I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 8 - a chance encounter

After saying this, Shen Jiajia suddenly beat his head and sighed, “Alas.”

Shen Chukuai said nervously, “What’s the matter, but you’re not feeling well?”

“I always feel that when I was at the crime scene just now, there was something important that I overlooked… What is it?”

Seeing that his daughter was thinking hard, Shen Chukuai suggested, “Why don’t we go to Zuo Zuo and ask? Maybe he can find any clues from the corpse.”


Because the case of Censor Qian is related to the court’s appointment, the superiors value it very much, so the body has been transported to the morgue in the Yamen, and sent to guard it strictly.

When Shen Zhukuai’s father and daughter walked outside the mansion, they saw that it was very lively. It turned out that because of the wide street at the entrance of the mansion, the merchants gathered here, and a street market has long been formed, selling flowers and tea, and selling dried fruit and snacks.

Crossing the market, Shen Jiajia saw a man riding a tall horse walking by, followed by a carriage. The man on the horse was in his mid-twenties, with red lips and white teeth. He wore an indigo-dyed brocade robe with dark patterns on his head. He had no crown on his head. A dark red camellia.

Seeing this man, Shen Zhukuai said in a low voice, “It’s Shilang Zhou, let’s avoid it.” Then, he pulled Shen Jiajia to the side of the road, and smiled at the man on horseback, “It’s good to go in Yanei.”

Because Shen Jiajia was wearing men’s clothing, he followed his father’s way and bowed his hands to him. It turned out that this person was the legendary Zhou Xiaolang, the former owner of Chengfeng, Zhou Luo.

Zhou Luo nodded quickly towards Shen Zhuo. Originally, he didn’t recognize these cadres, but Shen Zhukuai’s wife was the cook of the Zhou family. Because of this relationship, he also had a “nodding acquaintance” with Shen Zhukuai.

The sound of the hooves was very loud, but he never slowed down. When he walked in front of Shen Jiajia, Zhou Luo stopped the horse with a “squeak” sound.

Shen Chukuai felt a shudder in his heart, thinking that this week Yanei has taken a fancy to my son’s beauty?

Unexpectedly, Zhou Luo suddenly asked, “Where did you come from?”

Shen Jiajia’s heart skipped a beat.

She stabilized her mind and lied without changing her face: “Back to Yanei, I picked up this bird. I didn’t know why it was injured before and fell into my yard.”

Zhou Luo raised his eyebrows and gave a meaningful “Oh”, “So coincidentally?”

“I have a relationship with it.”

“Yes, then can your bird talk?”

“Yes, yes!” Shen Jiajia stroked Chengfeng’s wings, “Chengfeng, please say something.”

Zhou Luo was a little surprised: “It’s just a bird, why be so polite?”

Xie Chengfeng jumped on Shen Jiajia’s shoulders, but did not speak.

Shen Jiajia: “Please, say something, okay?”

Xie Chengfeng glanced at Zhou Luo, and said slowly: “Embroidered pillow, a bag of grass.”

Zhou Luo didn’t think there was anything wrong with this, and said strangely: “If you really can talk, I have raised a similar one before, and bought it for a lot of money.”

“Ah,” Shen Jiajia pretended not to know anything and looked at him innocently, “What about later?”

“Later it never learned to speak, and it was stewed by me.”

Shen Jiajia’s complexion changed dramatically.

Zhou Luo laughed and left.

After walking away, he said to himself, “My bird doesn’t speak, is it because I’m not polite enough?”

The father and daughter entered the government office, and when they saw Zuzuo, he had just come out of the morgue, with a young apprentice behind him. Zuzuo was called Duke Zheng, and his apprentice Xingliu called him Liulang.

Shen Jiajia wanted to see the body, but was stopped by Duke Zheng and Shen Zhukuai together. Shen Jukuai: “The corpse is pickled, you don’t have to look at it as a girl. Ask Zheng Gong about anything. Zheng Gong can definitely see more things from the corpse than you.”

When Shen Jiajia thought about it, it also made sense.

Zheng Gong humbly said a few words, and then talked about the general situation of the corpse: “The deceased was between fifty and fifty-five years old, and the cause of death was that he was strangled with a rope from behind and suffocated, and there were signs of struggle on the deceased. , the time of death is from 4:40 last night to the beginning of Hai, probably not too much difference.”

Shen Jiajia asked curiously, “How is the time of death determined?”

“Generally, it is judged based on corpse spots, corpses, and corpse temperature. It is difficult to tell the specific and meticulous method for a while, and it has a lot to do with the season.” Zheng Gong wanted to say this. Seeing that she listened seriously, he patiently resumed Said, “Both spots and corpses have a relatively fixed rate of appearance, which needs to be considered based on the deceased’s own age, cause of death, physique, etc. As for the temperature of the corpse, if the weather is cold, the temperature of the corpse will drop faster. Just slow down, these need to be carefully handled.”

Shen Jiajia bowed after listening to it: “It turns out that there are so many things to do in the way of doing things. Sure enough, everything is learned.”

The young apprentice Rokuro was quite proud and said, “My master is the most powerful duo in the world. He can deduce the time of death more accurately and faster than others, and he never goes wrong.”

Zheng Gong smiled and said: “Children Hu Chui, don’t take it seriously. I used to make mistakes, but I have accumulated experience slowly, and in recent years, it has become more and more accurate. Oh yes, there is something, sink the card. You don’t know yet, do you?”

“What’s the matter?”

“The deceased was holding a purse tightly in his hand. It can be concluded that it was in his hand before he died. Now it has been taken away by Li Sipaitou as an important evidence.”


When he returned, Shen Jukuai was very annoyed and felt that he should not have rushed back to find his daughter, but should have gone to the house first. He only watched the autopsy at Qian’s house. Who would have thought that such important clues could be found after the body was transported back! Although Sanniang is smart, she is young and has never done a case before. He was fascinated by some kind of worm and came back to ask her daughter for help. It was fantastic, oh!

In the afternoon, Shen Zhu quickly went out for a long time, and knew that the Qian family only had begonia trees in the main courtyard where the Qian couple lived, and then there was nothing else to gain. Shen Chukuai was a little tired. When he came back, he told his daughter about the situation. After dinner, he lay in bed and pondered.

Shen Jiajia shut herself in the room, and begged Xie Chengfeng with her hands folded: “Please, please help me this time, okay?” With his chin on the table, he pursed his lower lip and looked at him eagerly, “Please!”

Xie Chengfeng: “…”

Here comes this trick again!

After a while, Shen Jiajia wore black clothes, held Xie Chengfeng in her hands, and walked out the door lightly.

On the way, Xie Chengfeng still complained: “Don’t act like a baby in the future, my eyes hurt.”

“I know, I know.”

There were lights hanging on the street, Xie Chengfeng could barely see something, not a pure blind man, but not much stronger. He added, “I can’t see clearly at night, and you’re not afraid that I won’t be able to come back.”

“Of course I’m afraid.”

“What you’re afraid of is that I won’t be able to bring you the news! You have no conscience.”

“Where, I like you, and I hope you will always be with me.”

Xie Chengfeng’s voice was quieter, and he muttered, “Nasty.”

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