I woke up as the Villainous Empress

Chapter 190 Emergency Court Session - Final Verdict.

190  Emergency Court Session - Final Verdict. "Her Majesty not only attempted to murder His Majesty but also betrayed the nation and disgraced everyone with her sinful actions," Yang Luoyang said. "Please give her a severe punishment. She is a traitor to the nation."

Since he cannot protect Yang Lingxin from this mess, it is better to sacrifice her sooner before she reveals his name and wrongdoings. Yang Ning sneered in disdain as she looked at Yang Luoyang's shameless behavior. It was clear to her that he was willing to throw the Empress under the bus to save his own skin.

She had a strong suspicion that he was the mastermind behind this entire conspiracy, but unfortunately, there was no concrete evidence to implicate him. He had been clever enough to implicate Yang Lingxin in all his plans, making her the scapegoat in case anything went wrong.

Yang Luoyang was undoubtedly a mastermind, and it was no wonder that people feared him.

The other ministers understood Yang Luoyang's intentions and knelt before Zheng Liang, urging him to take action. With two witnesses testifying against Yang Lingxin, there was no way to question their statements.

It was better to support Zheng Liang and gain his favor and make up for the suspicious statements they made earlier, questioning his intentions. Yang Lingxin's heart shattered as she watched Yang Luoyang betray her and turn everyone against her. These were the same people who had once flattered her, and now they were begging for her severe punishment.

"It's not true! I didn't do anything. I didn't buy those herbs!" Yang Lingxin wailed in despair.

Zheng Liang raised an eyebrow and asked, "Then who did, Your Majesty?" He called her using her royal title sarcastically. Yang Lingxin fell silent and looked towards Yang Luoyang. She bit her lip and wondered if she should reveal that Yang Luoyang was the one who had provided her with the herbs. However, she had no evidence to back up her claim. What if he accused her of falsely accusing him instead? Anxiety gripped her.

'If they dig deeper in this matter, the truth about the late Empress's death might be revealed,' Yang Lingxin thought to herself, her heart racing with fear. She knew that if the truth came out, it would be disastrous for her. She had planned the late Empress's death with Yang Luoyang to take her position as the Empress by seducing His Majesty.

The public was unaware that the late Empress's death was caused by a slow-acting poison, as it was made to appear as though she died from an illness. It was a secret that she had kept hidden for years, and the thought of it being exposed made her shudder.

She looked at Yang Luoyang with a mix of anger and fear. He was the only person who knew the truth about her involvement in the late Empress's death. If he was willing to betray her once, who's to say he wouldn't do it again?

She knew she had to tread carefully. If she said anything that could incriminate herself, she would be done for. But at the same time, she couldn't just let Yang Luoyang throw her under the bus and become his scapegoat.

She took a deep breath and decided to bide her time. She needed to think of a way to protect herself without revealing too much. For now, all she could do was hope that Yang Luoyang would stick to his story and that the truth about the late Empress's death would remain buried forever.

Before Yang Lingxin could come up with an explanation, Yang Luoyang stood up and addressed Zheng Liang. "Your Highness, Her Majesty speaks the truth. She didn't purchase the herbs herself."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Yang Lingxin's eyes as she saw Yang Luoyang rise to speak for her. However, his next words caused her heart to sink.

"As Mao Long stated, it was her maid who procured them on her behalf. Please punish the maid and Her Majesty accordingly," Yang Luoyang said, shocking everyone with his callousness.

Yang Lingxin's face fell in shock as she realized that Yang Luoyang was not standing up for her, but rather was using her as a pawn in his own scheme.

She was hurt by his words but knew that she had no choice. Yang Luoyang had planned everything so well that no matter how much she tried to defend herself, she wouldn't be able to save herself from this disaster.

Zheng Liang, who had been listening to the proceedings quietly, spoke up at last. "Lady Yang Lingxin, you have been found guilty of attempting to murder His Majesty and betraying the nation," he declared, his voice stern.

"Your actions have brought shame and disgrace to the royal family and the nation. Your punishment will be severe."

"Following the gravity of these charges, I, Crown Prince Zheng Liang, as the representative of His Majesty, decree that the Empress Yang Lingxin shall be stripped of her royal title and banished to the cold palace in the mountains until her last breath," announced Zheng Liang in a firm tone.

Yang Lingxin bowed her head, tears streaming down her face. She knew there was no hope of escape.

"Her accomplices, including the maid, assistant physician Bai Jiang, and vendor Mao Long, who actively or passively participated in this conspiracy, will be executed for attempting to assassinate His Majesty and instigating chaos in the nation," he continued.

Zheng Liang's gaze swept over the room, taking in the shocked faces of the courtiers before he spoke again. "Moreover, the Yang family, as kin of the traitor, will be exiled from the empire, never to return. This is the punishment they must bear for their association with a treasonous act."

He paused, reflecting on the gravity of the situation, before speaking again. "However, as Prince Zheng Xiang belongs to the Zheng family and not the Yangs, he shall be exempted from this punishment. But he shall be forbidden from any contact with the Empress during her exile," he concluded with authority.

"Zheng Liang!" Yang Lingxin cried out in despair, her voice shaking with emotion. She knew that she had lost this battle, but she couldn't bear the thought of implicating her family in her downfall.

Zheng Liang's expression remained impassive as he continued, "Furthermore, all assets and properties belonging to the Yang family will be confiscated and distributed amongst the people who were affected by the great famine and lost their family members during this hard time."

"This is to ensure that no one else tries to betray His Majesty and the Empire." Yang Lingxin's heart sank further at the news of her family's assets being confiscated. All their hard work and wealth would now be taken away. She wondered how they would survive in the other kingdoms without any support. Although she was grateful that her son was spared from punishment, she couldn't help but feel the deep ache of never being able to see him again.

Yang Lingxin could barely hold back her tears as she realized the full extent of her downfall. She had lost her title, her family, her wealth, and her freedom.

It was all because of Yang Ning who manipulated Zheng Liang and ruined her plans. If she had not taken the natural oil from her and handed it to Master Jiang to investigate,then no one would have found out about their plan. It was all because of her!

Happy Mass Release Day-


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