I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 40 - death(\\\"Wonderful, wonderful.\\\"...)

Seeing that he was still silent, Shen Jiajia just stared at her indifferently, her eyes were sharp and gloomy, her heart was beating wildly with fright, she stabilized her mind, and tried her best to make her tone appear calm and firm.

She said: “A long time ago, a Taoist priest from Yuxiaoguan stated that Daoist Baiyun was a man, but he had been showing his face all the time, so no one had seen his true face, so we speculate that Daoist Baiyun was either a man Shi Wuniang disguised herself as a man, or was Shi Wuniang’s accomplice. It was not until we dug the grave of Ku Niang, Shi Wuniang, in Shimen County that I found out that both of these guesses were wrong, that Shi Wuniang was fundamentally wrong. He is already dead, so the so-called accomplice will naturally not be established. Daoist Baiyun is the mastermind of this incident from beginning to end. More than half a year ago, after the death of Shi Wuniang, who went by the pseudonym Ku Niang, Daoist Baiyun came to the capital and thanked him first. Chengfeng shot, and after he succeeded, he stayed in Yuxiaoguan and took pleasure in instigating murder. When I found Yuxiaoguan along the clues, he wanted to kill me again, but fortunately I escaped.” Shen Jiajia Speaking of this, I suddenly thought of Xie Chengfeng, and my heart felt a dull pain.

She endured the heartache and continued: “When we found Shi Wuniang, Daoist Baiyun knew that he would be exposed if we checked further, so he came to Shimen County—perhaps more appropriately, back to Shimen County— It was designed to steal Ku Niang’s body, so as to mislead us that Shi Wu Niang also used the bombing technique in Shimen County. In the world, only the Taoist priests of Tianshifu have seen the true face of Daoist Baiyun, so Baiyundao The long one did not do the two endlessly, and directly destroyed the Tianshi mansion. Shi Wuniang is dead, and all murder cases point to a dead person. If we pursue it, it will only be in vain without knowing it. In this way, the real The murderer can get away with impunity. Daoist Baiyun is a good planner.”

His expression finally loosened, and he raised his eyebrows with interest: “How can you be sure that Ku Niang is dead?”

Shen Jiajia was not surprised that he would speak, she replied: “Daoist Baiyun is very thoughtful, and he knows that ordinary methods can’t hide our eyes. Ku Niang’s tomb was unsweeped, covered with weeds, and dug from top to bottom. This tomb will leave traces of excavation, and the traces cannot be eliminated in just a few days, so he designed to enter from the side of the tomb, dug to the tomb by the method of robbing the tomb, pry open the tomb bricks to enter the tomb, as long as you clean it carefully, after leaving the tomb bricks By returning to the original state, he can turn the fake into the real. At the same time, he is familiar with how to do things and knows that even if the corpse is stolen, the smell of carrion will still be left in the coffin, and the traces will still be exposed, so he found one in the wild that had been dead for many days. The deer corpse was put into the coffin, and the smell of the deer corpse was used to cover up the odor of the corpse in the coffin, misleading us that when the burial was buried, it was Shi Wuniang who replaced herself with the deer corpse to escape the golden cicada. He almost succeeded. “

“Good guess, but it’s just a guess.”

“These speculations were confirmed when I saw the stone slabs that pressed the chamber.”


“The tomb was dark, and Bai Yundao lit a candle to illuminate it, and in order to gather the scattered bones and at the same time place the scattered deer corpses realistically, it must take a long time, so the candles burn for a long time. He put the candle on the edge of the coffin, and the tomb was low, so the flame of the candle burned to the slate above, and after a long time, it left a mass of jet black. Therefore, when I saw jet black on the slate, look carefully. When I smell the paraffin wax and the smell is relatively fresh, I know that someone has entered this tomb recently, and it is definitely not a tomb robber. Because tomb robbers can’t clean the site so carefully. Eliminate all possibilities, then There is only one left – the real culprit behind the scenes is Daoist Baiyun, and that is you.”

Hearing this, he couldn’t help applauding, “Wonderful, wonderful. Since when did you start doubting me?”

