Chapter 1004

Chapter 999 – 995【Mobei】

Chapter 999 995 [Mobei]

Sometimes, war is like a child’s play.

Historically, Sengge was murdered by two brothers, and his followers fled and scattered in all directions. When Galdan learned of his brother’s death, he hurried back from Tibet and won the loyalty of more than a thousand Mongolian cavalry.

What can more than a thousand cavalry do?

Galdan resisted all opinions and took the initiative to attack the two elder brothers.

In a hurry, his two elder brothers only had time to gather more than 10,000 cavalry. Galdan raised his lance and charged forward, shouting: “Wherever my gun is pointed, you will charge there!”

The main general was so brave, the soldiers under his command died one after another, and defeated the enemy army ten times his size on the spot.

The enemy fled to Jinlingkou and guarded the dangerous place. Galdan led more than 20 cronies, braved the rain of arrows, abandoned his horse and climbed the mountain, and the rest of the soldiers dared to follow. Galdan captured one brother alive, and the other fled to Qinghai in embarrassment.

At this time, Galdan was only 26 years old, and it took less than a year to set off from Tibet to regain the Khan throne.

The Datong Army’s expedition to Mobei this time, the enemy is Galdan’s brother-Zuot Babatur.

Because there are grasslands everywhere in Mobei, after Seng Ge was killed, a large number of his followers returned to Zhuote Babatur, because they all received rich pasture rewards.

But this guy is rather cowardly. When he learned that the Datong army was coming, he took his troops and fled ahead of time.

Zhang Tieniu set off from the Horqin Grassland with 40,000 infantry, 60,000 cavalry, 180,000 civilian husbands, and 300,000 mules and horses. Traveling to the Hulun Buir Grassland, the Mongolians have been walking around, chasing and stopping for more than two months, only tens of thousands of livestock and thousands of women and children were seized.

After the death of Sengge, his son Cewang Arabutan led his followers to join Zhang Tieniu, and even Galdan’s biological mother was in the Raole Duhu Mansion.

Cewang God Butan was very familiar with the grasslands, so he led Zhang Tieniu’s cavalry straight to the lush grasslands. After tossing for a while and wasting countless food and grass, it was finally determined that there was no main force of the enemy on the grasslands in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang (the eastern part of Mobei).

All gone!

Zhang Tieniu continued to lead his troops westward, all the way along the Kerelun River.

This river is the mother river of the Mongols. Whoever wants to unify Mobei marches along this river, as did Genghis Khan back then.

When they arrived at Dahan’s ear (Wendur Khan), they met a small group of cavalry sent by Fei Ruhe.

“How is the fight here?” Zhang Tieniu asked.

Leading the team was a cavalry battalion commander named Ouyang Qi. He replied: “We intercepted one of the enemy troops fleeing from the east. There were only more than 3,000 cavalry, and the rest were old and weak, women, children and livestock. What is the name of the H Buddha who is resident in Aoergao? Danba Hutuktu, he led thousands of people to surrender before he could escape.”

Zhang Tieniu said with a smile: “I’m afraid this person didn’t intend to run away, he is a native of Mobei, how could he help the Zhungeer Ministry to fight?”

Ouyang Qi said: “Our army dispatched troops quickly, and the enemy army needs time to gather. Fei Dudu guessed that the enemy was gathering while retreating, and secretly sent a small force to attack the grain road. Two grain transport teams of our army were attacked successively, killing and injuring civilians More than 1,800, but the enemy’s attacking force was also wiped out.”

“Which side has the enemy retreated?” Zhang Tieniu was a little depressed. He led 280,000 people to the expedition and marched for three full months.

Ouyang Qi said: “There are traces left by the enemy everywhere. Dudu Fei felt that he was retreating northward, so he sent me to lead Dudu Zhang.”

The entire Mobei is divided into three major regions by the Altai Mountains, the Hang’ai Mountains, the Kent Mountains, and the Greater Khingan Mountains.

