Chapter 1006

Chapter 1001 – 997【Mobei Protectorate And Beihai Protectorate】

Chapter 1001 997 [Mobei Protectorate and Beihai Protectorate]

Mobei Mongolia has a population of more than one hundred thousand, and there are three types of people that have not been counted.

The first type is the disciples of Buddha H, such as Jebtsundamba Hutuktu.

This venerable is resident in Aoergao, which is the later Ulaanbaatar, and thousands of herdsmen are directly ruled by him.

No matter which Khan fights, he will send hundreds of troops to help, and help with propaganda and mediation by the way. He didn’t care about the rest, anyway, whichever new Khan came to power would come to visit and respect him.

It was the same this time, two or three hundred cavalry were thrown out to help Zhuote Babatur fight. As soon as Fei Ruhe arrived, he led thousands of people and chose to surrender without any psychological burden.

The second type is the Gobi herdsmen.

The vast Gobi Desert also has rivers and grasslands. Fei Ruhe left Yinshan Mountain in the north, and his marching route was to follow the biggest river.

The Gobi herdsmen are very scattered. A tribe often has dozens of people, and a large one has only two to three hundred people. They are ruled by the Mongolian Khan in name, but it is actually very difficult to manage, and they basically don’t participate in the war—who the **** went to the Gobi Desert to recruit soldiers everywhere?

The third type is the shepherd slave.

Slaves are certainly not human beings, and very few of them can join the army to fight, but no matter how many meritorious deeds they have done, they are still slaves.

For example, Ma Fang, a famous general in the Jiajing Dynasty, was originally a farmer in Xuanhua. At the age of eight, he was plundered by Mongolia and worked as a shepherd slave for more than ten years. Because he was smart and good at riding and shooting, he became a riding slave for the nobles.

Altan Khan led the Mongolian nobles to hunt, and Ma Fang participated with his master. Suddenly there was a colorful tiger rushing towards him, and all the Mongolian tribes ran away in panic, but Ma Fang didn’t change his expression, and shot the tiger with his bow, killing the tiger. Altan Khan praised him very much, and presented him with a good bow and a horse, and he followed the Great Khan from then on.

Even though he became Altan Khan’s close servant and made many military exploits, Ma Fang was still a slave.

Finally, taking advantage of the opportunity to rob Daming with the army, Ma Fang stole horses and escaped overnight, defected to the frontier army of Ming Dynasty, and found her lost parents. Ma Fang was well aware of the situation in the grassland, and was promoted to a thousand households through repeated military exploits, and even beheaded the generals of Altan Khan.

Altan Khan once killed Huairou, and the situation in Beijing was tense. Tens of thousands of reinforcements were afraid to go forward, and Ma Fang, who served as a general, rushed out and led 2,000 cavalry in a **** battle in Baoan (Hebei Zhulu), killing the Mongolian army back dozens of miles. The Mongols didn’t know the truth, so the whole army withdrew northward.

Ma Fang suffered five stab wounds, and his horse was also shot to death. Jiajing praised him as “courageous than Ma Fang”, and the Mongols honored him as “Ma Taishi”.

When Ma Fang served as the deputy general of Ji Town, his reputation had already spread to the east. More than 100,000 Mongol troops invaded Jizhen in the south, and they learned from the prisoners of the Ming army that “Ma Taishi” was sitting here, and the Mongol army was so frightened that they ran away.

It’s a pity that Ma Fang and Yan Song are at odds, and their military achievements have been falsely claimed. The civilian governor made a mistake in his command. Even though Ma Fang tried his best to turn the tide, Ma Fang was still the one to blame.

Although she has been blamed numerous times and made countless military achievements, Ma Fang has been promoted to the rank of Zuo Dudu!

“How many Mongolian cavalry surrendered?” Fei Ruhe asked.

Cao Bianjiao replied: “More than 21,000 people surrendered, and several thousand escaped.”

More than 40,000 Mongolian cavalry, 20,000 surrendered, and several thousand escaped, that is, about 20,000 were beheaded. Only a little over 10,000 people actually died at the hands of the Datong Army, and the remaining five or six thousand people all died of cannibalism.

Fei Ruhe said: “Interrogate the Mongolian generals separately to see who personally led the troops to kill our soldiers and civilians. We must kill a few nobles. How can we benefit if they surrender? Our soldiers and civilians died in vain!”

This is to establish their prestige, who told them not to surrender early, they have to wait until the winner is decided before turning back.

Zhang Tieniu arrived with a large army, and when he heard that the battle was over, he was speechless immediately, and his generals such as Li Dingguo were also silent for a while.

Counting the civilian husbands, the two armies have hundreds of thousands of people, which seems to be suspected of shooting mosquitoes with cannons.

