Chapter 1015

Chapter 1010 – 1006【Students From Tsarist Russia】

Chapter 1010 1006 [Students from Tsarist Russia]

China can only consolidate the northern frontier defense if it wins the Yenisei River Basin.

This is because the North Sea is connected to the Yenisei River, and the Cossacks are entrenched along the Yenisei River, and they can attack the North Sea by boat at any time.

Secondly, the Yenisei River originates from the northern mountains of the Great Lakes Basin, that is, the mountains in the northwest of Mobei. The Cossacks occupied there and were able to go upstream and run to the northwest of Mobei to make trouble.

And if China acquires this place, the Yenisei River Basin, the Beihai region, and Mobei Mongolia can all be connected together.

Zhongshan Temple, Fanshiyuan.

A group of Russian soldiers in red coats and orange boots guarded the front and back doors to prevent eavesdropping.

Tsar Alexei I attached great importance to this mission to China, and even sent the red-clothed shooting army to **** him.

There are three types of shooting army: red, blue, and green. The top red belongs to the Palace Guard, and the lowest green can only be used as police and firefighters.

Its predecessor was the Musketeers formed by Ivan the Terrible more than a hundred years ago.

The Tsarist Russian traditional army was useless at that time, so Ivan the Terrible recruited free people from among small businessmen and farmers to form a musket force. In the first few decades, it was naturally an absolute elite, but now it has evolved into a lifelong and hereditary system.

You can understand it as-Russian military households!

And the number has reached tens of thousands.

So, at the beginning of Alexei I’s accession to the throne, the powerful ministers made money and messed around. Not only did they not pay salaries to the shooting army, but the shooting army had to pay taxes to serve as soldiers.

For a group of military households, it is normal not to pay wages, but it is outrageous to ask them to pay poll tax.

The shooting army that used to specialize in muskets has become a mess of weapons: muskets, long axes, machetes, sabers, and very few are equipped with long guns.

As soon as the shooting army arrived in China, their muskets were temporarily confiscated, and they were only allowed to carry cold weapons.

Baykov closed the door, went back to the room and said, “The shooting army is guarding the outside, no one can eavesdrop.”

A young man in his 20s was the first to speak: “The Yenisei River Basin must not be lost. The most urgent task is to ask His Majesty the Tsar to cease the war with the Ottomans, and then send soldiers to station in castles on the Yenisei River.”

Baykov shook his head: “The Yenisei River is too far away, it is impossible to garrison a large number of troops, and Russia’s finances cannot afford it.”

The young man also said: “It is possible not to increase the garrison, but the immigration must be accelerated. The Tsar should cancel the emigration ban, and at the same time continue to exile the prisoners to Siberia. Only by enriching the population of Siberia can we effectively stop the expansion of Khitan, otherwise we will never be able to truly expand in the East. stand.”

“Hehe, abolish the immigration ban, do you think you have lived enough?” The noble young man next to him sneered.

These youths traveling with the mission either come from big aristocratic families, or are academic masters from small aristocratic families.

The previous young man was a top student named Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn.

This guy later became Princess Sophia’s lover, helped Sophia destroy Peter the Great’s grandmother’s house, and was named Duke for his meritorious service. He ordered the negotiation and signing of the “Treaty of Nerchinsk” with the Qing Dynasty, forcing Poland to recognize that Kyiv and all the territory east of the Dnieper River belonged to Russia, and led Europe to form an anti-Ottoman alliance.

As for the ending, he was exiled to death by Peter the Great.

At this time, Golitsyn was still a prolific writer, and his father was a civil servant in Moscow. He was known as the most talented young man in Russia. Not only is he proficient in Western European culture, but he also studies natural science, advocates the abolition of serfdom, the implementation of religious freedom, the development of industry and commerce, and so on.

To be honest, if Golitsyn hadn’t joined Sophia Yazao, he would most likely have become prime minister under Peter the Great!

Emperor Peter the Great was able to reform smoothly, thanks to Golitsyn’s painstaking killer, who wiped out Grandma Peter’s family. Because Peter the Great’s grandmother’s family was the biggest obstacle to Russian reform.

Facing the question from the noble youth, Golitsyn raised his fist: “Why is Russia lagging behind? Because the big nobles and the church occupy too much land and population, and more than 90% of Russian peasants are serfs! Only by releasing the land and peasants can we grow stronger Russia’s national power!”

Another aristocratic youth said: “Release the serfs, Russia will have civil strife, and Russia will disintegrate. Before the country grows stronger, Russia will fall apart.”

Golitsyn took out a Latin version of “The Collection of Datong”, which he got in Nanjing: “Russia should learn from the Khitan emperor. Although it is impossible to invade the land of the landlords, at least the serfs should be turned into farm laborers. You can also encourage Farmers reclaim wasteland, and the reclaimed land is allowed to become farmers’ private property and pay taxes to the government. In this way, farmers can flow, most farmers go to farm, and landless farmers can work as workers and soldiers. There is also an immigration ban , must be abolished, otherwise Siberia will always be short of troops!”

Just like Spain bans overseas immigration, Russia bans immigration to Siberia.

Because once the ban is lifted, I don’t know how many serfs will flee.

Of course, it cannot be banned.

The worse the local environment in Russia is, the more serfs will escape. These serfs first became Cossacks, and then flocked to Siberia. By the time Peter the Great was in power, the number of Russians in Siberia would reach 300,000!