The west is the Great Lakes Basin, the central part is the Selenge Grassland, and the east is the upper reaches of Heilongjiang.

The Hulunbuir Grassland is part of the grasslands in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang. Its geographical function is to threaten Hebei and Northeast China, and it is an important support for Mobei Mongolia to fight south.

As for the Selenge Grassland in the middle, the Mobei Mongolian Royal Court is generally located here because it is the core of the Mobei Grassland. To the east, you can attack the upper reaches of Heilongjiang; to the west, you can attack the Great Lakes Basin, and even cross the Altai Mountains to the Western Regions;

No matter how the enemy retreats, it is impossible to abandon the Selenge Grassland, otherwise next year we will wait to drink the northwest wind.

Zuo Xiaocheng is now in Fei Ruhe’s army, and this old man is already the person in charge of the National Security Council in Chahar.

The Chahar Department is divided into several chief protectors, and Zuo Xiaocheng is permanently stationed in the first chief protector of Chahar. Du Hu’s own mother, the princess of the Qing Dynasty, has always been ambiguous with Zuo Xiaocheng, and the two even gave birth to three children one after another. This guy also took his wife and children from the south, and now they are very happy.

“The northern part is mostly mountainous grasslands, and the river network is very complicated, which is more conducive to our army’s combat operations, and is not conducive to the maneuvering of Mongolian cavalry.” Zuo Xiaocheng is no longer a useless scholar at the beginning. He is very familiar with the Chahar grassland. Follow the caravan to Mobei.

Fei Ruhe frowned: “Where can the enemy’s main force go?”

Zuo Xiaocheng said: “Most of the food for the old, the weak, women, children, and livestock retreated to a certain mountain in the north to hide. As for the main force of the enemy army, I am afraid they are still circling around. It is very likely that our army will continue to advance north, but they will attack our food road. It’s not a small group attacking, but the main force going around, completely cutting off our army’s supply road.”

Fei Ruhe encountered the problem of Zhu Di’s fifth Northern Expedition. Hundreds of thousands of troops were dispatched. The Mongols did not dare to fight at all, and they had been wandering around the vast grassland.

It has been almost three months since they entered Mobei. The total record of the two Datong armies is that they killed more than 4,000 Mongolian cavalrymen, captured more than 9,000 old and weak women and children, and captured more than 100,000 livestock. On the other hand, he lost 102 people from the Datong Army, nearly 2,000 civilian husbands were killed and injured, and a batch of food and grass were burned by the enemy.


More than 2,000 cavalry came from the southwest, and were discovered by scouts from the Datong Army more than ten miles away.

The scouts didn’t flee immediately to report, but watched from afar. Because the Mongolian cavalry in front of them didn’t seem to be here to make a surprise attack, their direction was completely wrong, and many of them were wounded.

When they ran into the scouts of the Datong Army, the Mongolian cavalry also stopped.

A Mongolian nobleman stepped forward with only a dozen or so riders, and shouted: “I want to submit to the Celestial Dynasty, I want to submit to the Celestial Dynasty!”

Datong army scouts are stationed in Hetao, and they have learned to speak Mongolian long ago. The captain of the scout told half of the soldiers to retreat, and immediately went back to report the situation if the situation was not good, while he rode forward to meet him: “Who are you?”

The Mongolian nobleman said: “I am Zhungeer Taiji Tsering Dunduobu, and the murdered Seng Ge is my father. I did business with the Zuo Xiaocheng of the Celestial Dynasty. The Zuo Master said that as long as I submit to the Celestial Dynasty, I will He can be the protector of the Anbei Protectorate Mansion, and he can also lead the troops to the pasture.”

The scout captain asked: “Why are you here now?”

Celing Dunduobu explained: “Zuot Babatur is afraid of me, afraid that I will rebel, and the pasture that was allocated to me is right under his nose. He dare not murder me, for fear of arousing the dissatisfaction of my father’s old department So in this battle, I have been forced to follow him, and all my wives and children were taken away by him.”