But there is no way, Mobei’s territory is too large.

If the number of troops sent is too small, the enemy will walk around like a fool. Even, the Mongols don’t have to withdraw from the grasslands of the upper reaches of Heilongjiang, they just divide into two groups and walk around the two grasslands casually. Only with enough troops can we divide the troops to track and search, forcing the Mongols to narrow the scope of their activities.

The more soldiers there are, the greater the consumption of military rations, and it is necessary to bring hundreds of thousands of civilian men, mules and horses.

The supply line is really too long. Most of Fei Ruhe’s grain and grass are transported from Shaanxi and Shanxi to Mobei. And most of Zhang Tieniu’s grain and grass were transported from Hebei and Liaoning. The more than 2,000-mile grain road has to pass through the Gobi and mountainous areas, and half of it will be consumed halfway!

“Should we continue to search for the thousands of Mongolian cavalry who escaped?” Zhang Tieniu asked.

Fei Ruhe shook his head: “No need, send someone to surrender, it’s been too long, we can’t afford food and grass.”

Zhang Tieniu said: “Then I will leave Li Dingguo behind, and take all the rest of the troops back.”

The imperial court had planned for a long time. After conquering Mobei, they would go to the Lake Baikal area when they had spare time.

Set up the Mobei Protectorate in Aoergao (Ulaanbaatar), and Cao Bianjiao led his troops to stay here as the protector of Mobei. And built a city by the river and mountains, and changed its name to Aoergao as “Beining City”.

The Beihai Protectorate was established on the shore of Lake Baikal, and Li Dingguo led his troops to be stationed permanently as the Beihai Protectorate. And built on the basis of the Cossack castle, in the name of Su Wu, to establish a “subject country city”.

Fei Ruhe and Zhang Tieniu returned with a large army, leaving three thousand cavalry, one thousand infantry, and thousands of civilians for Cao Bianjiao, and one thousand cavalry, three thousand infantry, and thousands of civilians for Li Dingguo.

It was only the eighth month of the lunar calendar at this time, and the first light snow had already fallen in Mobei. Fortunately, it cleared up within a few days.

Le Shi Yanran, seal the wolf as Xu.

The city of Beining, which will be built soon, is at the foot of Langjuxu Mountain. To the west is Yanran Mountain, and Fei Ruhe even sent troops to search for it.

There are two mountains in front of him, but Fei Ruhe feels that he lacks interest.

Mobei Mongolia is really too weak. Decades of internal and external wars, coupled with the hellish weather of the Little Ice Age, the population here has been reduced to the extreme, and it will not be possible to recover within a hundred years. Hundreds of thousands of troops were mobilized, most of the time they were looking for the enemy, but Cao Bianjiao led 8,000 cavalry to finish the decisive battle.

What kind of stone is there?

What kind of mountain should be sealed?

Such an anticlimactic war made Fei Ruhe feel ashamed.

However, Cao Bianjiao is very good at being a man. He plans to build monuments on two mountains while building the city next year. Recording the achievements of His Majesty the Emperor, Fei Ruhe and Zhang Tieniu can also be regarded as helping Fei Ruhe fulfill Shi Yanran’s wish.

Li Dingguo brought troops and supplies to the mountainous area southeast of Lake Baikal.

This is not the territory of the Balahu tribe, but belongs to another small Buryat tribe. Tens of thousands of Mongolian women and children in Mobei, as well as a large number of slaves, livestock, and food, all hid in a mountain pasture.

The leader of the small tribe was punished for harboring thieves without authorization and did not come to report.

The leader was killed, and his eldest son was appointed as an official, and he will follow Li Dingguo’s dispatch from now on. The shepherds, livestock, and grain left some for Li Dingguo to build the Beihai Protectorate, and all the rest went south and returned to Cao Bianjiao.

Cao Bianjiao controls the captured population and supplies, and all the Mongols who surrendered or recruited must be obedient.

After the geese plucked their feathers, Cao Bianjiao also withheld some women and children, slaves, livestock and grain as capital for his own establishment of the Protectorate of Mobei. The rest were scattered and distributed to the Mongolian nobles, and they were given their own pastures. At the same time, all the slaves were ordered to be converted into free people.

For the release of slaves, the Mongolian nobles were not too resistant because their population was too small.

Among the shepherd slaves, there are even a small number of Han people, some of whom have been slaves for two or three generations, and basically cannot speak Chinese. No matter what, as long as he said that his ancestors belonged to the Han people, all of them were detained by Cao Bianjiao. Even if there are impostors who change their Chinese surnames and learn to speak Chinese, they will be Han Chinese from now on!

