I will swear to protect the beauty with my life.

Chapter 176

So, what has Fang Wuwei been busy with these days?

He is indeed very busy, because he really found a way to open the singularity in Yuta's"Dark Notes".

But it still requires a huge amount of magic power, and then he suddenly remembered that there is such a method. He looked for it, and he found a temporary magic gathering array in Nibutani's"Dark Holy Scripture".

When the descendants were at a loss, the full-blown black flame master and the peak elf magician joined forces to point out a clear way for Fang Wuwei.

It's simply outrageous to open the door to outrageousness, outrageous to the extreme.

During this time, he has been discussing countermeasures with the Ikenai family and Tuomu Songsheng, discussing the things on the other side of the singularity, what is the so-called other world? Do you want to go? Fang

Wuwei's curiosity, Tuomu Songsheng's desire for knowledge, and the worries of the Ikenai couple, ultimately point to the same path.

Go over and take a look and find out.

The three parties hit it off, Tuomu Songsheng took out all the remaining magic crystals, and the Ikenai couple also went home to prepare, and the preparations and other materials for returning home.

Fang Wuwei has been experimenting with reading a bunch of inexplicable, self-boasting, and embarrassing middle school sentences in"The Dark Codex" and"Dark Notes", translating them into plain language to gain a deeper understanding, and then using them to......It was not an easy task.

This wasted several days, until Yuta and Rikka started living together and school was about to start, and their preparations were finally completed.......

So, Fang Wuwei chose an auspicious day and summoned the Chi Nei family and Tu Shou Song Sheng to the open space where the singularity was located.

Fang Wuwei and the Chi Nei family waited for a long time, and Tu Shou Song Sheng arrived late, and also brought some magic crystals, which were barely enough to fill two large cartons - it can be seen that there are not many left.

"Is it all here?"

"Yes, after so many years, this is all that is left."

Toushou Songsheng nodded, feeling a little helpless and expectant.......To be honest, he wanted to go, but he was told that he was too weak to go there and his life would be in danger, so he gave up on the spot, but he still felt regretful.

Although the Ikeuchi couple decided to go, they still couldn't help but worry and fear in their hearts.......That place is definitely not a good place for the couple, with Ye Tian there, but they can't just stay there. As magicians, even though they have fallen and become ordinary people, they still have the persistence for magic and the pride of being magicians in their hearts, not to mention that it is their hometown.

As for Fang Wuwei? He still remembers that there is a person who is suspected to be a time traveler who needs to be dealt with.......Although he was a bit of a procrastinator, he also knew what could be delayed and what could not be delayed.

Allowing a time traveler to develop for a longer period of time would increase the risk. Moreover, he had once said that he would come here. Although school was about to start, he still had to go. If he kept delaying, it would only make him uncomfortable. Should he delay this matter until the summer vacation? Or the next winter vacation? What if he was too busy by then? Should he continue to delay?

So he had to go now, even if it meant sacrificing school time. He had to go.............It's definitely not because he doesn't want to go to school!

Fang Wuwei moved all the magic crystals out of the car, then came to the place where the singularity was located and began to set up a temporary magic gathering array.

There is still some time now.......I hope it's not too late.

Fang Wuwei began to set up the magic circle according to the records in the Dark Holy Scripture, and was sweating profusely.

There was no picture of this magic circle, or rather, there was no picture in the Dark Holy Scripture at all. It was all inexplicable patterns composed of obscure words. Fang Wuwei was almost driven crazy by this thing at the beginning.......If you can't write, you don't have to write, just draw a picture! You draw a picture!

He even took this thing to ask Danshenggu in person, but what he got in return was a head-on blow, and he also lost a copy of the Dark Holy Book.

Although it was winter and it had snowed not long ago, this piece of open space was unusually clean, with no snow, no mosquitoes or weeds, just a bare piece of open space, which was very convenient for Fang Wuwei to set up the magic circle.

The sun was still hanging in the sky, Fang Wuwei successfully set up the magic circle, and the time was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.......

Everyone held their breath and waited quietly for four o'clock. The moment the second hands of the world there and the world on the surface overlapped, that was the moment the singularity opened.

There was only one second left, and the opportunity was fleeting.......4......3......2......

At the right moment, Fang Wuwei activated the temporary magic gathering array formed by the luxurious combination of a large number of magic crystals. The magic crystals lit up and emitted a dazzling purple light. The array produced weak magic power, and the magic power connected to the magic crystals. Under the guidance of the magic power of the array, the magic crystals connected to each other, and the magic power in them began to communicate and combine with each other.

Then, the magic array took shape, using a large number of magic crystals as the array eye. The magic array formed released a large amount of magic power. The magic power connecting the array eye and the array eye also began to shine, forming a huge magic array, lying quietly on the ground, releasing light.

The elves around in the air began to cheer and jump for joy, and they were extremely active. They began to rush towards the direction of the magic array quickly, surrounded the magic array, and actively released a large amount of gentle magic power to respond to the magic array. Soon, the large amount of magic power released by the elves began to surround the array.

