Chapter 1069

Chapter 1063 – 1059 [Saint Is Ruthless]

Chapter 1063 1059 [Saints are ruthless]

The word Liaoze changes with the change of dynasties.

From the end of the Tang Dynasty to the end of the Song Dynasty, Liaoze refers to the plain swampland south of Shenyang, and occasionally refers to the swamp wetland of the Xiliao River.

When the West Liaohe Plain was in the Liao Kingdom, due to over-cultivation, the swamp directly turned into a desert.

So in the Ming Dynasty, Liaoze specifically refers to the marsh zone of the Lower Liaohe Plain. In the long run, not only did the swamp there not shrink, but it continued to expand as the sediment silted up and the river overflowed. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the people who went to the east of the Guandong vigorously reclaimed the swamps, which made Liaoze shrink rapidly, but the real and thorough improvement was still in New China.

Because the root of Liaoze governance is systematic river management!

At this moment, the governor of Liaohe is in Shenyang, and he has already come up with a comprehensive plan. Restoring the Changguang Road is only the first step of the project.

By the Liao River.

Tian Tiaoyuan, governor of Liaohe River, pointed to the river map that was unfolded by his subordinates and said: “Your Highness, I spent six months visiting and investigating the surrounding waters of Liaoze. The root cause of Liaoze’s continuous expansion is that the upstream grassland has turned into a desert. The Liao River is just like the Yellow River, carrying a large amount of sediment alluvial downstream. The river bed is constantly rising, and the river course is constantly changing, and it is prone to flooding at every turn.”

“First, delineate a no-reclamation and no-grazing area in the upper reaches. The Mongols are not allowed to graze, and the Han people are not allowed to reclaim it, so as to prevent the desert from continuing to grow.”

“Secondly, the existing river network was formed in the Ming Dynasty, which is extremely unstable and prone to flooding. Among them, the Hun River and Taizi River carry less sediment, so they can retain their original channels and still flow into the Sancha River into the sea. The main trunk of the Liaohe River must be moved westward. According to the direction of the terrain, the river is dug and drained in the valley on the west side of Shalingyi. There is already a river from Xixingbao there. The main trunk of the Liaohe River must be diverted there, and the two rivers will meet and flow through Panshan (Panjin ) into the sea.”

“Thirdly, after the two Liao Rivers in the east and west are fixed, embankments will be built along the rivers.”

Zhao Kuanghuan said: “It’s a big project.”

Tian Tiaoyuan said: “So at the beginning of the founding of the country, there was no governance of the Liao Dynasty. At least 100,000 civilians had to be mobilized. At that time, there was not enough manpower. The total population of the three counties involved is nearly 400,000. The river is feasible. The imperial court has decreed that the people who participate in the river control can reduce the family tax by half. If there are more than two males in a family, the family tax can be exempted for the year.”

To put it bluntly, no wages are paid, only land taxes are reduced or exempted.

After all, the Liaohe River is well managed, and the local people will also benefit. The people are willing to work hard for a year or two.

Zhao Kuanghuan said: “If the chronic diseases of Liaoze can be cured, the Northeast will be safe. After a hundred years, only these three counties will be able to reproduce millions of Han people. Which tribe in the Northeast would dare to rebel?”

Tian Tiaoyuan said: “Not only that, after the main trunk of the Liaohe River moves westward, there will not be so much sediment in the east. The river will wash away the sediment into the sea for a long time, and the water level of the Sancha River will be deeper. It only takes 20 to 30 years of scouring, and the Sancha River will be washed away for a long time. A seaport can be built at the mouth of the river. At that time, the goods in the grassland can also be directly shipped to the seaside.”

The goods from the Liaohe Grassland can be directly shipped to the sea. What does this mean?

It means that the Mongols there rebelled, and the southern army can cross the sea to the mouth of the Sancha River, and then take an inland river boat to the grassland to suppress the rebellion!

Zhao Kuanghuan looked at the map thoughtfully.

He raised his head and looked around again. There was a large swamp in the distance. In the not-too-distant future, it seemed that it would all become fertile fields.

“River engineering and water conservancy is a major national event.” Zhao Kuanghuan said with emotion.

Tian Tiaoyuan smiled and said: “The treasury must be abundant, otherwise where will the money come from to build water conservancy projects in the Northeast? In the Ming Dynasty, for more than two hundred years, there was no funding for the management of the Liaohe River and Liaoze except for the construction of the Changguang Road. It is remote here, there are long and broad roads to connect with traffic, and there is no need to spend more money and food to manage it.”

“Indeed,” Zhao Kuanghuan nodded and said, “If the Ming Dynasty could allocate funds to clean up Liaoze, I’m afraid the Tartars would not be so easy to revolt. Alas, it can’t be said that the Northeast is rotten at the end of the Ming Dynasty. I’m afraid it won’t be able to suppress Liaoze Tartars arise.”

Back to the Liao government, Zhao Kuanghuan told Pang Chunlai all about today’s situation.

Pang Chunlai was still lying in the courtyard basking in the sun, looking at the crown of trees above his head, he said: “It is a good thing to be able to cure Liaoze, but the stability of the Northeast depends on the government. If the government is clean, the world will be fine. If the government is corrupt, thieves will swarm. Young When I was young, I was ignorant and felt that everything was normal. I couldn’t see the countless military households in Liaodong, whose lives were worse than beggars. I also couldn’t see the countless soldiers in Liaodong, who were just servants of hereditary military officials.”

