I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 19 - a cage

The eldest princess wanted to stay with Shen Jiajia for a day or two, but Shen Jiajia was afraid that her parents would be worried, so she wanted to go back, and the eldest princess sent someone to take her home.

With a bird missing from her shoulder, Shen Jiajia was a little uncomfortable.

When the day passed, Xie Chengfeng’s father, Changle Hou Xie Jiong, came home and found that his son had turned into a bird. It was a bolt from the blue.

After the father and son recognized each other, Xie Jiong wondered, “How can this be good?”

The eldest princess asked, “Why don’t we invite the eminent monks from Daxiangguo Temple to try the practice tomorrow?”

Xie Chengfeng disagreed: “Didn’t the eminent monk say that I have been reincarnated?”

“That was before, let’s talk about it,” the eldest princess looked at him, “you are half right.”

Xie Jiong suggested: “Recently I heard that the Taoist priest of Yuxiao Temple is quite magical, why don’t you come and try it?”

Xie Chengfeng asked, “Have you found out who was behind my assassination?”

“Not yet. The horse is dead, and we haven’t found any evidence.”

Xie Chengfeng thought to himself, and went back to Shen Jiajia to try. He said to his parents, “Then how do we know that this behind-the-scenes mastermind will not make a fuss through monks and Taoists?”

“Uh…” The husband and wife were at a loss.

The eldest princess thought of Shen Jiajia in the daytime, and asked tentatively, “Would you like to try Chongxi?”

Xie Jiong hesitated, “Is this alright?”

“What if! The Shen Sanniang who came to our house today is the girl who adopted Chengfeng. She also looks like Zhou Zheng. Although she comes from a small family, she speaks and acts in a decent manner. Since she adopted my son, it means that the two are destined. , or we-“

Xie Chengfeng hurriedly interrupted: “No way!”

“Why not?” Xie Jiong was a little strange, why his son reacted so much.

Xie Chengfeng explained: “She was also raised by her father and mother, and she was also the eyeball of her father and mother. She grew up in the palm of her hand for so many years, and suddenly let her marry a half-dead person, how wronged she must be? We are not Is power bullying?”

The eldest princess disagreed: “How do you know her family doesn’t like such power?”

“Of course I know.”

“Have you asked?”

“I don’t have to ask. I know Shen Jiajia, she is different from others.”

Xie Jiong heard something wrong, “Then Shen Sanniang is a girl who hasn’t left the cabinet, how can you call her by her name.”

Xie Chengfeng thought to himself, who asked her to call me Chengfeng first. He thought about the way Shen Jiajia called her name with a smile, and his heart was a little strange.

The family of three did not discuss a result. Xie Chengfeng slept on his body at night, hoping to get it back when he woke up. When he woke up the next morning, of course, he was still a bird.

The eldest princess gave her bird son a ban, not allowing him to run around, and instructed the people in the house to keep an eye on her new “favorite pet”. Xie Chengfeng was very uncomfortable. He didn’t feel uncomfortable when he was outside, but when he came home, he felt like he was living in a big bird cage. Shen Jiajia never let him live in a cage.

Although the starting point of the long princess is a good one.

Xie Chengfeng endured it for a day, and in the afternoon, he teased his mother: “Shen Jia-Shen Sanniang usually takes good care of me. Why don’t you help me send some snacks to her? Just the ones we ate yesterday.”

The eldest princess glanced at him with a half-smile, Xie Chengfeng guiltily put aside the bird’s head.

In fact, he also wanted to send some other things. For example, in his room there was a gold-plated boat that was more than a foot long. It was made in the shape of a sea boat. Shen Jiajia would definitely like it. It’s a pity that sending these now is afraid of being suspicious, so I have to wait for him to change back and talk about it.

The eldest princess called her personal maid, gave some orders, and the maid went down to make arrangements. About an hour later, when the maid served tea, she hesitated.

The eldest princess asked, “Is something wrong?”

Xie Chengfeng felt that something was wrong. He pretended to play with the melon seeds with his claws, but actually pricked up his ears and listened.

The maid said: “I just sent someone to deliver snacks to Shen Sanniang. The snacks have already been delivered. The person who came here reported that something happened to Shen Sanniang’s house.”

“Oh? What’s the matter?”

“Shen Sanniang’s mother, Zhu Shi, poisoned her and died. Now she has been arrested by the government.”

“This—” The eldest princess just said a word, when she suddenly felt a white shadow pass by in front of her eyes, as if a white mouse was flying towards the door with lightning. The eldest princess was stunned for a moment before she reacted, facing the door anxiously: “Come back to me!”

… long gone.

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