I woke up as the Villainous Empress

Chapter 184 Emergency Court Session VII

Chapter 184 Emergency Court Session VII

The ministers were bewildered by Zheng Liang's statement and looked at the Empress with a complicated gaze. They were not sure who was in the wrong. However, seeing the way Zheng Liang was publicly confronting the Empress, it must not be a small matter. What crime did she commit to be humiliated like this in front of everyone?

Considering how Zheng Liang asked the female guards to drag her to the royal court and arranged this emergency royal court session, it must be serious. Otherwise, as the Crown Prince and the temporary Sovereign of the Empire, Zheng Liang would never embarrass the Empress of the Empire in front of outsiders. Zheng Liang's indifferent words changed the impression of the Empress in front of everyone's eyes and they could not help but wonder in what way the Empress is related to the case of Treason. While everyone was dying out of curiosity to know the truth, Yang Lingxin felt her whole world collapsing in front of her. The ministers who were looking at her with a sympathetic gaze a moment ago were scrutinizing her and wanted to know the truth. Her hands trembled in nervousness as she gathered all of her courage and confronted Zheng Liang, "Tr…Treason? Zheng Liang, what are you trying to imply here?"

"Are you saying that you dragged me here because you think I have attempted treason? How can you accuse me of something ridiculous? I am the Empress of the Empire, why would I attempt treason and betray the nation where the people are like my children?" She tried to reason with him. The ministers glanced at each other and nodded at her reasonable reasoning. She doesn't have any reason to betray His Majesty and poison him, as Zheng Liang was saying earlier. Is she in any way related to the traitor or someone close to her? Is that why Zheng Liang is doubtful of her? They wondered. "Even if you hate me, you cannot hold me responsible for something which I didn't do. As the Empress of the Empire, I will never allow you to take the wrong path and punish innocent people for the sake of your greed for power." She accused him in return for being hungry for power and accusing her falsely of the charge of treason. At this point, she has lost all of her hope. She does not know how much Zheng Liang knows and if he has any evidence regarding her crimes or not. However, she cannot give up and let him trample over her. She will take charge and will flip the tides towards him. That is why, rather than pretending to be a weak woman, she decided to take the reins in her hand and protect herself, while putting all the blame onto Zheng Liang.

Yang Ning was surprised by the way Yang Lingxin was fighting until the end. She sure has the nerve to put all the blame on Zheng Liang, despite being in the wrong. She must have guessed by now what was going on. However, the way she was standing by her innocence was incredible. She glanced at Zheng Liang and nodded at him when their eyes met. The same thing was running through his head, that is to get over this matter as soon as possible. Zheng Liang leaned closer to her and whispered, "Don't worry. I will not let you get late for your evening tea time." He said before turning towards the audience. Yang Ning: "....."

She was surprised that even in this situation, he was worried about her getting late for her evening tea. Although she did not eat anything before coming to attend the royal court meeting because she was nervous that something might go wrong. She was feeling hungry but not to the point that she will worry about food in this situation. What would Yang Lingxin's reaction be if she finds out that for Zheng Liang, Yang Ning's tea time was more important than her life?

Zheng Liang didn't delay the matter anymore and turned to Yang Lingxin who was arguing for her innocence and trying to blame him for falsely accusing her of treason instead. He smirked to see her shamelessness even in this situation and scoffed before saying, "I think you have not grasped the seriousness of the situation yet. Today you are not here as the Empress of the Zheng Empire but as the traitor who has not only betrayed His Majesty but the Zheng Empire as well." Zheng Liang stated coldly. The ministers who were whispering went silent at Zheng Liang's statement and could feel the tension increasing in the royal court. The silence in the court was so loud that even their breathing sounds were sounding like a nuisance to their ears. Yang Lingxin's eyes widened in horror when Zheng Liang straightforwardly addressed the matter. Until now, it was the ministers who mentioned the word treason and Zheng Liang only gave a superficial statement. His words were like a sharp knife that we're jabbing at her, right at her heart. Did he find out the truth about His Majesty's health? She wondered and was afraid of finding out the real reason for his aloofness. She glanced at her maid, whose complexion had also gone pale and her hands were trembling as well. She tightened her grip on her maid's arm and glared at her to come to her senses. They cannot make a mistake here, otherwise, their future will be doomed forever. "Do…Do you think that His Majesty will let you go if you falsely accuse me of attempting treason? Zheng Liang, I am giving you one last warning. Don't test my patience, otherwise, the consequences won't be good." She said coldly while looking at him with her reddened eyes. Zheng Liang was amused by her attitude. Even in this situation, she was fighting hard to put all the blame on him, rather than pleading for innocence. Good. Very Good! If she is going to act this way, then he does not have any reason to go easy on her, does he?

"Lady Yang Lingxin, I do not have the time nor patience to argue with you any longer. As you can see, I have so many important matters to deal with as well." He said while addressing her with her name and not the title of the Empress. Everyone was shocked when Zheng Liang called the Empress using her name and not the title. What is the meaning of this? They wondered and could feel the gloomy atmosphere of the royal court. Zheng Liang looked at the ministers and started, "Didn't you all want to know who was the person who betrayed His Majesty and tried to poison him? The traitor is in front of you all."

"The person who was poisoning His Majesty all this time was none other than Empress Yang Lingxin." He stated. The ministers were in panic and were shocked by the sudden announcement. They weren't expecting the truth to be so bitter and shocking. So the Empress was not related to the person who raised treason but was the traitor herself?

But why? What was the need for her to try to kill His Majesty? If she tries to kill His Majesty, wouldn't it affect her power and position in the palace instead? Why would she do it then? Everyone wondered. The situation didn't make any sense. Why would she attempt to kill her husband when she has all the power in her hands?

"Zheng Liang! How dare you? Do you not fear God for lying and accusing an innocent for poisoning her husband? Why would I poison my husband when I have all the happiness and power in my hands? It doesn't make sense at all." Yang Lingxin shouted and tried to plead innocence while tears rolled down her cheeks. She cannot believe that he found out the truth. However, she will never accept it. As long as she doesn't accept it, he can do nothing about her. Because there is no way that he could prove that it was her who was poisoning His Majesty all along. Zheng Liang scoffed at Yang Lingxin's confidence and did not bother to argue with her anymore. He signaled his personal guard Gu Lan, who bowed to him and left the royal court to go outside. Everyone was curious as to what was going to happen next. However, after a few moments, the gate of the Main Palace was pushed open again and Gu Lan returned while grabbing the collars of the two men with each of his hands. The ministers were confused about what was happening, however, Yang Liangxin and Yang Luoyang's eyes widened in horror. This cannot be happening!

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