The scout captain asked again: “Where did the main force of Mobei go?”

Celing Dunduobu said: “In the southwest, they are cutting off the food road of the Chinese army. They have gathered more than 40,000 cavalry, intending to cut off the food road while luring the Chinese cavalry to drop their infantry and return to help, and then set up an ambush to defeat them halfway. The main force of the Celestial Cavalry.”

The scout leader asked again: “Where are the women, children and livestock in Mobei?”

“The north is almost to the North Sea (Lake Baikal), and it’s all hidden in the territory of the Buryats,” said Celingdun Dob. “The Buryats are weak, they dare not resist, they can only help Hiding the belongings of the Mongolian people. This time I came to join the Celestial Dynasty, and I was hunted down not far from the camp, and I lost more than a thousand horses before I escaped.”

The scouts took these Mongols and rushed to Fei Ruhe’s station.

Before Fei Ruhe could speak, Zuo Xiaocheng asked, “I have contacted many Mongolian nobles in recent years. What do they think? Why are you the only one here?”

Celing Dunduobu said: “Many of my father’s old troops were willing to serve the Chinese Empire. But they were afraid that the Chinese government’s words would not be counted. Not only would they not be given the grassland, but they would even lose their lives. As long as I go out with the army, Playing the banner of father, there must be many nobles rebelling. But…”

“But what?” Fei Ruhe asked.

Celing Dunduobu said: “A few days ago, Zhuote Babatur divided up the Khan, and sealed four Deputy Khans in one breath, and also took out his own grassland. Some nobles are greedy for grassland, and I am afraid they will fight Fighting is the way to go, the Celestial Dynasty army has the absolute upper hand, so they will choose to fight against the enemy.”

When Zuo Xiaocheng sent a secret agent to contact, he could only promise a few positions as the Protectorate, and he would be under the jurisdiction of the Protectorate of Anbei in the future. Mobei is divided into countless capitals, how much pasture can each nobles divide? Certainly not as much as Chot Babatur promised.

There are people like Cering Dunduobu, who have a feud with Zhuotebabatur for killing his father, and live in fear every day, so they are determined to take refuge in the Celestial Dynasty.

But that’s enough, the enemy really wants to fight hard. But as long as the battle situation is favorable to the Datong army, it will be a matter of time before the Mongolian nobles turn their backs, and the enemy’s discord can be taken advantage of.

Fei Ruhe ordered 30,000 infantrymen and civilian husbands to march towards the south slowly, while he himself led 40,000 cavalry at a gallop.

Due to the division of troops to find the enemy, many of the cavalry have dispersed, and it will take time for Fei Ruhe to gather his troops. Therefore, Cao Bianjiao was sent to lead 8,000 cavalry to set off immediately as a pioneer.

The southern food road has been cut off, Cao Bianjiao was halfway there, and received the news from the scouts.

Several food transport teams were attacked, and more than 2,000 people were killed or injured.

By the river at the foothills in the northwest of Zamar County, Mongolia, Cao Bianjiao met scouts from Mobei Mongolia. After some pursuit and killing, Cao Bian killed more than a hundred enemy soldiers, but he dared not continue chasing forward. The ghost knows how many enemy troops are hidden in the mountains ahead.

In fact, the main force of the enemy army is all in the mountains, just waiting for Cao Bianjiao to crash into it.

Seeing that Cao Bianjiao was not fooled, Zhuote Babatur actually took the initiative to attack, and more than 40,000 Mongolian cavalry rushed towards Cao Bianjiao.

Do you want to fight?

Cao Bianjiao hesitated for a few seconds before ordering: “The whole army is in armor!”

These are the elite of the Datong Cavalry Division, with one man and two horses, and the armor and food are carried on the other horse.

More than 40,000 enemy cavalry came after them, and 8,000 soldiers put on their armor without haste.

Perhaps, without any large army, these 8,000 Datong cavalry can end the war.

(end of this chapter)

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