Chapter 1057

Chapter 1051 – 1047【The Trampled King】

Chapter 1051 1047 [The king who was trampled to death]


Babai Khan, who was under house arrest, regained his freedom. He asked, “lost?”

“We lost,” Abdullah Shit said hastily, with lingering fear, “the Han army is too powerful, their artillery is innumerable, and their cavalry is braver than the Mongolian cavalry. I don’t know what my brother thinks , even if you want to resist, you should defend the city, how can you fight in the wild?”

Babai Khan said: “Send an envoy to ask for surrender.”

Abdullah Shit worried: “But the Han army massacred nobles everywhere, and we fought a battle, I am afraid we will not be forgiven.”

Babai Khan asked: “Otherwise? Where are we fleeing to? Now there are two kings in Yarkand, and Aksu is the closest to us. Are we going to flee to Aksu? Your cousin is a puppet king, and he can’t decide anything.” , has long been controlled by Hezhuo. Do you think Aksu can defend the Han soldiers if they kill them?”

Abdullah Shit was silent.

Babai Khan asked again: “How many troops do we have?”

Abdullah Shit said: “Many of the nobles, civilians and serfs in Turpan and the surrounding area were conscripted by my brother to fight. I only brought back a few hundred cavalry, and there were more than 300 soldiers in the city. If they were recruited by force, It should be able to summon one or two thousand civilians.”

Babai Khan said: “Tell the nobles who came back with you that if they don’t want to surrender, they should flee to Aksu as soon as possible.”

The Datong Army came very quickly, and only half a day later, thousands of vanguard troops had arrived in Turpan.

Babai Khan took his family and ministers, opened the city gate and knelt down to surrender, but was detained by the vanguard general Liang Zhen.

Liang Zhen is a Mongolian descendant from Jeju Island. He once led troops to pursue Duoduo, and now he is also the deputy commander. He led troops to control Turpan Castle, immediately sent someone back to report, and then questioned Babai Khan: “Before I resisted stubbornly, how can I surrender now?”

Babai Khan explained: “I was going to surrender, but my son put me under house arrest.”

“It’s really a loving father and a filial son,” Liang Zhen couldn’t help laughing and said, “The nobles who fought against our army before, their families are here?”

Babai Khan said: “I heard that the front line was defeated, and many people fled to Aksu.”

Liang Zhen narrowed his smile: “You are dishonest. You must have decided to surrender yourself, and let those people escape early!”

“Don’t dare, they escaped by themselves.” Babai Khan argued.

Liang Zhen called his lieutenant general: “Lead two thousand cavalry and chase west immediately. Those noble families, men, women, old and young, and a lot of money, must have not gone far at this moment. Since you are running away, you must With other thoughts in mind, all the men will be killed, only the women and children will survive.”


Lieutenant General Zhong Qi immediately led two thousand Qingqi to chase west along the wheel marks.

It was already evening, and I didn’t dare to run too fast at night. Fortunately, the roads along the way were relatively flat. After chasing for two hours, they stopped to rest, fed salt water and bean cakes to the horses, and then slept in place to wait for dawn.

Dawn was dim, and the pursuit continued, and in the middle of the morning, they finally caught up with the fleeing team.

There are hundreds of noble cavalrymen here, as well as countless nobles’ wives, children, and children, some of whom even took their servants on the road, and carts and carts full of goods. Many rural nobles were even reluctant to part with their cattle and sheep, and fled westward with their livestock.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes coming from behind, the hundred or so noble cavalrymen immediately said to their family members: “Go quickly, I don’t want anything!”

These guys ran away on horseback, leaving countless old and weak women and children behind.

The abandoned people, the men in their families, basically died on the battlefield.

Zhong Qi led troops to kill, leaving behind a hundred cavalry to guard the captives who stayed where they were. Many old and weak women and children scattered and fled to the Gobi Desert, and 800 cavalry were responsible for chasing them. The remaining one thousand and one hundred cavalry, under the leadership of Zhong Qi, chased after the hundred or so noble cavalry.

The aristocratic cavalrymen were still following their families, and they couldn’t run fast at all. Seeing that the pursuers were getting closer, they finally ignored their wives and children, left their relatives and waved their whips to speed up and flee.

Zhong Qi stopped chasing and went back to clean up the scene.

The male captives who were dressed in better fabrics were all beheaded on the spot, crying and shouting loudly. Only slaves, women and children can survive, slaves will be released as free people, women and children will be arranged for bachelors who will immigrate in the future.

Turpan side.

Jiang Liang finally arrived and said to Babai Khan: “If you surrender early, you can keep your property. But if you surrender late, take your family and go to Liaoning to become a commoner. Except for a change of clothes, nothing else Bring, the government will provide you with food along the way.”

“Thank you, General, for your mercy!” Babai Khan breathed a sigh of relief. He has a cowardly character, as long as he can save his life.

The nobles of the Western Regions, even if they can survive, cannot stay here, otherwise they will be the source of turmoil. The imperial court has long made a decree that the foreigners in the Western Regions should only keep the common people, because the common people have little culture and no social influence, which is convenient for the next enlightenment work.

After Jiang Liang occupied Turpan, he did not march immediately.

While resting the army, they sent out small groups of troops to sweep the surrounding castles and villages.

There are still a few nobles who still control the place.

For example, in Shanshan, there is still a castle in which Hezhuo did not follow Toulontai. When the Datong army passed through the castle, Hezhuo sent people out to negotiate terms, and he would only surrender if he kept his power.

This guy also incited the people, and the civilians in the streets outside the city all rushed into the castle to stand firm.

Right now, five thousand Datong troops are besieging the city, and dozens of cannons are bombarding it in turn. It is estimated that we will receive news of the city breaking tomorrow.

