I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-4 Can a Roomba be Considered a Robot Maid?

It didn’t take us much longer before we arrived at the new house I bought to surprise Annette. When I parked the car in it’s driveway Annette looked a little confused before she eagerly began questioning me. “Big Sis, where are we? Why did we stop here? Is this a friend's house?”

“Surprise! I recently got enough extra money to buy a house so I figured I’d surprise you. Now come on, let's go check it out.” With that said I started walking towards the front door only to realize why it felt like I forgot about something. I can’t believe that I forgot to create the furniture!

I knew it would take me a few minutes to create all the furniture so I started internally panicking. I don’t want to create stuff in front of Annette and I’d rather not stay the night without furniture in order to pretend that it’s currently being brought in a mover truck. In my panicked state the best idea I could come up with was to furnish the rooms as we came across them.

Since we were almost at the front door I started creating furniture in the area that would be the living room. When I opened the door and we walked inside the living room had furniture but it was placed randomly since I couldn’t see where I was creating the objects. “Big Sis, isn't it really messy in here?”

“I’m sure that the movers were just running late and did a bit of a rush job. How about we organize some of the stuff before checking out the other rooms?”

“I want to check out our room first!”

Well uh this isn’t exactly going to plan. I wanted to create the rest of the furniture while we organized the living room, but I’m sure I can make our room really quick. “Ok I think the bedroom is at the end of the hallway.”

When I said that Annette ran towards the room, likely eager to see where we’ll sleep. Shit I need a way to stall her, what do I do? Uh… create a button that when pushed locks all doors of the house you’re in. I created it and pushed it just in time because I soon heard Annette yelling at me from down the hallway.

“Big Sis, the door is locked!”

“The movers probably locked all the doors so nobody could steal anything while we were gone! I have the key on me!” Thank you imaginary movers for giving me a lot of useful excuses. Ah that reminds me I should create a perfect security system sometime, I wouldn’t want anyone to get in and attack my little sister after all.

Annette came running back while I was thinking and she started trying to drag me down the hallway saying, “Come on, hurry.” Don’t you worry Annette I’m creating the perfect bedroom right now. Thankfully I could use the excuse of forgetting which pocket the key was in so that I could give myself more time to furnish the bedroom. Once I finished making the bedroom I created a key that could unlock any door and we walked inside.

The bedroom itself was a really simple one with blue walls because they were Annette’s favorite colour and a giant bed because she liked sleeping with me. She seemed really happy with the bedroom because she immediately jumped onto the bed and started curling up in it. While she was letting all of her energy from the drive loose, I was about to create furniture for other rooms when I realized there weren’t any.

Of course there was the kitchen but if I was to stick with the mover excuse I would have to leave the appliances and cookware in a box for us to unpack. There was another room but I doubt that Annette would want her own bedroom so I was planning on turning it into a room where I would set up all of my game consoles. Annette loves to play games according to the memories and I am also a bit of an addict so I’m sure she would love that room. For now though I should just create all the boxes full of our belongings and put them in that room.

Annette eventually got bored of cuddling with the bed and we started organizing all the hastily placed furniture in the living room. Those damn lazy movers am I right? When we finished moving the furniture Annette was really tired which was kind of expected because I didn’t create her as some type of super human that doesn’t get tired. After all, a normal seven year old girl just helped me move a bunch of heavy furniture like sofas and a reclining chair around so of course she’s tired.

We sat down on the sofa to take a break and Annette soon fell asleep on my lap. I was curious if she was just tired because of moving around or if it’s getting late so I created a clock on the wall so that I could check the time without bothering her. The clock said that it was 11 P.M. Really? We may have woken up at noon but all we did today was go out to eat and then drive to the new house. Maybe the drive was a lot longer than I thought. That or we lost track of time organizing the place.

Either way I decided to carry Annette to the bedroom and after making sure that she was sleeping well I realized that I was an idiot. There were so many things I could have created in order to give me time to create the furniture. Thoroughly regretting today’s life choices I decided to finish unpacking. Though since Annette wasn’t awake I decided to create some humanoid robots to help me. I only planned to have them help me unpack and maybe do some household chores for me, but I got a bit too excited with the details.

I immediately went a bit overboard in designing them and now our family has two new maids working for us. They were completely identical except for their hair. I name the one with red hair Ruby and the one with blue hair Sapphire. Yeah… I really shouldn’t be trusted to come up with unique names.

They had complex A.I. and were connected to the internet in order to constantly learn from it. I made extra sure that they could only connect to certain parts of the internet because I am not going to risk one of them teaching Annette something bad by accident. After a few minutes of having them connected they started using some slang common to the age they look and I imagine they will soon be able to completely mimic a human.

Since the poll is already in favor of posting two chapters a week I posted them now. I'll try to post them every Sunday or Monday unless my internet is down.

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