I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 1 - a sour bird

When Shen Jiajia was about to prepare lunch, she received a report of mourning from her uncle’s family, saying that her uncle, her father’s uncle, was eating red dates and glutinous rice cakes this morning and was stuck by a jujube core, and the person was gone.

Shen Jiajia didn’t care about cooking anymore. After sending the person away, she left a note for her father, and then locked the door, intending to find her mother.

Her father is a catcher from the public door. Unless there are special circumstances, he will eat three meals a day at home. Her mother is the cook in the Zhou Shilang’s house, and her cooking skills are quite appreciated by the master’s family. She goes out to Zhou’s house in the morning and can go home after dinner.

The Shen family was only a hundred or ten paces away from the back door of the Zhou residence, and it was only a short walk away. The weather is good today, the sky is blue and blue, and there are no clouds at all. There were three or two children flying kites on the road. When they saw Shen Jiajia, they smiled and said, “Sanniang, do you want to play?” Shen Jiajia walked three times in the clan.

Shen Jiajia waved her hand and smiled: “I have something to do today, I will play another day.”

The janitor at Zhou’s house knew Shen Jiajia, and after asking the reason, he let her go, and one person led her to the kitchen. There were four cooks working in the kitchen, the white steam was steaming, people seemed to be walking through the fog, and two little girls were burning the fire. Shen Jiajia’s mother was making steamed cakes. Seeing Shen Jiajia, she was constantly working on her hands and asked, “Why are you here? But something at home?”

Seeing that her mother was sweating on her head, Shen Jiajia took out a handkerchief and wiped it for her. Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly heard someone shouting from outside, “Is there anyone? Pick up this mess!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the man walked in, Shen Jiajia glanced at it, and saw that it was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old servant, neatly dressed and holding a bird in his hand.

A cook smiled and said, “Why do you have time to come here? I heard someone say yesterday that Xiao Langjun is going out to play polo today, why aren’t you waiting in front of you?”

“Hey, don’t mention it, I was originally playing polo, but Mr. Xie accidentally fell off the horse, and now his life and death are uncertain, how many people will be implicated—”

“Which son Xie?”

“Which one else can I have? That is, the son of Princess Xinyang, the nephew of the official family, Xie Chengfeng, Xie Gongzi!” The servant shook his head when he saw that everyone in front of him, including the little girl who burned fire, were all listening to the story. He said, “I don’t have time to tell you all this now, so quickly boil the bird, okay, I have to deliver the medicine! Xiao Langjun asked someone to pick a big piece of ginseng, saying it was the ginseng that grew. It has to be hundreds of years…” As he said, he was a little satisfied, and he smiled, “Naturally, the eldest princess’ mansion does not lack this idea, but it is our little one. Lang Jun’s heart.”

The servant threw the bird in his hand on the chopping board, “After stewing, send it to Xiao Langjun, Xiao Langjun personally explained it, don’t forget.” After speaking, he turned and left.

The cook asked his back, “What bird is this?”

“I bought it from a vassal merchant. It is said to be able to spit people’s words. After three months of teaching, I can’t speak. Today, Xiao Langjun came back in a bad mood. It hits the mold.”

After the servant left, several cooks gathered around the bird to watch, and Shen Jiajia was very curious and joined him.

I saw that the bird was all snow-white, with two red spots on both sides of its cheeks. With a round bird face, it was quite cute; the bird’s beak was short and thick, hooked downward; the bird’s head had a tuft of hair and curved back. face up.

Several cooks whispered, what kind of bird is this, it looks like a parrot, but it doesn’t look like it.

Shen Jiajia believes that this should be a kind of parrot, a species that no one has ever seen. She gently flicked the bird’s wings, the tentacles were warm, and she was afraid that she was still alive.

She touched her chin and murmured, “This bird…”

“Sanniang, what do you think?”

“This bird, I seem to have seen it in the booklet of Buddhist scriptures.”


“Well, you can feel it, it’s still alive… Who’s going to kill it?”

Several cooks retreated, and the fire-fighting girl avoided far away.

As the saying goes, it is better to believe what it is than not to believe it is not. Since it is in the Buddhist scriptures, it must have a history. Even if people do not believe in Buddhism, they will stay away from these things.

“Let me say something unkind, Zhu Erniang, you usually get the most money, so it’s up to you.” These words were immediately agreed by the other two.

Zhu Erniang is Shen Jiajia’s mother.

Zhu Erniang has a sincere temperament and is not good at words. At this moment, she also felt that what they said was reasonable, so she nodded her head.

