Chapter 1009

Chapter 1004 – 1000 [Rebel Propagandaist]

Chapter 1004 1000 [Rebel Propagandaist]

“You said you have Inca royal blood?” Zhao Han looked at the person in front of him with interest.

Where does Carlos have the slightest Indian shadow?

His mother is native white, his father is Indian-European, his grandfather is Indian-European, his grandmother is native white, and he looks like a European.

Carlos said: “Respect the great Chinese emperor, I am indeed a descendant of the Inca royal family. Both Inca and China have a long civilization, and the two countries were brothers 10,000 years ago.”

Zhao Han felt more and more funny: “Who told you?”

Carlos replied: “I have a good friend named Cheng Jingming, who told me a lot about the history of China. When I came to China, I became more and more convinced that the ancestors of the Incas did come from China.”

Carlos has been with Cheng Jingming for more than a year, and he has even learned Chinese and can recognize hundreds of Chinese characters.

He first arrived in Hawaii with the ship, and then went to Manila.

Manila is nothing, there are cities of the same size in America. Then he came to Fuzhou, and was immediately stunned by the prosperity. Docking at multiple ports along the way has completely strengthened Carlos’ belief that the Inca and China must come from the same source, and must come from the same source.

“Do all the Incas look the same as you?” Zhao Han asked intentionally.

Carlos was suddenly a little embarrassed: “The Incas look the same as the Chinese. My blood is somewhat impure, and it’s all caused by the **** Spaniards. Anyway, I have half of the Inca blood, and my soul belongs to the Inca. I Cheng Jingming, a friend of mine, said that as long as one’s heart is toward the Inca, one must be an Inca. He also said that there are also Portuguese descendants in China, who have learned Chinese and adopted Chinese names, and they are all Chinese.”

Zhao Han asked again: “What are your plans?”

Carlos said: “China is rich and powerful, and has defeated Spain. Please, His Majesty the Emperor, send troops to attack Peru and help the Incas restore their country. If I become the king of the Incas, my descendants will always be loyal to China. emperor.”

Zhao Han shook his head and said: “Peru is too far away, and the cross-sea expedition requires too much military expenditure. Moreover, even if the Chinese army reaches Peru, will the Incas really welcome it warmly? I’m afraid they will help Spain fight the war.”

“No, the Incas and the Chinese are brothers.” Carlos said.

Zhao Han smiled and said: “You think so, but other Incas don’t think so. They have never had contact with the Chinese, but instead obeyed the rule of Spain.”

Carlos was silent, speechless.

Zhao Han induced: “You should let more Incas know that there is a China on the far side of the ocean. The Chinese look exactly like them, and the Chinese have a common ancestor with them.”

Carlos nodded and said: “Your Majesty is right, more compatriots should know. I should learn from my grandfather, write a book, and then spread ideas in Inca.”

“Scholars from the Imperial Academy can help. If you have any doubts, just ask them for advice.” Zhao Han smiled even more happily.

Carlos left with the reward and lived in the Temple of All Goods.

In addition to wandering around every day, I went to the Imperial Academy to chat and discuss the similarities between China and the Incas.

Inca civilization did not actually develop writing, and it was the only one without writing among civilizations of the same level. This guy brags that he has words, but he is actually putting money on his face.

Since there are no words, history can only start from myths.

After some exchanges, it was a pity that Chinese mythology and Inca mythology could not find any similarities, and the officials of the Imperial Academy could not even compile them.

Creation myths in various regions of the world, most of human beings are fabricated from clay.

However, the Inca mythology is different. Human beings are made of stone statues carved by gods. The image of this creator **** is usually in the form of a murloc, which is incompatible with Pangu and Nuwa.

Carlos could only search his brains and make up his own, consuming countless brain cells every day.

First of all, the mythical world view of Porcelain—

The high world of “Hanan Pacha” of the Incas was applied as the heaven of Chinese mythology. “Kai Pacha” is a medium world, applying the Chinese human world. The underlying world of “Uku Pacha” applies to the underworld of China.

Apu (mountain god) is very useful. There are many mountain gods in both countries.

The sun **** is also easy to touch porcelain, Dongjun, Sun Lord, Jinwu, etc., just choose one to lean on the Inca sun god.

But the moon **** is not easy to deal with. The Chinese lunar star is a woman, and the Inca moon **** is a sloppy guy. Moreover, the moral quality is low, turning the essence of one’s own life into fruit, and tricking other goddesses to eat and give birth to children.

Myth fusion only started at the beginning, and Carlos couldn’t continue to make it up. Instead, he started with customs and habits.

This is easier to compile. China has a vast territory, and customs vary from place to place. Some customs are similar to those of the Inca.

Carlos talked about his customs, and the officials of the Hanlin Academy gave the answer, and everything can match perfectly. If it doesn’t work, just make it up. Anyway, it can be said that the custom has changed, and the final interpretation is in the hands of the editor.

Writing and editing, Carlos thought of something again, and asked the officials of Honglu Temple to invite a matchmaker.

He has two sons and a daughter. The eldest son and the eldest daughter are both married, and they did not bring them with them when they stayed in America. The youngest son was only in his teens, and he brought him here before he got married. He planned to find a Chinese wife for his son, so that the offspring he gave birth would be able to wash away the characteristics of Europeans.

This guy has even thought about it. In the future, if he becomes the king himself, he will pass the throne directly to his grandson.

