I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-6 The Secret Basement

Annette is now awake and there is currently way too much to explain to her. Since the bedroom is at the end of the hallway I should probably block her path while I clean everything up. Wait, how am I supposed to do that? I better start distracting her while I actually figure out how to clean it up.

“I’m right here Annette, I was just… unpacking the rest of our stuff. So how about you get dressed before I show you where I placed everything.”

“Why can’t you show me now? I don’t need to change unless we’re going outside.”

Ah she has a point. Should I create something outside so that she has a reason to change? Nah she’s really smart so she would notice something weird if I created something that wouldn’t be able to quietly appear overnight. Maybe I should just try some flattery?

“When I went out the other day I found a dress that would look really cute on you. So I’d love it if you would wear it for me.” After saying that I created a dress in the back of the room's closet where it would be hidden. It’s a lie that I bought it but I do believe she would be really cute in it. Then again she’s cute in everything.

I managed to convince Annette so we went back inside the bedroom. I grabbed the dress from the closet and Annette eagerly started putting it on. I guess she really likes the dress as well, or maybe she just wants me to call her cute. If it’s the latter I don’t mind saying that anytime she wants.

While she was getting dressed I focused on how to move the machine currently sitting in the living room. I could simply create something to carry it away, but where should I put it? I could just put it in the back yard because we don’t have any neighbors nearby since we’re on the edge of town. No, if Annette goes into the backyard it wouldn’t be hard for her to find it because of how giant it is.

I could just destroy it but that would kind of suck. I may want to use it later to replace my other eye or make my eye normal again after all. I also put forth a lot of effort into thinking that thing into existence and I’d hate to destroy it so casually. But I don’t exactly have somewhere else to move it either.

“I’m done changing Big Sis. I look really cute, right?”

“Yes you’re really cute and you’ll always be really cute.” I’m glad I created the dress for her but my stupidity is making it hard for me to come up with ideas. Since I still need time to think I brought Annette to the room where all the games are set up. I booted up one of the consoles and asked Annette to play a racing game with me before I show her where everything now is.

At least racing games don’t require much thought so I can continue to think. I can’t move the machine outside and I’d rather not destroy it. This house only has a kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom so I can’t hide it anywhere else. Wait a second, I can just create a hidden basement. I guess not even superpowers are effective when an idiot has them.

Well since I’m making a secret basement I might as well create the full package. A bookcase that slides open when a secret button is pressed. Behind the bookcase is a hidden elevator that slowly brings you into an extremely advanced lab that looks like it belongs to a secret organization. That or it looks like a mad scientist's hidden laboratory. It’s kind of empty right now since I only have the one machine but I’m sure I’ll create more eventually.

I soon finished creating everything including an automated hoverboard that could carry an infinite amount of weight. Just in time as well because we finished our little racing tournament and sadly I lost to all of the easy difficulty computers. I guess racing games aren't so easy after all.

Annette patted me on the head and said, “It’s ok Big Sis you’ll win next time.” Getting headpats from Annette is really nice even though I’m not really that sad about losing. I’m just relieved that I managed to hide everything. I did hide everything, right?

Of course I didn’t hide everything. There is currently a very eager Annette asking Ruby and Sapphire about themselves. Though this isn’t too bad, I did originally plan to just explain them as maids I’ve hired. It isn’t the best explanation because it's not like the house is big enough to warrant hiring two maids but it’s the only explanation I can come up with right now.

At least Ruby and Sapphire are being really vague with their answers so I don’t have to worry about creating a proper past for them yet. I don’t know if Annette was satisfied with the answers or if she just got bored because she stopped asking questions and I continued showing her where everything is. Or more accurately I had Ruby and Sapphire show us where everything is because I didn’t help unpack anything.

It only took about an hour total to show Annette around the house, but I’m already tired. I’m just not used to thinking at all in the morning. Since it’s still Summer Break and we had nothing to do, Annette decided for all four of us to play the same racing game again together.

Actually now that I think about it, why is it still Summer Break? The school burned down when I was fourteen on the last day of school before Summer Break and I didn’t wake up until my sixteenth birthday. My birthday is on July 15 so I was already in a coma during my fifteenth birthday. Damn, I really slept for a whole year, no wonder everyone thought I was as good as dead. Urgh I’m a terrible friend for forgetting about Corrin, she probably thinks I died.

I guess I have a lot of stuff I still need to figure out. Like should I meet Corrin again even though I’m in a new body that only kind of looks like the old one. Should I even continue going to school? I could probably forge a diploma or something and my android eye allows me to search up any information as easily as a phone.

Now that I’m thinking about school, why did I have to turn in a project for literature on the last day of school? Eh maybe it was a project for fun and I was an idiot for writing it when I had no time. I was extremely tired during those weeks so I easily could have missed Corrin telling me it wasn’t going to be graded.

Well I guess me being an idiot isn’t that much of a surprise. While I was thinking about all this I once again came last place in a tournament of easy difficulty computers. I also got the same participation reward as last time. A few headpats from the angelic Annette.

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