As for the Jebtsundamba Hutuktu H Buddha, his residence was occupied by Cao Bianjiao and built a city. The thousands of tribes were also dispersed, some were intercepted by Cao Bianjiao, and some were rewarded to the Mongolian nobles. There were only 2,000 tribes left in H Buddha’s hands, and the grassland was arranged under Cao Bianjiao’s eyelids.

Jebtsundamba Hutuktu himself had to go south with Fei Ruhe, and had to go to Nanjing to meet the emperor.

This is the real control of Mobei, not only can the army be stationed for a long time, but also arrange it as you want.

In the past, Mobei also said that they would obey the Emperor Zhao, but they did not allow the Datong Army to station, let alone the Nanjing court to arrange officials, and occasionally came to the south to plunder. What kind of surrender is this?

Most of the thousands of fleeing Mongolian cavalry were recruited, but there were also hundreds of people who crossed the Altai Mountains and went to join the Zhungeer tribe over there despite the wind and snow.

Junger leader Chechen heard the news that his brothers were defeated and the Han people occupied Mobei, so he was so frightened that he hurriedly called the nobles to discuss. They decided to send envoys to Nanjing after the snow melts in the coming year. As long as the Celestial Dynasty does not send troops to attack and the Han army does not go to station, they can agree to any conditions.

This winter, Cao Bianjiao nested in Beining City (Ulaanbaatar), and Li Dingguo nested in a ravine southeast of Lake Baikal.

They have enough supplies, even if they encounter a snowstorm, they can survive the winter and wait for the spring.

After the snow melted in spring, Cao Bianjiao immediately organized the construction of the city, and the building materials came from Langjuxu Mountain.

Yes, my real name has been restored.

From now on, it will be called Wolf Juxu, and it will no longer be called Mount Kent.

Kent is a transliterated name, also translated as Kuiteng, which means very cold. It is the holy mountain of the Mongols, and it was called Burhan Mountain in the Yuan Dynasty.

Li Dingguo continued to march northward, overwhelming the Buryat ministries along the way.

The first Cossack stronghold he encountered was Ulan-Ude, which became the third largest city in Eastern Siberia hundreds of years later. Now there are only wooden fences, and the main force has been spared to support Nerchinsk. The scattered Cossacks left behind have been attacked by the Buryats, and the stockade has long been burned down.

Li Dingguo placed Mongolian women and children, released shepherd slaves, and a large number of livestock and grain here, and then went straight to Lake Baikal along the Selenga River.

There is a bastion by the lake, named Ust-Borolva.

Due to sending troops to support Nerchinsk, there were only 60 Cossacks left in the city, and then some were added from the west. Now there are about 80 Cossacks, more than 200 indigenous servants, and hundreds of women and children (the children are all descendants of Cossacks).

After several days of siege, the Cossacks abandoned the city and fled to Bargutimu Hetun in the north by boat.

There is also a Cossack stronghold in the middle, called Ugis Barguzin. The Cossacks there fled together, and about 150 Cossacks gathered in Bargutimu and Tunzhu City to guard.

“This is suitable for building a vassal city!”

Li Dingguo fell in love with Ust-Borolva immediately.

There are Cossack Bastions, which can save a lot of effort in building a city.

The surrounding areas are all fertile alluvial plains, which are suitable for farming by Han immigrants.

Lake Baikal is in the west, and the surrounding area can be radiated by boat.

It can go down along the Selenge River and connect with Mobei. You can go east along the river and go straight to the mountainous area west of Chita, and you can take a boat to Chita after crossing two mountains, and the river in Chita is connected with Heilongjiang. Whether it is military transportation or material transfer, it is very convenient.

Of course, the construction of the city has to be done slowly, and the surrounding Cossacks must be wiped out first.

Li Dingguo asked people to build a boat, and planned to go north by boat to pull out the Bargu Timu Hetun by the lake.

Li Zheng sent people from the east to contact. After the two sides communicated, Li Zheng led a small force to go northward to destroy the city of Baonte there. If the two armies attack the city smoothly, they can continue to advance and join forces to attack Upper Angarask at the northernmost end of Lake Baikal.

Three months later, Li Dingguo sailed northward, and the Cossacks in Bargutimu Hetun continued to flee northward.

The Cossacks in Baonte City also ran away, and Li was facing only the empty bastion.

These Cossacks all fled to Upper Angarask, and more than 200 Cossacks and more than 800 servants were assembled in the city.

This is already the area east of Lake Baikal, and the Cossacks can gather all the troops. Of course, the northern strongholds are not counted, the distance is too far, and Zhang Tingxun is responsible for leading the troops to eradicate them—it is very easy to fight, there is not a single bastion, and they are all wooden fence strongholds.

(end of this chapter)

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