I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 9: Class preparations! (This wasn’t supposed to be that long!)

She was on her bed.

It was one comfy bed, a good mattress, the right amount of springs, and good material on the overall design. The sheets were cold and smooth to the touch but the material breathed well enough, so it had a good airflow and could keep her at a nice temperature, and the mattress would move and accommodate her figure easily enough when she moved and turned trying new positions.

It had one sturdy frame with nice touches, something told her that this wasn't a standard bed, maybe Mother or Father had moved things to get it to her room?

It was probably how she ended up with this bed since they both knew how much she loved sleeping.

Even so, with a nice bed with very good bedding, she was awake.

This would be a problem in most situations since it meant that she couldn't sleep. But the problem wasn't that...

The problem was that she did sleep during the night...

She went to sleep at eleven the last night...She made all her usual rituals for sleeping, brushing her teeth, taking a quick shower, drying her hair, get into her comfy pajama since she didn't want to deal with one of the silk gowns her mother kept sending her way...

They were good material and really comfy to sleep in during the summer...But she wouldn't use them on the first night in a new place...

She put her twenty alarms to make sure she would awake in the morning... And then closed her eyes and welcomed the dreams.

Everything at this point was okay.

The problem was...She was awake now.

And why was that a problem you ask my dear reader?

Because right now it was six in the morning.

Her first alarm wouldn't start making a ruckus till half an hour...

And she was awake already...

"Why have you forsaken me Morpheus," the blonde girl said almost with a tear on her face.

Her favorite activity...And she had plans to oversleep too...

Something along the lines of 'Injury blablabla, loss of blood blablabla, low-pressure blablabla'.

But no...She couldn't turn away from the truth...

She was awake and couldn't sleep, her body wasn't tired anymore.

She felt refreshed, almost like that one time she slept for 18 hours...She was salty about being awakened that one time actually...

Either way, she felt refreshed, and no matter how much she trashed on her bed or swapped positions she couldn't sleep. Not even the warm embrace of her favorite shark shaped plushie could help her sleep again.

So with heavy steps, she raised her upper body, took off her sleeping mask, turned off the white sound machine and the diffuser that was emitting that sweet lavender scent, and marched onwards to the bathroom.

Of course, she first turned off the twenty alarms that didn't have a chance to be used.

For now, she had important things to ponder about, like, why had she slept so little...

Maybe a remanent effect from one of the spells?

If only she could identify the reason...

"Ah right. I wonder if it works...[Identify]" intoned the blonde girl while focusing on her general health.

Elizabeth Starbright:
Currently at the prime of her life, suffering no problems with her general health.
After an invigoration on her constitution, she now has twice the resilience of a normal person, in stark contrast to her previous health, as such she needs half as much sleep as before and will recover faster with less rest.

It took almost all her self-control to not curse at the world.

She stopped, did a full circle, and returned to her room, closed the door, marched to her still messy bed, and threw herself at it. Then without further ado grabbed the pillow, put it on her face, and screamed.

"#$"%%$&WFSAFDASDFSAC" Any sailor worth their weight in gold would be proud of her choice of expletives and profanity.

Not that they would understand them with how strong the pillow was on her face and how she was cursing while also biting the said pillow.

After almost ten minutes of this (Mostly because she was missing dear air in her lungs) she got tired of doing so. And drooling on this particular pillow.

She was never a drooler, so she would need to change this pillow for the night and get a new one from her wardrobe, at least this wasn't one of the scented pillows.

"Better get going to the bathroom to wash myself..." told to herself the blonde.

She wasn't sure at what time the pink-haired girl would wake, so better get a headstart on the shower.

The bathroom was compact but functional. The room had a standard bathtub with a showerhead, for some reason, it had a couple of stars stickers on the glass enclosure to prevent water from splashing onto the floor. The tiles on the walls and floor were white and black, creating a clean and fresh look.

Above the bathtub, there was a small ledge that serves as a shelf for bath products. It had a couple of her shampoos of choice and some extra ones with pink motifs and stars on them. Obviously, the pink-haired menace had already claimed part of the bathroom.

At least the sink was fine, her toothbrush was even there to the left. The right had a pink one...How much pink can one tolerate before going mad with power?

She would find out during her stay at this school it seemed.

Moving on!

The mirror, the mirror had secrets for her. Opening it showed the standard stuff a mirror usually has. Some stomach medicine, a couple of feminine indumentary that will not be mentioned but that we will know it was pink (Because obviously, it would) some toiletries.

And then at the upper part...It had a yellow star and a note 'This is powered-grade medicine, use with care'.

It seems that it would be for her personal use, on the side had some detailed dosage usage and a few stars, some grading system to know how many of those you should take?

She would stay clear of them for now, unless she had some really bad headaches or till they explain the star system.