The magic power of the elves and the magic power of the magic circle began to further pull the magic crystals that served as the center of the circle, drawing out the violent magic power. When such a large amount of magic crystals were fully squeezed out, the amount of magic power generated was very exaggerated. For a moment, Fang Wuwei, who was outside the magic circle, could feel the huge amount of magic that was about to overflow.

The magic circle had been successfully operated, and the time had just arrived.

When the pocket watch in Fang Wuwei's hand pointed to four o'clock, the singularity appeared out of thin air in the air, releasing a huge amount of magic power, which mixed with the magic power in the magic circle, but did not go out. Instead, it used this magic power to further open up the channel to the singularity.

Here it comes.

Fang Wuwei strode forward, rubbed his hot and slightly red face, and suppressed the shame in his heart, and reached out to the singularity.

"The source of all things, the enlightenment of the world! I am the dark flame envoy......Apostle of the Darkness, in the name of Chaos and Darkness, I command you to open your gate to me!

Chaos! Dark! Disaster! Annihilation!"

This spell was written by Yuta in the Dark Scripture. It is a necessary spell to open the singularity. It is written in a serious manner, indicating that without this spell, it is impossible to open the singularity in this lifetime.

Fang Wuwei did not dare not try. Judging from the number of magic crystals, he only had one chance, so even if this sentence was false and useless, he had to try.

Fortunately,......No one present cared about the issue of Chuuniburi, but thought it was normal to have a spell.

And fortunately, this spell was indeed effective.

As soon as his voice fell, the singularity that was about to close stagnated for a moment, and then suddenly began to expand again, releasing more magic power, and the outline and shape became clearer and clearer. Even the Ikenai family and Touma Matsuo saw it, and it became clearer and clearer, and a dazzling light began to emit from the center.......

But soon, the singularity that was about to open stopped again, and the light dimmed and began to shrink slowly.

Fang Wuwei had seen this situation in"Dark Notes". This was a sign that the magic power was not enough to open the singularity.

Damn, the magic power here is seven or eight times more than mine, and you still tell me it's not enough?!

There is no way......

Fang Wuwei sighed, took out a shiny object from his pocket, and threw it over like a coin.

【Lucky Coin

A-level item

Description: Since the opponent has taken the initiative, shall I give you some magic? 】

A bronze coin with a crystal clear blue crystal in the middle, emitting a dazzling and beautiful light.

According to Fang Wuwei's judgment, this thing should be the lucky coin in Hearthstone Legend, which will release a lot of magic after use.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. Although the amount of magic released by the lucky coin is not much, it is more than enough to fill the magic needed to open the singularity.

Fang Wuwei did not want to use this thing. He also planned to use it as a half-backup.......But plans can't keep up with changes. If you don't use it now, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

With enough magic power supply, the singularity began to expand again, and then stabilized.

When the singularity opened, the light in the center began to shrink and no longer radiated outward. The surrounding magic power also began to condense rapidly, compressed to a point, and supplied the singularity to maintain the channel.

The elves in the air paused for a moment, then exploded, and quickly ran around the channel, seeming to be quite angry.

It can be seen that the magic of the elves���Was embezzled......But Fang Wuwei didn't care. He just looked at the singularity, his heart pounding.

Success, a perfect success. He was about to reach the other side to see another secret buried deep under this seemingly ordinary world.

"Maki! Mr. Ikeuchi......Let's go!"

Fang Wuwei picked up his phone and sent a text message to Yongtai to let him know that he was going to travel and might not be able to contact him for a long time, so he didn't need to worry. He also hoped that he could ask for leave for him and take care of him.

Then he called Ikeuchi Maki, who had been dazed for a long time, and Ikeuchi Higashihiko, who was worried, and took the lead to walk towards the bright tunnel leading to the other world.

This tunnel is quite stable and will not disappear quickly. It is enough to support everyone to pass through leisurely.


Ikeuchi Maki looked back at her mother, then hurried forward excitedly, closely following behind Fang Wuwei, and walked into the singularity passage.

"The child's father......"

Ikeuchi Nami and Ikeuchi Higashihiko, this old couple held hands, their eyes full of anxiety, but in the end, Ikeuchi Higashihiko let go and slowly walked into the passage.

This was the result of their discussion. Fang Wuwei needed to find out what was going on, so he had to have someone who was familiar with that place as a guide.......Ikeuchi Haruhiko was the perfect person.

He volunteered to be the guide, even though it might be dangerous.......

As for Ikeuchi Maki? She is now a good fighter, and she insisted on going with them, saying that she wanted to avenge Ikeuchi's family.

Touma Matsuo watched the three people walk into the singularity, and he was envious.......

After the three of them entered, it took some time for the passage to close, and the singularity instantly disappeared from its original location, releasing a large amount of magic power. The powerful magic torrent formed a wind pressure that blew Tomomori Matsuo and Ikeuchi Nami who were left behind several steps back. At this moment, they realized how powerful this thing was.......

The magic crystal on the ground, which was the core of the formation, was drained of its magic power and turned into powder and scattered in the air, which made Tomomori Matsuo heartbroken.

The elves in the air found that the magic power had returned, and they began to convert their magic power happily, and then gradually drifted away and no longer paid attention.

Only Tomomori Matsuo and Ikeuchi Nami were left, looking in the direction of the singularity just now, silently praying in their hearts.......

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