I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 5 - a grandpa

In the evening, Xie Chengfeng couldn’t wait to fly out the door.

He had to go home and see.

The reason why I chose to go out at night is because I was almost shot down by a few naughty children with a slingshot when I went out during the day.

The Princess’ Mansion was to the east of the Shen family, a little far away. Xie Chengfeng had blurred vision at night, so he could only choose a bright place to walk. Not long after he flew, he looked down and saw a brightly lit mansion. In the courtyard, there were people drinking and enjoying the moon. Several girls were playing the qin and the flute. The tune was melodious and melodious. ‘s picture scroll.

Xie Chengfeng retracted his wings and stood on the branch. He fixed his eyes and saw that Zhou Luo was seated in the main seat. Hearing what Shen Jiajia meant, the bird was rescued from him.

Zhou Luo and several people are talking about him, Xie Chengfeng. Xie Chengfeng pricked up his ears to listen.

“I heard that Mr. Xie hasn’t woken up yet, and the imperial doctor ran to the princess’ residence like water.”

“It’s been a few days, I’m afraid the bad luck will be less, alas. Life is short, and things are impermanent, gentlemen, and cherish the present.”

“I feel that something is wrong. I heard that after the accident, the Princess Chang’s mansion has been strengthened, and now not even a bird can fly in.”

“What do you mean, why are you on guard, isn’t it an accident to fall off a horse?”

“Ah? Someone is going to murder the royal family?!”

Although he knew that his home would be heavily guarded at the moment, Xie Chengfeng still wanted to try his luck.

He flew to the princess’ residence with great effort, and as soon as he landed on the branch, he suddenly heard the sound of breaking the sky, and then something swiped across his face. Before he could react, he heard a “pop” With a bang, something fell to the ground.

He lowered his head quietly, and couldn’t see what was on the ground, but the people on the ground helped to answer.

“It’s a pigeon.”

Xie Chengfeng imagined for a moment, if he stood out now and said, “I am Xie Chengfeng, the little master of the princess’ mansion, and now I have become a bird and can’t go home. If someone helps me restore my identity, I will reward him with 100 taels of gold. Guan Jin Jue”, will the people below listen to him, or will they shoot him in the right direction with one arrow?

Probably, people with normal brains will choose the latter.

Xie Chengfeng stood on the branch and didn’t dare to move. He stayed until the end, and the subordinates were a little slack in changing defenses. He caught a little opportunity and escaped.

Shen Jiajia didn’t know that Chengfeng experienced a “frightening night in the princess’ mansion”. She took out the fabric and needles the next day and said to Chengfeng, “I want to make winter clothes, why don’t I make one for you?” A ruler gestured over him.

Xie Chengfeng felt that Shen Jiajia was really annoying, and reminded him of the fact that he had turned into a bird all the time. With a wave of his wings, he overturned her needle and thread basket and said, “No need.”

While picking up the needle and thread, Shen Jiajia asked, “Why are you so angry again? Who messed with you?”

Xie Chengfeng turned around and looked out the window. Seeing the bleak autumn wind and the yellow leaves all over the ground, it fits his mood at the moment.

He sighed leisurely: “You don’t understand when I say it.”

“What’s wrong with you, you don’t know how much I envy you.”

Difficulty What did she see? Xie Chengfeng’s heart sank, and he looked at her calmly: “Why do you envy me?”

“You can fly!”


Unexpectedly, the answer is so simple.

Shen Jiajia sat in front of the window and asked with a look of fascination, “Tell me, what does it feel like to fly?”

Xie Chengfeng recalled it carefully, his body was light, his eyes widened, the world was at his feet, and Feng Xu Yufeng was so big, that feeling… it was really not bad.

Xie Chengfeng: “It feels like that.”

Shen Jiajia held her face in her hands, “If only I could fly, I want to fly far and far to see what the end of the world is like.”

When she said this, her eyes were bright and her expression was so high that Xie Chengfeng was embarrassed to say that she was a big dream in the Spring and Autumn Period.

He just gave a “um”, then said, “Maybe, you can become a bird later.”

“That’s impossible, but, maybe, people can fly too?”

“It’s still easier to be a bird.”

“Look, why a kite can fly, because of the wind. If you tie a person to a big kite, as long as the kite is big enough, you can take people up and fly, don’t you think?”

Xie Chengfeng was convinced by her whimsy, “Okay, it seems to make sense?”

“Yeah! But a kite needs a rope to fly. If you want to fly further, the rope is not enough.”

“How far do you want to fly…”

“So, I have another way. Since the Kongming lantern can fly, if people are made into a big Kongming lantern—”

Xie Chengfeng was horrified: “Do you want to light yourself a sky lantern?! It’s not necessary, right?”

“No, no, I mean, put people under the Kongming lantern, such as hanging on a rope or in a frame, so that when the Kongming lantern flies, people can fly.”

“If the Kongming lantern goes out, won’t it fall off?”

“Oh, that’s right, so it’s best to find a way to control the Kongming lantern, fly when you want it to fly, and land when you want it to land.” Shen Jiajia held her face, her brows slightly raised, and said to herself ,”what else can we do?”

Xie Chengfeng saw that her eyes were blank and motionless, and couldn’t help but say, “Idiot.”

Shen Jiajia was not angry, she looked away, raised her fingers and stroked his head lightly, and said with a smile, “Chengfeng, thank you.”

“Thank me for what.”

“Thank you for listening to me.”

Xie Chengfeng was stunned for a while, and when he met her clear eyes, he was inexplicably embarrassed. “I’ve never seen a girl like you,” he said.

“I’ve never seen a bird like you.”

The atmosphere was a little sad for a while, Xie Chengfeng thought about it and asked, “Do you want to know what the end of the world is like?”

“Well! Have you seen it?”

“No. However, I have seen the sea.”

“Ah!” Shen Jiajia looked surprised.

“There are also some merchants who travel to and from the sea, Song people and vassal merchants, as well as overseas royal families.”

“Can you tell me about it?” Shen Jiajia blinked and begged, “Tell me about it.”

Actually, acting like a spoiled brat for this kind of thing…

Xie Chengfeng felt a little pain in his eyes, and at the same time inexplicably felt a little useful. He thought that she was teasing him every day, and this time he was also teasing her, so he laughed: “You call me grandpa, and I’ll—”

Before I could finish speaking, I suddenly heard the sound of a clatter drawing a knife outside, followed by a man scolding: “You crazy bird, let her call her grandfather, do you dare to be my father?!”

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