I will swear to protect the beauty with my life.

Chapter 172

The next day, Fang Wuwei, who got the"Dark Notes" from Rikka, completely ignored the objection of the original owner of the notebook, Togashi Yuta, and took the notebook away.

Since that day, Fang Wuwei has never appeared again, he did not participate in club activities, and he was occasionally not seen at his home. Fortunately, he can still be contacted, and Yuta is not as panicked as the last time Fang Wuwei disappeared.

However, Fang Wuwei's problem was solved, but they soon faced new problems.

As the days passed, the cold winter began to descend on this land, bringing a paleness to this world.

It's snowing.

The snowflakes fell slowly, bringing a tranquility to the world. The sound of snowflakes is so gentle, it falls on the ground without making a sound, and only in silence can you feel its presence.

This winter brought beautiful snow, but also brought an unfortunate news.

Rikka is about to be forced to move.

The reason is that her mother, who is currently taking care of Rikka, will have to leave here for work training and go to a company far away in Hokkaido.���They will settle down in the village for two years and will leave in two days.

If it were just this, it would be fine, as Liuhua would just need to live alone. But what’s worse is that Liuhua’s mother brought even worse news - Liuhua’s grandfather is an old stubborn man. He thinks Liuhua can’t take care of herself in her current state. So after knowing the news, he strongly demands that Liuhua must move back to her hometown, just like he did before.

The bad news brought by Liuhua’s mother scared Yongtai badly.

How could Yongtai accept such a result after experiencing the pain of being separated from Liuhua? It was so hard to abduct her back, and now you want to take her back again?

Don’t even think about it! The cabbage I dig up is mine!

A mass meeting was held on the spot, and even Fang Wuwei put down his work and rushed over after hearing the news.......Although he was holding two world-class masterpieces in his hands at the time, a serious roundtable meeting was held.......

Yuta couldn't accept this result, and naturally the others couldn't accept it either, but they had no right to object at all. They and Rikka were just ordinary friends.......The only two people who are qualified to object to this matter are Yuta and Rikka. Although Rikka gets along well with her mother, she still has difficulty communicating with her extremely stubborn grandfather.

Therefore, the task of pleading naturally fell on Yuta, who is Rikka's boyfriend.

Encouraged by his friends, Yuta immediately made a decision to set off immediately to go to Rikka's hometown to plead for Rikka.

Fortunately, for some reason, Rikka's mother actually supports Yuta.

So the two hit it off, met immediately, and took the tram to Rikka's hometown.

Rikka originally wanted to go there too. This matter has exceeded her acceptance. It was not easy for her to come back and be with Yuta again. It was not easy for her to convince her family at that time to let her live well here. It was not easy for her to take a step further with Yuta on Christmas.......It's not easy, it's not easy to do all this......

She absolutely does not want to go back like this, and she absolutely does not want to accept such a cruel reality.

Rikka is still unwilling to face reality, but she used to be self-enclosed, hiding herself in the tortoise shell in her heart to escape reality. Now, she chooses to face the difficulties and use practical actions to resist all the realities that she is unwilling to accept.

This is a qualitative change. It is the first step for Rikka to accept reality and recognize society. It is also a grand step for Rikka to go out into the world.

However, Yuta and Rikka's mother thought about it and felt that Rikka's current personality could not communicate with the extremely stubborn old man. Although Rikka's grandfather seemed to be indifferent to Rikka, he actually cared about Rikka very much.......After all, she is his precious granddaughter.

But Liuhua's grandfather is a typical patriarch, who wants both face and substance, as well as authority and the right to speak.......It is estimated that there is an 80% chance that something will go wrong, and it may even cause a direct backlash.

So the two decided to leave Rikka here, and Yuta comforted her and assured her that he would definitely solve the matter.

Yuta's confident and gentle smile seemed to be the greatest guarantee, and Rikka's heart also settled down.

Yes, Yuta is here, and this time he will not stand against her like before, he is by her side, standing behind her, just like when they first met, supporting her forever, and no matter what the problem is, it will be solved.......

So Liuhua obeyed Yuta's wishes and stayed at the base camp, waiting for good news from Yuta, only occasionally looking up at the sky, hoping that Yuta would return, and looking forward to her hero coming to her with good news.

This matter is not something that can be solved easily, Liuhua understands, and Yuta naturally understands it.

Especially Liuhua's grandfather's character......It is indeed difficult to change the decision he has made, even if Yuta goes with Rikka's mother. Yuta

, who came to Rikka's hometown, knelt on the ground and bowed deeply towards Rikka's grandparents on the other side. His forehead almost touched the floor, and his attitude was extremely pious.

He came here as Rikka's boyfriend and downstairs neighbor. He hoped that even if Rikka's mother left, Rikka would be allowed to live there alone. He swore to Rikka's grandfather that he would definitely take good care of Rikka and would definitely protect her. At this moment, Yuta was like a man who had proposed marriage and asked the girl's parents to hand over their daughter to him.

"Please entrust Rikka to me!"

See, even the words are the same.

But Rikka's grandfather doesn't like this guy at all.���I remember very clearly that it was this guy who came to steal people in the middle of the night.......He also took Rikka away. If his companions hadn't stopped him, Yuta would have been shot dead on the spot.

Rikka's grandfather's attitude was quite firm, not only because he didn't believe Yuta, he also didn't believe Rikka......Although he rarely communicates with Liuhua, it does not mean that he does not care about or understand Liuhua. He knows how poor Liuhua's living standard is.......

Can Rikka cook? No, she can't. Can she do housework? Yes, but rarely, and she can't do most of it. Can she handle the trivialities of life? No, not at all. Rikka, who was trapped in the second year of middle school at the age when she should have understood society the most and completely escaped from reality, has long been out of touch with society. Although she has returned to the normal track of life, she is still far from being able to live alone.

What's more, he really doesn't believe Yuta. As a male high school student who is in his youth, the most driven, and the most easily impulsive, he absolutely does not believe that Yuta has no feelings for Rikka.......

So even when Rikka's mother asked Rikka's grandfather in person, he was only moved for a moment, and after a little thought, he still disagreed.

Rikka's mother was not a good person in his eyes. She left her child and ran away for so long. She only came back not long ago. Rikka was still taken care of by her sister Shihua.......If Rikka's mother had not been a really good mother in the past and had not taken good care of Rikka during this period, he probably would not have taken Rikka's mother's attitude seriously.

Everything seemed to be in a dead end, and Yuta and Rikka's mother were at a loss, but at this moment, the door of the living room was opened, and several cold winds blew in, bringing in a person who was beyond their expectations.

Touka Takanashi made a grand appearance as a hero.

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