I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 22 - a visit

The yamen held all the people who had come into contact with that terrifying crab and tortured them all night, but in the end they had no clue.

The next day the governor heard the result, shook his head and said, “Idiot!”

Li Sizhuai did not dare to defend himself.

The governor thought that the murder case was not a small case, not to mention that it was the wife of Zhou Shilang, thinking of this, he said helplessly: “Go to Shen Zhu and come back quickly, and say that this official believes in their husband and wife, and allows him to investigate this case, and in addition …” He took a deep breath and suppressed the embarrassment in his heart, “If anyone can help this case, they can also bring it along.”

Li Si hurriedly responded, ran to Shen’s house to find Shen Chaukuai, and conveyed the original words.

Shen Chaukuai took Shen Jiajia in a gracious manner.

The three of them went to the Zhou Mansion together. On the way, Shen Zhukuai asked about the progress of the case. Li Si felt aggrieved when he thought of the government’s attitude, and couldn’t help but argue in front of his father and daughter: “Then Mrs. Yang is usually a bit stingy, deducting a little monthly salary, and she didn’t talk to her. Whoever forged a deep hatred and hatred, all those who have the conditions to poison have no motive for murder. Furthermore, we have searched the Zhoufu kitchen from top to bottom, but we have not found any poisonous source, and all the ingredients and kitchenware are clean. Yes. That poison seems to have appeared out of thin air. You think it’s strange! Brother Shen, tell me, how can we investigate this case?!”

Shen Chukuai quickly comforted him.

Seeing what Shen Jiajia was thinking about touching his chin, Li Si asked, “Shen Sanniang, what do you think?” Thinking of the government’s attention to this woman, Li Si’s tone inevitably contained a bit of sourness that he didn’t even notice.

Shen Jiajia replied: “Judging from Mrs. Yang’s reaction to eating raw crab, this medicine should have no special taste. What I can’t figure out is that a medicine with no taste and strong toxicity, what else is there in this world other than **?”

“That’s right!”

Shen Jiajia asked, “Where’s the doctor? How do you say it? Oh, by the way, does the doctor know it’s not blackhead?”

“I know, but I can’t tell what it is. The doctor said that if Mrs. Yang ate puffer fish, it could be explained. At most, there will be a rash from eating crabs, and no one will die.”

Shen Jiajia shook her head and said, “Mrs. Yang can’t even tell the difference between puffer fish and crabs.”

Li Si tsk tsk shook his head, “I see this case, it’s difficult.”

Thinking of something, Shen Jiajia asked, “Isn’t it Mrs. Yang’s birthday yesterday? Has anyone else touched that crab except her?”

“It’s a coincidence that Mrs. Yang is stingy by nature. This time her birthday is not an integer, so she didn’t make any arrangements. She just planned to have a family dinner in the evening. So she ate lunch alone.”

“Do you have children?”

“One son and one daughter. The son went out to buy something at noon, and the daughter was talking about kissing recently, and she has been locked out of the house.”

Shen Jiajia nodded and sighed in a low voice: “The big family really has strict family education.”

At this time, Xie Chengfeng, who had been standing silently on her shoulder, said in a low voice, “It’s not all like that. Our family doesn’t talk about these ceremonies, and we’re very comfortable.”

Shen Jiajia turned her head and asked Li Si goodbye again, Xie Chengfeng sighed slightly when she saw that she didn’t take his words seriously at all.

When he arrived at Zhou Mansion, Shen Jiajia proposed to go to the kitchen to have a look, and Li Si called a cook and a little girl to accompany him. Except for Mrs. Zhu Erniang, who was in the government office, the other persons involved were all detained in the Zhou residence, with special personnel to take care of them. The kitchen in the house has also been disabled, and now the next week’s house should be bought from outside for the time being.

The little girl who burned the fire looked less than ten years old, with sparse yellow hair, and was yawning listlessly at the moment. Shen Jiajia was slightly apologetic for suddenly pulling the person here, and asked gently, “You didn’t sleep well last night?”

“Well, I wasn’t allowed to sleep last night, and I was asked all night.”

The cook was a slick, afraid that the two players would be unhappy, so she quickly said: “You little hoof that doesn’t know what to do, you are sleepy all day long, what’s the matter with you, and you fell asleep yesterday when the fire was burning is also a card. let you sleep?”

The fire girl dared not speak.

Several people got to the kitchen. Shen Jiajia had been here a few times before, and this is the first time to seriously observe this place. Wherever she looked, the cook showed her where she was, quite attentive.

“Where do the crabs that make crabs come from?”

“It was a birthday gift from Mrs. Yang’s mother’s nephew. The crab was very big and fresh. It was alive and kicking when it was killed, so there would be no problem.”

“These seasonings…”

“All seasonings and water are communal, no problem.”

“Utensils with raw crab…”

“Zhu Niangzi is a person who loves cleanliness. She is afraid that there will be dust in the kitchen. Before using the dishes, she will use water once, and then dry them with a clean cloth.”

After all, it’s impossible for this dish to be poisonous before walking out of the kitchen.

Shen Jiajia nodded, neither saying whether she believed it or not. Her eyes fell on a row of large cabinets against the wall, and the cook hurriedly opened the cabinets and introduced them to her one by one. Inside are all utensils, small stoves, various pots, pots for eating pancha, and so on.

Shen Jiajia pointed to the two rows of food boxes and asked, “Why are these boxes round and square?”

“Round boxes only hold hot food, and square ones only hold cold food.”

Worthy of being a big family, pay attention.

Shen Jiajia visited the top, bottom, corners and corners of the kitchen. When she came out, Shen Chaukuai asked her daughter, “What did you find out?”

Shen Jiajia frowned and shook her head, “No clue.”

Li Si next to him was inexplicably relieved, and then said, “Do you want to ask other people?”


Shen Jiajia asked everyone involved one by one what was unusual yesterday. As a result, some people said that they dreamed of snowing, some said that they woke up in a panic, and some said that they went out and saw crows.

Shen Jiajia: “…”

More clueless.

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