The matchmaker glanced at the mixed-race boy and immediately expressed that it was difficult. She thought that Carlos was an envoy, and cried bitterly: “Master envoy, although your son is handsome and handsome, but we are in the capital city. The girls in the capital city have high vision, and they are the daughters of the dung diggers.” , marrying a rich man in the country is considered a marriage…”

Before the matchmaker finished speaking, Carlos said, “I have two dollars here. If the matter can be done, I will give you another ten dollars.”

“Is there still ten taels of silver?” The matchmaker took the silver dollar and was overjoyed.

In the American colonies, no matter what you want to do, as long as you deal with the government, you can pay bribes. Carlos is very skilled in this trick.

The matchmaker immediately changed the subject: “Master Messenger has met His Majesty, and he is considered a respectable person. Then I will look for the old lady first, and Master Messenger, don’t worry, this matter can’t be rushed, you have to meet the right one to have fate.”

Carlos knows what it means, the matchmaker wants to keep procrastinating, taking the opportunity to get more money, as American colonial officials often do.

He took out another silver dollar, put it into the matchmaker’s hand, and said, “If it can be done within a month, I will give you another 15 yuan.”

“I promise it will be done,” the matchmaker was elated, but said, “One month is too short, I’m afraid I won’t be able to find a good girl. What kind of daughter-in-law does the Messenger want? Do you have any requirements for family background?”

This matchmaker completely slaughtered the **** as a fat sheep.

Carlos said: “If things are done well, I will give you 20 yuan. First, you must not be too old, and you must be under 25 years old; second, you must not be too ugly; third, no matter what her family does, You can even be a widow, but you have to be able to have children.”

“Leave it on me!” The matchmaker slapped her chest fiercely, she met a big fat sheep, these barbarians are really easy to cheat with money.

It didn’t take a month, the marriage contract was settled in half a month, and the matchmaker really found a young widow from a poor family.

The widow also asked for forty taels of dowry to marry. Twenty taels to the husband’s family and twenty taels to the mother’s family, otherwise the husband’s family and the mother’s family will not agree.

After finishing his son’s marriage, Carlos continued to make up stories.

And began to completely make up, dismantling Chinese mythology into pieces, and forcibly matching it with Inca mythology.

The next step is the real work. His grandfather already has a theory that the Incas, Indo-Europeans, and native whites are all brothers. He added a Chinese, China is the homeland of the ancestors of the Incas, and all people born in China and the Incas are brothers like a family.

This is called expanding the united front, pulling everyone except the colonists over to rebel together!

Those Indo-European and indigenous whites, most of them are in a state of oppression. Carlos’s book is easy to spread among the bottom, but it has to rely on the strength of the middle class.

Because the people at the bottom are illiterate!

Small colonial officials, middle- and low-level businessmen, and even big businessmen are the targets of communication. They have certain property and are literate, but the status quo does not match their status at all.

Two businessmen with the same assets, one is a white man from America and the other is a white man from Europe, their social status is very different. Even, even the tax rate is different, what would you think if you were a native white person?

As it was written, Carlos deleted all the myths and customs.

Because he wanted to make things big and bring the brothers from Mexico and Central America. Only when everyone rebels together can the colonial army be exhausted.

So myths and customs cannot be explained, because myths and customs are very different in different parts of America.

Emphasize race, culture and land!

The human race is the ancestor of the Americans, all of them came from China, so they are brothers from Mexico to South America.

Culture is the culture of the American colonies. Under the rule of Spain, the cultures of all places are approaching the same.

The land is the land of the Americas, but anyone born in the Americas, regardless of the color of their skin, is their own.

Moreover, rebellion cannot be directly mentioned in the book, otherwise it will not be able to spread smoothly in America.

Carlos thought carefully and decided to title the book “China Travel Notes”, rewriting the opening part for the third time. It must be written in an interesting manner, and no myths can be introduced dryly.

He introduces himself first in the book, and introduces his grandfather.

Then I wrote how I met Cheng Jingming, and said that Cheng Jingming explored the Mayan temple. The patterns in the temple are exactly the same as the Chinese Taotie patterns, and the Chinese and Native Americans also look the same. This aroused his curiosity, so he made friends with Cheng Jingming and decided to travel to China together.

Introduce Manila first, and by the way, China once defeated Spain, and Luzon Island was taken away by China from Spain. This is to allay readers’ fears about Spain, explaining that Spain will also suffer defeat, while China’s military strength is extremely powerful.

Then described Fuzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai, Nanjing and other big cities in detail, showing the prosperity of China and the freedom and happiness of Chinese people.

By the way, a custom is intercepted (made up) from each city, and it is combined with the customs of various ethnic groups in the Americas to bring the relationship between Americans and Chinese closer.

Also expounds the concept of China’s Chinese nation, including the Americas into the category of China. Including native whites and Indo-European mixed blood, since they were born in America in the Chinese civilization circle, they belonged to Chinese people regardless of their skin color.

About how happy the bottom-level people in China are, and how Chinese businessmen are not exploited by officials, these contents are written in great detail, even close to flattery, which arouses the yearning of those American readers and makes them feel more strongly against the Spanish colonists.

It took only three months for this guy to write “China Travel Notes” and let the officials of Honglu Temple translate it into Chinese.

Zhao Han was stunned after reading it. This man is a born rebel propagandist!

(end of this chapter)

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