I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 58: Exploration of the world


For a split second, DIO was once again picking up a ton of ripples.


He really felt his ripples growing at first, but ah... It didn't take long before he felt that he had reached his limit!

When JOJO fell down with white hair all over his head, DIO felt that there were a lot of ripples in his body that were about to explode!

"Damn...Damn—this...what the hell—Jerry! Look at my mountain-colored ripples!"

for a moment—

DIO found a solution and fired all the huge ripples in his body before he exploded—

"So that's the case, it seems that there is an upper limit..." Kurokawa and Mi nodded, looking at DIO's appearance, they understood the Ripple system better.

It doesn't mean that it can be transmitted indefinitely, but that everyone has their own upper limit of life energy that they can bear.


Hundreds or thousands of people learn Ripple together, and then pass it on to one person, wouldn't that person be as powerful as an explosion... But it doesn't seem to be the case now... DIO has reached the upper limit of Ripple now.


If this is in the real world.

Kurokawa and Ya would definitely turn around and run in the face of such a DIO.

It is estimated that his vaporization freezing method cannot freeze the current DIO.

But now here is the dream—

The world of dreams!

So it doesn't matter... What I need is not fear or anything. Anyway, I don't know how many times I died in my dream, and I'm used to it. What I need to do now is to test the upper limit of my ability—


Kurokawa and Ya went up to meet her—

Facing the threat of the current DIO, he has also surpassed his limits—

Cracked eye piercing—

The fluid in both eyes is compressed and ejected

At the same time, the hands were covered with ice—

Vapor Freezing!


The liquid shot from both eyes pierced through DIO's chest, but at the same time, DIO's fists covered with cracking ripples also collided with Kurokawa and Mi's fists filled with ice—!



"Oh oh oh oh--!"

"This...is this—?" Kurokawa and Mi looked at everything in front of them in amazement—the ice on their arms was melting a little—the ripples hit him along their arms!

Unexpectedly, after Ripple reaches the limit, there is such a possibility—

"It's not over yet—take the move! Jerry!" Dio shouted, because the ripples were exhausted to the extent he could control, and in an instant—a large number of ripples spread from the ground, from the feet of Kurokawa and Mi to his body. —

"Oh oh oh—good! That's it, though. I'm not going to just end up—"

Obviously he was about to die, but Kurokawa and Mi were laughing, because he saw the upper limit of the ability of the two kinds of power, saw the various uses of the two abilities, this is enough!


The next moment, there were two slit eyes piercing through DIO's throat.

"Ha...ha...no...impossible...I DIO...I DIO-heal...can't heal-?"

DIO tried to heal his wounds with Ripple, but failed—

The extra ripples were used up, and he couldn't produce new ripples because he couldn't breathe because his throat was attacked.

on the ground...

The ripples spreading from the arms and legs have already destroyed Kurokawa Kazuya's whole body. He fell to the ground and gradually even his head turned into dust, leaving only some consciousness.

The only remaining consciousness did not wake up, but stared at this space, watching the end of DIO.

"No...it shouldn't be...it shouldn't be like this...my life...obviously...just started...right..."

As he spoke, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.


Kurokawa and Ya safely exited the dream and died in reality—

"Hmm—" Kurokawa and Mi, who woke up, rubbed their heads and looked at the floor of the room.

"Hmm... Spread the ripples from the ground... Maybe you can slow down the carpet at home. Although I made a custom-made scarf before... But now it seems that it is not enough, I have to replace all the floors and walls!"

Replace it all with something that can transmit ripples efficiently—

In this case, this room is equivalent to his own fortress.

After the completion, you can send the original manga of Fate/Zero to Tohsaka Tokiomi. Of course, you must send your sister away first.

He's ready-

See if you can step into the mysterious world and prepare!

Ripple... stone ghost face.

He was about to reach his peak, and when he faced those magicians, he didn't think he would lose!

But...if this is the case, even if Fate/Zero is serialized, there is still no magician to trouble him...then, ah...if this is the case, it can be determined, 100% sure, there is no such thing as a magician in this world mystery.

But... in this case.

I might also break with the Tohsaka family. After all, drawing someone's daughter like that...

What he did made him sick...

However, he did not change.

He admired Tohsaka Tokiomi's style. If there is no mystery in this world... Although Tohsaka Sakura is still called Sakura in that manga, how many people are called Sakura in Japan?

several thousand? tens of thousands? Or hundreds of thousands?

When I was painting, I deliberately did not draw according to the original impression, such as the color of the hair and the way of painting the face. Apart from the same name, everything else is completely different.

Moreover, if there is indeed no mystery in this world...

I can also go to the TV station and tell him that someone has already invited him before, but I just rejected it at that time.

At that time, I can say, "I have a good relationship with the Tohsaka family, so I borrowed their identity, but I haven't been there for a long time, but I didn't expect his family to have a second child. What happened to be called [Sakura]?" The..." Then, I can change the names of the characters in my book according to the trend.

You can also pull Tohsaka Tokiomi out for a while, but you don't know if he will agree then.

However, this content will not be changed.

Because—if there is mystery in this world, if there is mystery in this world, this should be enough. This can also be regarded as a reminder to him, Tokiomi Tohsaka. If he hadn't drawn the original one, Tokiomi Tohsaka might still send it over...

In this case, it should be able to save the fate of that little girl Tohsaka Sakura.

If there is no mystery in this world, there are many ways to remedy it. However, if there really are mysteries in this world... don't remind me, that girl's future is really over.

However, the premise of all this is that Tohsaka Tokiomi will believe in the things in the comics...

Hmm...should believe it...but maybe.

After all, the tradition of the Tohsaka family is to "lose the chain at a critical moment"...

However, even if this is the case, he will definitely be skeptical, and this is enough... With such doubts, how dare he send his daughter there without investigating what the Matou family is? ah.


The Matou family?

Speaking of why I didn't go to Matou's house...well, I was a little bit out of my mind when I first came here, so I didn't go if I didn't go.

"Speaking of which, today is the serialization meeting...I don't know if Fate/Zero can pass the serialization of JUMC..."

If it's other magazines... the speed of spreading to the other world may be slowed down.

And according to the huge crowd who buy JUMC...maybe there are magicians among them, of course...the premise is that there is mystery in this world.

not good-

I forgot one thing...

If there really was a mystery, he didn't think about the situation where there was a magician in the editorial department—

It doesn't matter to me, but Hemei must be sent away immediately!

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