“When we returned to the valley to look for Chengfeng, you decided to disguise him temporarily. Although you look exactly the same as him, your clothes are completely different, and his clothes and accessories are mostly from the eldest princess’s mansion and the palace, which are hard to be found by the people, and even more so. What’s more, it’s in the mountains. So you bribed the mountain people to string good words and led us to find you. When we found you, you had already changed into coarse clothes at the mountain people Luo Er’s house, and pretended to be injured and aphasia, so as to avoid talking about it. It’s rude. At this point, all the disguise you’ve made still makes sense. But when you left Luo Er’s house, you didn’t say a word about the clothes and accessories you changed. At that time, I vaguely felt that something was wrong. It was just me yesterday. I was too tired, so I didn’t think about it. After seeing Shi Wuniang’s coffin today, I suddenly had an epiphany. You are obviously not injured but your body is weak, you are calm and indifferent even though you are in danger, you are not close enough to me, and you are more than polite… …Even if you don’t speak, you are very different from him. If it were him, you would never leave me alone overnight. If it were him, even if you were not feeling well, you would insist on going out with me. If it were him, you would never leave me alone. It will be so cold… so, you are not him.

You are not him, but you hate him, you look very similar to him, and you are closely related to Shi Wuniang. With all these, the biggest possibility is that you are his twin brother. Back then, Shi Wuniang not only cheated her own death, but also planned to cheat you to death. I don’t know if she had good intentions or planned revenge. In short, you didn’t die. I don’t know what you’ve been through that made you full of evil thoughts about this world, mutilating siblings, killing people like numb-“

“Since you don’t know what I’ve been through, what qualifications do you have to judge me?” He suddenly interrupted her with a mocking expression on his face.

Shen Jiajia was startled, “I…”

“Have you ever been imprisoned, beaten, can’t go out, can’t see people, or even talk? Have you ever eaten sour rice or grabbed something from a mouse? Have you ever, just escaped and watched Looking at the outside world, you have to worry about it all day? Have you ever been afraid of someone to death, hated to death to death, and still endured the disgust and called her mother?”

Shen Jiajia looked at the face that was almost identical to Xie Chengfeng. She only thought that Shi Wuniang would try to wipe away the traces of this person in front of her. After all, she was the child of the eldest princess who was stolen. If it was discovered, it would be a disaster. . But she didn’t expect that Shi Wuniang had already lost her mind and abused a child so cruelly.

What is wrong with the child?

He scolded Shi Wuniang for a while, then laughed again, laughing at himself and sadly, “Are you curious why she didn’t kill me? I’m also surprised. I endured my disgust and called her mother for several years, and she really He treats me as a son. He also taught me to read and teach me the truth, and let me be a good person? Are you saying it’s ridiculous? A child raised by a devil should naturally be a devil. What’s so hard to understand?”

“But…but Chengfeng is innocent, he is your brother…”

“He’s innocent, but I’m not innocent? Why is he wearing fine clothes and food, and I’m being abused in every possible way? He enjoys all the glory and wealth, and even if he dies at the age of 20, he still earns it. What’s wrong with him?”

“It’s not like this…” Shen Jiajia shook her head. He had a tragic and righteous life, so she couldn’t find the right words to refute. She had to say, “Then why did you instigate the murder? Yushi Qian and Mrs. Yang have no grievances with you. hatred.”

“Heartless people, they deserve to die.”

“But what about the Taoist priests here? Are they innocent enough?”

He sneered, looking at the girl who innocently blamed him, a little envy suddenly appeared in his eyes. What kind of people can live so innocently? Such a pair of clear eyes, as if they have never been contaminated by the filth of this world.

He replied: “It’s just bad luck for them. Some people are born rich, some people are born beggars, this is fate, neither you nor I can escape. “

Shen Jiajia really didn’t expect him to be so vicious and shameless, she was full of anger, “I don’t believe in fate, and I don’t accept fate either.”

Xie Dalang suddenly saw Shen Jiajia nodding obscurely behind him, and his reaction was fast enough, he immediately bullied him and pulled Shen Jiajia into his arms, a delicate dagger slipped out of his sleeve, he held the dagger against Shen Jiajia’s neck, holding When she turned around, they saw Feng Jia and the other two yamen walking forward with their swords in their hands. The three of them stopped helplessly when they saw that he was holding Shen Jiajia hostage. That Feng Jia’s pace was steady and aggressive, and he didn’t seem to be injured at all.