Moving on! (Again)

Nothing else special, the tower rack had a couple of towels ready, more pink and yellow towels, the pink ones had heart motifs and the yellow ones had stars motifs. For now, the blonde just grabbed a yellow one and went on to take a bath.

Her original plan was to take a shower, but if you have a bathtub, you take a bath in the tub. Everyone knows that.

And so it was time for a steamy bathtub scene!

Don't you wanna know what happens?

Of course you do my dear reader!

And so do I!

But sadly we will skip it over!


She finally got her answer after half an hour of her bath.

The pink-haired being awoke at 7 AM by the use of a somewhat obnoxious alarm, it was basically the voice of Rosie screaming at herself to wake up.

That was one weird way to wake up.

She also learned that these bathrooms did have a good locking mechanism since the pink-haired girl tried to get into the bathroom while she was taking her bath.

So that was good to know...

She also learned that the pink-haired girl could picklock half sleep. That was fun.

"Oh...Morning Eli-Eli...Didn't know you were taking a bath, don't mind me. I will return after you finish" was all the pink-haired and half-sleep girl said before leaving the bathroom...And locking the door from outside.

"How did she...?" was all the poor blonde girl could say before deciding that her bath was long enough.

So after drying herself with her towel and donning a bathrobe...Again, the choice was the pink one with hearts or the darker one with yellow stars (She picked the darker one) the blonde girl left the bathroom and went to her room to finish preparing for the morning class.

"The bathroom is free Rosie~ ," of course she would inform her companion of that, so she could wash herself.

"Thank you Eli-Eli!" She now seemed more awake somehow, maybe she wakes faster?

No way she pretended to be half asleep to try and peek at her...Right?

She would try and work that out later.

"I prepared breakfast while you finished your bath, grab what you want!" said the pink-haired girl before rushing into the bathroom.

'At least this was a good way to apologize for almost peeking' thought the blonde girl.

Because as her mother would say 'If a summoned being tries to take a peek at another person, the mist or light will prevent them from seeing anything, for some reason'. And just like that her chastity was safe since there was some mist on the glass door while she was taking her bath, so nothing could be seen!

She could still marry!

With that in mind, the blonde girl went in her epic search for food, she soon found their small dining room with some food on the table ready to be served.

A couple of bacon strips, some scrambled eggs, a few sausages, two cups of coffe...No way of knowing which one was intended for her use...

"The only part of this whole apartment that doesn't have a motif of either stars or hearts..." mumbled to herself the blonde girl.

Two sets of breakfast, neither side had clear evidence of being eaten. But they didn't have the same.

"Time to showcase your intelligence and wisdom!" the blonde girl hyped herself.

"To the right, we have less scrambled eggs but more bacon than the other side. But the coffee mug has more coffee on it...The other side has more scrambled eggs but less coffee, so if Rosie ate or drank coffee before going to take her shower/bath then that side is where she was seated! " and with fanfare, the blonde girl managed to crack the case!

With confidence in not eating or drinking someone's else food, she seated herself and started eating.

"Did you like it? Mom & Dad always liked my scrambled eggs!" came the voice of the pink-haired girl dressed in the other bathrobe while drying her hair.

She seated herself like nothing and started eating like nothing...

The blonde girl couldn't help but wonder how long had she been behind her, but since she didn't mention anything...Probably she just came from taking her shower.

And it was quick...While the blonde girl took almost half an hour dressing and fixing herself the pink-haired showered with haste.

To be fair the blonde girl did take way too much on the bathtub.

"I don't like eating cold, so for now a quick shower was good enough. I will take a slow bath in the afternoon," said the pink-haired girl, it seems that she could read minds too.

"Wish I could wake up as early as you Eli-Eli. I could take longer baths like that then...But I'm not a morning person..." and she added salt to the injury too!

She wasn't a morning person either!

Or wasn't one before.

"Want me to try and wake you up in the mornings?" asked the blonde girl. Maybe she could pester someone else if she wasn't allowed to sleep longer?

"Only if you do it like a prince with a kiss!" said the pink-haired girl with total seriousness...

They stood looking at each other for a few seconds before the pink-haired girl started laughing to herself.

"You should see your face Eli-Eli!" how could she laugh like that without chocking on the food?

"But seriously, we can try waking each other in turns. If you wake up first you come to me. And in turn, if I wake up first, then I'll wake you up," said the pink-haired girl after calming herself up.

It sounded like a good plan, maybe if she managed to turn off the bonus to her constitution she could even sleep longer too, so it was a good plan.

"Sounds like a deal to me, now finish eating so we can go to classes, " answered the blonde girl, and after thinking a little she added "After you dress yourself...Can't have you going around the school on a bathrobe"

At least the pink-haired girl had the decency of blushing at that.

Who goes around like nothing on a bathrobe with someone you met a day ago like nothing?

Mother was right, pink-haired girls are weird.

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