I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 27 - a guess

“What is your idea?”

After returning home from the yamen, Xie Chengfeng asked Shen Jiajia like this, and his tone was quite questioning.

Shen Jiajia asked back: “Don’t you think it’s too coincidental? You were injured while playing polo with Zhou Luo, your soul left your body, and then your soul entered the parrot’s body. Coincidentally, this parrot was also raised by Zhou Luo. .”

“Do you want to say that Zhou Luo was the murderer behind me?” Xie Chengfeng said, without waiting for Shen Jiajia to answer, and denied it himself, “Impossible, I have no grievances with Zhou Luo, and he has no motive for murder.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Shen Jiajia shook her head, rubbing her chin in thought, “I wonder if Zhou Luo has any special physique. After you died, he hooked your soul away.”

“It wasn’t him who took my soul away.”

“You don’t understand what I mean, for example,” Shen Jiajia picked up the teacup on the table and poured some water into it, “People are like this cup of water, the body is the cup, the soul is the water, when the water is in the cup , a person is a normal person. But if—” she said, pouring the water from the glass on the ground, “if the water is sprinkled, the soul of a person will be gone, and it will be equivalent to death.”

“Well, that’s a fresh statement.”

“If Zhou Luo has a special physique and can attract people’s souls, just like a magnet attracts iron, then can I explain it this way: You should have died that day, but after your soul left the body, Zhou Luo was sucked into it. , which means that although the water in the cup was spilled, it did not spill on the ground. After that, Zhou Luo went home, because the parrot angered him, he lost his temper and killed the parrot. At this time, the parrot’s soul was separated from the body and the body It becomes a new cup, and you just filled this cup of water into it.”

This speculation is mysterious and mysterious, and it sounds unreliable at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it makes some sense.

Xie Chengfeng pondered for a moment and asked, “Then how do I go back? Let Zhou Luo kill me?”

“No,” Shen Jiajia denied the proposal, “in case I’m not sure.”

If the guess is not accurate, he may not even have the qualifications to be a bird.

Seeing Shen Jiajia frowning, Xie Chengfeng was inexplicably happy. He jumped beside her and asked, “You can’t bear me?”

Shen Jiajia ignored him.

“When I wake up, I’ll come to your house to mention—”

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then a woman said, “Is Shen Sanniang at home?”

Shen Jiajia heard the voice familiar, and hurriedly got up to open the door. Seeing that there were Mrs Wu and her maid standing outside the door, it was the maid who called the door just now.

The two of them are very different from a few days ago. Now they are wearing very simple clothes, wrapped in coarse cloth, with no hairpins, only peach wood hairpins. Both the master and servant have put things on their faces. There is a light purple birthmark on it, and the maid has a big rascal on her face.

We haven’t seen each other for a few days, and these two are really learning to be smart.

Shen Jiajia invited them into the room and was busy making tea and preparing snacks. Wu stopped her and said, “The two of us are leaving the capital today, and I just want to say goodbye to you. Thank you Sanniang for your help in the future. If Sanniang can get me anywhere, please speak up.” As she spoke, she glanced at the maid.

The maid hurriedly took off the package, opened it and took out an embroidery item.

Wu Shi: “This is what I embroidered in the past few days. The time is short, and the embroidery is inevitably rough. Sanniang don’t joke, let’s keep it for fun.”

Shen Jiajia wanted to refuse, but just looked at the embroidery, it was a vivid picture of dragonfly playing with lotus, which was better than all the embroidery she had ever seen before, she was very jealous for a while, so she smiled: “Then I will be disrespectful. already.”

After a few more words, Mrs Wu was about to leave. Shen Jiajia always thinks about the person behind Qian Da’s instigation. She has a problem that she likes to get to the bottom of things when she is in trouble, and now she asks, “Miss Wu, I still want to ask for advice.”

“Sanniang, please speak.”

“Has Qian Er ever been close to anyone? Especially a while before the crime was committed.”

When Mr. Wu thought of his son, his expression darkened, and he recalled it carefully and said, “He usually has friends with wine and meat, and some partners make money. Before the crime… two months before the crime, he liked to run to Yu Xiaoguan. “

After the two of Wu’s left, Shen Jiajia picked up the embroidery and looked at it carefully. After reading it, he accidentally flipped through it and found that there was a butterfly around peony on the back, which turned out to be a double-sided embroidery.

“Tsk, with such a skill, why should you end up in the Qianfu?”


Yang Fang’s case was soon pronounced, and the governor worried about what he said was the wandering doctor in the rivers and lakes. This Jianghu wandering doctor has poison that seals his throat with blood, and he is likely to sell it for money. Such a person is too dangerous and must be found and arrested.

The yamen drew a portrait according to Yang Fang’s description, posted a notice, and searched for a few days, but no one was found. It made the governor in a bad mood and lost his temper twice.

Shen Zhukuai complained to his wife and daughter when he went home for dinner, and Shen Jiajia asked: “Have you checked, where did Yang Fang go before the incident? The place he went was probably the place where the wandering doctors haunted the rivers and lakes. .”

“I checked, Yang Fang is not a person who likes to wander around. He usually studies at home, and occasionally goes out with his classmates. Then someone saw him going to Yuxiao Temple.”

Shen Jiajia’s action of adding vegetables stopped and asked, “Where have you been?”

“Yu Xiao Guan.”

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