In the small courtyard of Zhongshan Temple, the debate among Russian youths continued.

And soon there were results. The noble youths won the debate, but they won by physical means.

Goritsyn was beaten black and blue, and he left the yard to wander alone, unwilling to be with the group of insects. He gradually strolled to Changganli, which is the busiest business district in Nanjing. The endless stream of people and the dazzling array of goods, everything in front of him made Golitsyn’s mood complicated.

Compared to Moscow, Nanjing is really a paradise on earth.

After wandering around for a long time, Golitsyn returned to Zhongshan Temple and found that the envoys were depressed.

“What happened?” Golitsyn asked.

Baykov replied: “The Emperor of Khitan sent a message saying that before the truce between the two countries, we are not allowed to stay for a long time, and we are also refused to study here. We must leave Nanjing within half a month, otherwise we will be sent to Zhongshan Temple Get out.”

Golitsyn asked: “Then can we stay as individuals?”

Baykov was stunned for a moment: “This…seems like there is no prohibition. However, as the leader of the diplomatic mission, I must leave Nanjing as soon as possible.”

Golitsyn said: “I want to stay.”

“I also want to stay.” Several other young people expressed their opinions one after another.

Some people want to stay in Nanjing to enjoy the colorful world, while others want to stay and learn advanced cultural knowledge.

After careful consideration, Baykov gave all the funds for studying abroad brought by the mission to the aristocratic youth Khovansky, and arranged for two other youths to supervise the use of funds.

From now on, Huovansky will take the young people to rent houses and pay living expenses to them every month.

Seven days later, Baykov left with the envoys, and several shooting troops stayed behind to protect the safety of the students studying in Tsarist Russia.

Tsarist Russian youths rented houses in the outskirts of the city, and on the afternoon Baykov left, Khovansky said excitedly: “I heard that there is a place called Qinhuai River that is very lively, and the tiles there can watch witchcraft performances. “

“Are there really witchcraft shows?”

“What are we waiting for? Get into town!”


In a blink of an eye, these guys all ran away, only Golitsyn remained in the small courtyard on the outskirts of the city.

Golitsyn was penniless, so he got up and went to Xuanwu Lake, where he heard that there was a European scholar named Pascal. Unable to communicate in Chinese, he can only visit European scholars and use fluent Latin for dialogue.

“Papa papa!”

Golitsyn slapped the knocker and waited patiently.

A servant opened the door, and seeing that Golitsyn was from a foreign country, he actually said in Latin: “The master is not at home, and the Qintianyuan is on duty.”

“You know Latin?” Golitsyn asked in surprise.

The servant said: “I will only say a few words. Come back the day after tomorrow, the court officials are on vacation.”

Golitsyn said: “I can wait here.”

The servant said: “When the master is studying knowledge, he often forgets to go home, and spends half of every month spending the night in the Qintianyuan.”

Golitsyn could only bid farewell, returned to the small courtyard he rented, and read the Latin “Da Tong Ji”.

Until evening, the gates of the city were closed, and the Russian youths who had entered the city hadn’t come back, and even the shooting army responsible for protecting the safety was nowhere to be seen.

Golitsyn was penniless, hungry, and unable to communicate with his neighbors.

He could only visit Pascal again. After knocking on the courtyard door for a long time, the servant came out and said, “Master won’t be going home today, maybe he is doing some experiments.”

“Excuse me.” Golitsyn left disappointed.

Woke up from hunger in the middle of the night, Golitsyn got up and went to the yard, took a bucket of well water and drank wildly.

Damn Khovansky, who is responsible for managing the funds for studying abroad, forgot to give Golitsyn this month’s living expenses.

It lasted until noon the next day, and the Russian youths hadn’t come back yet. Goritsyn smelled the smell of the food next door, and finally couldn’t help knocking on the door to beg for food.

A half-grown child opened the door. Seeing him, he took a few steps back, turned around and shouted, “Father, mother, there is a Western ghost here!”

The adults in the house ran out in a hurry, and a woman held the child in her arms.

Golitsyn imitated Chinese bowing, rubbed his belly, pointed to his mouth, chewed his saliva and said, “Hungry…eat…”

The hostess of the family could understand it, and immediately laughed: “Hey, this is so strange, Western ghosts are also begging for trouble. How did you come to the Celestial Dynasty without money?”

Golitsyn couldn’t understand, so he could only smile and continue pointing at his mouth: “Eat.”

The host called his wife, children, and parents back to the main room, then brought a bowl of food, and muttered: “In the past, it was not so easy to beg for food. Now that life is more abundant, it has been a long time since I saw a beggar. Eat, Eat, that’s all, I don’t care if I’m not full.”

“Thank you!” Golitsyn finally spoke a Chinese word.

The male host stood by, watching Golitsyn gobble it up, and kept complaining: “This is the reincarnation of a starving ghost, don’t swallow my bowl.”

Finally fooled a meal, although not full, but no longer feel so hungry.

Golitsyn went back to the courtyard and continued to wait. He didn’t wait for the Tsarist Russian youth to come back, but he waited for the police in Nanjing and an interpreter from Honglu Temple.

“Are you Golitsyn?” asked the interpreter.

“Yes.” Golitsyn nodded.

The translator said: “Your companions have been arrested and suspected of picking quarrels and provoking trouble. You should also go to the government.”

“Are you in charge of the food?” Golitsyn asked.

(end of this chapter)

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