I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 33 - dry girl

After a while, Xie Chengfeng put away his emotions, spread out the file on the table, and asked, “You look at the file all day, but what can you see?”

“Not yet, but,” Shen Jiajia’s expression changed a bit as soon as she talked about the case, “I’m wondering if it is possible to investigate that Daoist Baiyun from Zuo Zuoxing.”

“How to say?”

“From the instigation of the murderer to Qian Da, it can be seen that this person has a deep understanding of the crime, to the extent that he can use autopsy techniques to falsely accuse him. This person is either a false worker himself, or he knows a high-level false worker. I I have already asked Zheng Zuzuo, such a powerful Zuzuo is rare. Maybe we can find some clues in the homicide files of previous years. “

The dossier is generally divided into three parts, one is the case handling process, the other is the case statement, and the other is the case judgment and summary. What Shen Jiajia wants to check is

The first part of the case handling process. The general process of handling a case may gloss over the words and deeds of the local officials, but it is a cheap job, so it will basically describe it truthfully, and there is no worry about false reports.

Fu Jun has ordered someone to read the files from the Ministry of Punishment. There are five boxes in total, and these books on Shen Jiajia’s table are just the tip of the iceberg.

After Xie Chengfeng heard it, he smiled and said, “I’m here by coincidence, just to help you share your worries.”

The two then checked the file together. The flower hall was quiet for a while, except for the sound of paper flipping, until the sun slanted westward.

Shen Jiajia was fascinated when she heard a voice beside her saying, “Open your mouth.”

Before she could think about it, she opened her mouth.

It wasn’t until a foreign object was stuffed into her mouth that she reacted and looked up at him.

Xie Chengfeng didn’t know when he had brought back dinner, and at the moment he was carrying a piece of cake into her mouth. Seeing her stunned expression, he couldn’t help laughing.

“Little lady is so funny, you are the smartest, and you are dumb.”

Shen Jiajia was actually not listening to what he said at all. His smiling eyes and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, like petals lifted by the spring breeze falling on the lake, causing ripples in her heart.

She looked away, chewing to hide her embarrassment. The cake was a tea cake made by Longjing before the rain. It melted in the mouth, full of fragrance, sweet but not greasy. It was her favorite taste. But she was focusing on him at the moment, and she was a little embarrassed.

After the two had dinner together, Xie Chengfeng left, smiling before leaving, “I’ll come back tomorrow.”

After the two finally read the five boxes of files together, Shen Jiajia summed up the works of various states and counties that are good at autopsy, especially good at estimating the time of death. Counting Zheng’s work, there are as many as ten. Zuzuo is inferior, and the dossiers in various places only record the results of the autopsy of Zuzuo, and there is no record of Zuzuo himself.

Shen Jiajia had to find the governor again and asked him to investigate these works.

The prefect replied, “We need to contact the Ministry of Officials for this matter, and have the Ministry of Officials order officials from all over the country to report the situation of these few works truthfully.”

“But this way, isn’t it scaring the snake?”

“What do you think of that Sanniang?”

“Can the government send someone to investigate secretly?”

“It can be possible, but I can’t get so many people to run to various places at the same time, so I can only investigate slowly.”

This is too slow, and Shen Jiajia is a little anxious.

Xie Chengfeng said: “It’s better than this, I went to the palace to talk to the official’s family, and his people are also hidden.”

“Can this work?” Shen Jiajia looked at him expectantly.

Xie Chengfeng felt hit by her eyes: “Yes.” If you can’t, you have to be able.

The next day Xie Chengfeng went to the palace to visit his emperor’s uncle and the grandmother of the empress dowager. Not to mention what he said to the officials, after ten days, the news from various places was sent back to the capital. Shen Jiajia looked at the results carefully and thought that a Shimen County dude named Ku Niang was the most suspicious.

First of all, this Ku Niang is well-known in the local area. People give her the nickname “Ku Banxiang”, which means that the time of her death is within half a column of incense. This nickname is naturally exaggerated, but it is also to a certain extent. The above shows the level of the autopsy of Ku Niang.

Secondly, it is said that this Ku Niang has an ugly face, often covers her face with a gauze, and is taciturn and mysterious. Although she came to Shimen County twenty years ago, the local officials know very little about her.

Again, Ku Niang disappeared more than half a year ago.

“I came to Shimen County 20 years ago, 20 years…” Shen Jiajia murmured, searching carefully in her mind, “It seems that something happened 20 years ago? What is it?”

“I just happened to be born 20 years ago.” Xie Chengfeng said absentmindedly, he was peeling oranges, and seeing Shen Jiajia in a trance, he peeled off an orange, carefully tore off the white veins, and stuffed it into Shen Jiajia’s mouth.

Shen Jiajia chewed subconsciously, and her right cheek bulged. Xie Chengfeng held the orange and looked at her, thinking, my lady is so cute.

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