Before tomorrow, Jiang Liang received the good news that night.

The next day, a cavalry unit was sent out, led by Qinghai cavalry, and went southwest to capture Luobu (Lop Nur), Qitai (near Qiemo), Hotan and other places. Another cavalry force was sent out to attack the northwest with thousands of infantry, but failed.

It is also in the south of Urumqi, which is the sphere of influence of Turpan.

Urumqi, still called Yangji Bali at this time, was the pasture of Kuben Nuoyat, the Mongolian leader of the Heshuote tribe. Although this person belongs to the Heshuo Special Department, he nominally obeys the Junggar Khan.

That is to say, Jiang Liang sent troops this time, only to the south of Tianshan Mountain, facing Urumqi across the mountain pass.

Winning but losing power, leaving an army stationed to prevent the Mongols from coming from Urumqi, Jiang Liang then led the main force towards Aksu.


The Yarkand king here is called Ismayel, and the Yarkand king in Kashgar is called Yaolevas.

Before the two kings fought, Aksu was already fighting.

The Montenegrin faction’s exile and Zhuo Padisha, with the help of their religious influence, murdered the governor of Aksu, and turned the king into a puppet, controlling the power of Aksu alone.

Hearing that the Han army had come, King Ismael was not panicked, but privately a little excited. He didn’t want to be a puppet for a long time. Governor Aksu controlled him before, and now Padisha controls him.

After surrendering, maybe you can regain your freedom.

Padisha panicked, this Montenegrin faction Hezhuo has a strong desire for power. He will not hand over power even if he dies, he will never surrender, and he can’t run away, because further west is the power of the Baishan faction, and the heretics of the Baishan faction are more hateful than the heretics of the Han people.

“Jihad, order the nobles and civilians in Aksu, I will launch a jihad to defend our homeland!”

Hezhuo, supported by thousands of people, launched a jihad. In just half a month, tens of thousands of people gathered, and even slaves came with farm tools.

Then, Padisha started to have a headache.

Due to repeated wars with the Kashgar area, Aksu’s food has long been consumed. Tens of thousands of jihadists also had to eat. He simply couldn’t provide enough rations, and the nobles didn’t bring much food.

If you wait in place, you don’t need the Datong Army to take action, and you will have to starve collectively after a month.

After hesitating for several days, Padisha was forced to take the initiative and brought the puppet king Ismayel with her.

The battle-tested governor of Aksu has been murdered by Padisha, and his cronies have also been liquidated.

There are no generals in the army, and Padisha herself has never fought a war. Not to mention fighting, the march was messy, after all, there were too many civilians and serfs in the jihadist army.

Some noble generals feel bad, this kind of army is fighting ass.

Several nobles, with their own personal armed forces, deliberately slowed down the marching speed. As he was walking, he suddenly slipped away and went to Kashgar to seek refuge with King Yao Levas.

The troops under her command were formed as deserters, but Padisha didn’t notice it.

He only had the experience of preaching scriptures to thousands of believers, but he did not have the ability to command tens of thousands of troops. The cargo drove forward without paying any attention to the situation behind, and finally someone came to tell the truth the next day.

Padisha was a little flustered, but she pretended to be calm, saying that those deserters were sent back to defend the city by herself.

Marching for three days, Padisha’s jihadist army collided with the vanguard led by Liang Zhen.

Liang Zhen only had 5,000 cavalry in his hands. He originally planned to retreat, but he saw tens of thousands of enemy troops chaotically, like refugees gathered together.

“Shock the enemy’s left flank!”

Of the 5,000 cavalry, 2,000 are dragoons, and the remaining 3,000 are Xiao cavalry.

They rushed to the most chaotic formation of serf soldiers. When the Datong cavalry rushed in front of them, Padisha hadn’t even fully deployed the formation.

First, two thousand dragoons fired a volley of muskets, making the serf soldiers even more chaotic. Then they put away their muskets, drew their waist knives and rushed into battle with the cavalry.

Thousands of serf soldiers who were still more than ten steps away were scared and fled, and the serf soldiers nearby followed suit. The real elite of the enemy army gathered around Padisha, and it was too late to rescue them at this moment, because the jihadist army was too chaotic, and the motley crew blocked all the passages for dispatching troops.

The five thousand cavalry of Datong were divided into battalions when chasing and killing the rout.

A group of 500 cavalry, divided into ten groups, chased the broken soldiers and chased them down. Those rout soldiers would help charge the formation, disrupting all nearby formations, often five hundred Datong cavalry, and quickly crushing thousands of enemy troops.

Not long after, all the left wings of the Jihad army fled, and the front army also became chaotic, and was charged from the left by the Datong cavalry, and the entire front army collapsed completely.

The elite troops under Padisha’s command, before even engaging in battle at this time, saw the front and the left everywhere crumbled.


The aristocratic generals, who had felt something was wrong for a long time, immediately ran away with their private soldiers. They all had the same idea and fled to Kashgar to join another king.

Padisha stood up from the carriage, staring blankly at the chaotic battlefield, he had no idea how to command. At this time, he wanted to shout a few jihad slogans, but he saw that the elites around him were also fleeing, and even his cronies started to flee, and no one listened to him anymore.

Finally, Padisha drew out her dagger, cut the rope of the carriage, and fled the battlefield with the rebels on horseback.

Ismayel found that no one cared about him anymore, so he rushed out of the carriage excitedly and shouted: “I am the Great Khan of Yarkand, and I am willing to surrender!”

Seeing countless broken soldiers coming, Ismayel’s face changed drastically, and he shouted: “I am the Great Khan, don’t come here!”

The rout didn’t care about this, one after another fled from the king, and finally someone knocked the king down. Immediately afterwards, another rout stepped on the king, one foot after another, and trampled the puppet king to death.

(end of this chapter)

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