The two yamen were borrowed by Feng Jia from the county government. These two were not the best in kung fu, but the lightest hands and feet. The three of them sewed together behind them. When they stopped to talk, they hid behind a nearby bush. I listened to all their conversations. Feng Jia acted fast enough when he received Mrs. Shen’s signal, but there was a distance between the two sides, and the thief was the first to attack.

The son’s life and death are unknown. If Lady Shen has any good or bad, Feng Jia really doesn’t know how he can go back to see the eldest princess. He roared at Xie Dalang: “Don’t embarrass a little girl, I will exchange with her.”

Xie Dalang sneered: “Are you worthy?”

Shen Jiajia’s legs were weak, and her palms were all sweaty. She was so nervous that her throat was dry, she swallowed her saliva and said, “I answered so many questions from Xie Dalang just now. Now I still have some doubts. Please Xie Dalang answer it for me.”


“What is the origin of the poison you used? Even the imperial doctor in the palace can’t understand it.”

“Everyone knows that eating puffer fish is easy to die from poisoning. Do you know where the most poisonous part of puffer fish is?”


“Egg bag. Take the puffer fish from the Spring River Plumbing, cut out the egg bag and refine it, and you can see the poison that seals the throat with blood. Only a few hundred puffer fish need such a small bottle. What, do you want to try it?”

The sharp dagger had touched the skin on her neck, and the cold touch made her body tremble slightly. She couldn’t even breathe too hard.

Shen Jiajia knew that this person was ruthless and cruel. She didn’t care about grief at the moment, she just wanted to explain the funeral, she said to Feng Jia: “Brother Feng, I don’t want you to change, I just want you to catch this bastard. He will definitely take the poison that seals his throat with him. Carry it, you can get physical evidence when you catch him. You have heard what he said just now, and several of them are witnesses. The witnesses are all there. If you catch him, you will avenge me and Chengfeng. “

“Miss Shen!”

“Brother Feng, please tell my parents that I can’t do my filial piety anymore, and I will be their daughter in my next life.”

“Miss Shen…”

“Oh, and if you find Cheng Feng’s body, please bury us in one place. If he’s still alive…” She said this, shaking her head, “Forget it.”

Xie Dalang looked down at the shivering woman in his arms, and suddenly admired her. He lowered his voice and said in a gentle tone, “My brother, he really likes you.”

Shen Jiajia said coldly, “What’s your business?”

“Because every time I see you, my heart beats faster.”

Shen Jiajia couldn’t hold it anymore, and tears burst.

Xie Dalang listened to her sobbing with satisfaction, and said with a smile: “I was a little reluctant to kill you, but why do you insist on my death. In this case, it is not bad to have you as your company on Huangquan Road.”

Shen Jiajia was furious: “When you meet your brother on Huangquan Road, he won’t kill you.”

Xie Dalang didn’t refute, he just laughed, sounding in a good mood, Shen Jiajia even heard some relief from his laughter.

He raised the dagger. Shen Jiajia closed her eyes.

“No!” Feng Jia shouted desperately. Even though he knew it was too late, he still rushed up desperately.

Suddenly, a white object flew over from nowhere. That thing was only the size of a copper plate, and it flew too fast to see what it was. It swept in front of Xie Dalang like a rainbow, and hit him precisely on the wrist holding the dagger.

Xie Dalang groaned, and the dagger dropped to the ground.

All this happened too fast, Feng Jia was still running at his feet, and his heart was still anxious, but his eyes saw Xie Dalang’s face pale, his palms hanging down weakly, obviously his wrist bones were broken. Feng Jia suddenly felt a strange sense of division.

When the thing hit the ground, Feng Jia realized that it was a small pebble.

Whoosh whoosh—

Three more stones flew over and hit Xie Dalang’s body at the same time, and Xie Dalang was powerless to fall.

Shen Jiajia closed her eyes and did not wait for death, but the devil let her go. She opened her eyes suspiciously and heard a familiar voice from a tree not far away.

“You guys, really think I’m dead.”

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