin]? Find someone that can pull me back? Rossie and Rena should be able to do it.” Elizabeth said with confidence, getting smile from the girls ni question.


“With what? The power of Love?” Jenna laughed, “Be real Elizabeth, if you turned into that, I can easily see those two joining you instead of trying to return you to normal.”


….right…Actually, Elizabeth could see that too.


Dang it.


“Fine, not using that one either.” Elizabeth grumbled, “Not that I was planning to, my master plan was to use other stuff anyway.”


Yes, Elizabeth wasn’t feeling lucky about that Shift. She did want to let the sleeping dragon rest, for now she wouldn’t wake from the slumber that one, the Prideful Dragon Empress would need to wait for her return.


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