Shen Jiajia stepped forward: “Forget it, I’ll do it. Mother, I know what you’re going to say. It’s a sin to kill it, but it’s also a big sin of unfilial piety to watch my mother carry the sin and be indifferent.”

The remarks made everyone present unmoved.

“Otherwise, beg Xiaolang-jun for mercy…”

“No need! Give me a pot of boiling water, and I will kill you by the river, so you won’t see it.”

Shen Jiajia’s thoughtfulness once again moved everyone.

After she left with the bird in her left hand and the pot in the right, the cooks gathered around Zhu Erniang to praise Shen Jiajia.

One said, “Sanniang has become more eloquent, and her temperament is decisive. In the future, I don’t know which boy can be worthy of her.”

One said: “Sanniang is so filial, you are really lucky to be a mother. You are not like that girl in my family who is angry with me every three days.”

Another said: “Sanniang is so capable, she will definitely inherit your mantle in the future.”

When Zhu Erniang heard this, she smiled on her face, but she didn’t think so in her heart. Their husband and wife had this one child together. She grew up holding it in the palm of her hand since she was a child. She couldn’t bear the pain of Sanniang suffering from this fireworks. Besides, they also paid for the books she had read for several years, and the teaching gentlemen, one of them counted as one, and none of them did not praise Sanniang for being smart. Such a smart and clever daughter, I can’t say what kind of good luck she can have in the future.

On this end, Shen Jiajia went home directly after leaving Zhou’s house, put down the bird, and went to the yard to catch a pigeon – her father raised five pigeons, and these pigeons were well-bred, throw a handful of rice, and catch a pigeon .

Shen Jiajia killed the pigeon, shed its hair, cut off its head and claws, cleaned it up and returned it to the Zhou family kitchen. Only then did she tell her mother about the uncle’s death.

The others in the kitchen were quite polite: “In that case, Erniang Zhu, you can go to express condolences in the afternoon. We are here to take care of you.”

Zhu Erniang still needed to make lunch first, so Shen Jiajia went home alone.

Her father, Shen Chau, had already returned. After reading the note left by his daughter, he went to Wang Yaba at the street to pick up some steamed buns, and came back to make a pot of tea. At this time, Shen Jiajia pushed open the door and walked in.

Shen Chukuai said, “Sanniang, you’re back? I know everything. Let’s eat first… Oh, by the way, where did you get this bird? I think it’s dying.”

Shen Jiajia was not in a hurry to eat, but went to the kitchen to get a handful of millet and a bowl of water. She put the little white bird on the table, and dipped her chopsticks in clean water and dipped it under its beak, wondering if she could feed it a little.

Shen Chukuai watched curiously while eating mutton steamed buns. The aroma of mutton slowly diffused on the table.

“This bird looks so strange,” Shen Chukuai looked at the round red spots on his bird’s face, and squeaked, “Where did the sour bird come from!”

“It should be a parrot.”


“But it’s too stupid to learn to speak.”

Shen Jukuai killed one steamed bun in two bites, stretched out his hand to take the second one, and said, “I don’t think I can survive. I don’t know if I can eat it because I don’t have a few taels of meat.”

As if it was designed to hit him in the face, at this moment, the bird slowly opened its eyes and woke up.

It has a pair of **** eyes, round and bright, with a powerful aura.

Shen Jiajia didn’t hold out much hope either. He didn’t expect it to wake up like this, and was overjoyed for a while, “You’re awake!”

“Who are you?” it said. The voice is similar to that of ordinary people, but the voice is slightly thinner.

Shen Chukuai said curiously, “Hey, doesn’t this speak?”

“Where is this, why am I here? This is not my home.” It looked a little ignorant, stood up with flapping its wings, and took two staggering steps, like a chick just learning to walk. It fell down, and now its tone was filled with panic: “What’s going on!”

Shen Jiajia couldn’t help but touched its head, “so cute!”

The parrot got angry and shook his head, “Don’t touch me.”

Shen Jiajia couldn’t help laughing, “He’s quite temperamental.”

The parrot stood up strong again, spread its wings and waved, with plump feathers and elegant shape, it seemed to be a beautiful parrot. It looked down at its claws, and turned its head to look at its own wings, “How could it be… I must be dreaming.” The tone of life is doubtful.

It was staring at the wings and was worried. Suddenly, it felt light, and its claws left the table. It immediately panicked: “What are you doing, bold! Presumptuous! Let me down…”

Shen Jiajia held it in her arms and gently stroked, “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.”

The parrot struggled hard, both angry and a little awkward: “You are a girl, can you show some respect.”

Shen Chukuai was holding half a steamed bun beside him, stunned.

This parrot can not only speak, it is afraid of becoming a sperm, right?

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