“This kind of army can’t fight. People like this will go to the Tartars instead. Even if Ming Dynasty cured Liaoze, there would be a million more Han people, but they would be nothing more than a group of military slaves. Maybe they would rebel themselves. “

Zhao Kuanghuan echoed: “The old man is right.”

Pang Chun said: “If you are a king or an official, you must look down. You can’t just look up at the sky and try to figure out the will of heaven. You can’t look down on all living beings and treat everyone in the world as a dog. You have to step off the high platform and stand on the flat ground. Integrate into all living beings and see what the common people want. This truth is what I wanted to understand on the way to escape after the fall of Liaodong.”

Zhao Kuanghuan said: “The people are the most important, the community is second, and the king is the least.”

“Everyone will say this, but it is difficult to actually do it,” Pang Chunlai taught Dundun, “You grew up with a golden key in your mouth, no matter how close you are to the people, you can’t understand the suffering of the people. Your father and I are I have personally experienced and witnessed it. Corrupt officials, powerful gentry, exploitation and oppression, and the people have no place to stand. If you have different ideas when you become the throne in the future, don’t rush to do it, and don’t rush to implement the New Deal. On the contrary, You must take your father’s old politics seriously, don’t give amnesty to the world, but kill corrupt officials and powerful people to show your attitude, otherwise the local government will be in a mess!”

“Why?” Zhao Kuanghuan asked.

Pang Chunlai sneered: “How many people expect your father to die soon!”

Zhao Kuanghuan frowned, he understood why his father wanted to come to Liaoning by himself, the real intention was for him to listen to Pang Chunlai’s teachings.

After a long time, Zhao Kuanghuan cupped his hands and said, “Grandson understands.”

Pang Chunlai wanted to shake his head, but he could only twist his neck with difficulty: “You didn’t fully understand, you only found out after you ascended the throne. Knowing people, knowing their faces but not their hearts, at this moment, they won’t show their faces. When you become emperor, those who are desperate You must be vigilant when you cater to your ministers, you have to check their backgrounds and what they are doing in private.”

“Grandson understands.” Zhao Kuanghuan said.

Pang Chunlai sighed: “Oh, you still don’t understand. The treachery is like loyalty. You are the first to become a great treasure in the future, and you are eager to control the court. How can you refuse the loyalty of the important ministers? You will definitely use some people, even if you find them You are not clean, and I am afraid you are reluctant to punish you. You are very similar to your father, but the biggest difference is that you are not as ruthless as your father. You are too benevolent, and sometimes you can’t get rid of it. It’s because of your personality, you can’t change it. Saint Be ruthless, the emperor is a saint, sometimes you have to be ruthless.”

Zhao Kuanghuan said: “Grandson will not be so benevolent as a woman.”

Pang Chunlai asked: “If your favorite concubine has a family of fish and meat, but no one is killed, how will you deal with it?”

“According to the law.” Zhao Kuanghuan said.

Pang Chunlai asked again: “The concubine Chong’s family was exiled according to the law. After three or five years, the concubine Chong came to blow pillows and said that the matter is over. The old parents are old and have been sick for a long time in the place of exile. I beg you to allow them to return. Township Anyang. Will you agree? Don’t rush to answer, think about it yourself.”

Zhao Kuanghuan hesitated to speak, he felt that he must be selfish, but what Pang Chunlai said made him doubt himself.

Pang Chun said: “Don’t look at it as a trivial matter. If there are too many such trivial matters, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty will think you are soft.”

Similar emperors, Jiaqing is a typical example.

Emperor Jiaqing, who just came into power, is simply a “little Yongzheng”. Make great efforts to govern, implement the New Deal, pay attention to people’s livelihood, rectify the administration of officials, gather power, and fight corruption. You can easily identify which ministers are deceiving you. He also said that the White Lotus Sect uprising that swept across several provinces was a group of refugees who could not get enough to eat, and it could be resolved as long as people’s livelihood was improved.

However, Jiaqing, who tried to be a “Little Yongzheng”, ended up being a “Little Qianlong”.

Because he found that he could not change anything, he wanted to restore the Mulan paddock, such a trivial matter, and he hadn’t done it for 20 years.

Why is this happening?

Jiaqing learned from Yongzheng everywhere, but he was not as fierce and decisive as Yongzheng. He exiled important ministers who committed the crime of deceiving the emperor and then returned to their posts. The same person can be exiled and returned to his posts several times.

After coming and going, no one takes the emperor seriously anymore.

Anyway, the serious crime of deceiving the emperor is only exile. After exile, he can be reinstated. It is like traveling to Ninggu Pagoda for a few years. Hundreds of officials scrambled to deceive the emperor, and as long as it violated the imperial decree of their own interests, they joined forces and resolutely refused to implement it, making the Jiaqing New Deal anticlimactic.

Therefore, Jiaqing’s temple name is “Renzong”, just like Zhu Houzhao’s father.

As night fell, Zhao Kuanghuan, who had had dinner, sat in Pang Chunlai’s study with his eyes closed and meditated.

The emperor is a saint, and a saint should be ruthless. This sentence touched the prince a lot.

Contact Zhao Han’s various means, Zhao Kuanghuan seems to have touched the threshold.

Among the founding emperors of all dynasties, Zhao Han was considered more benevolent. Among the founding ministers, the highest rank to be beheaded was Zuo Shilang. While benevolent, he is indeed ruthless, and is very harsh on his clan and relatives.

How to be kind and ruthless?

Suddenly, Zhao Kuanghuan wanted to understand what Pang Chun said. After ascending the throne, don’t rush to amnesty the world, but pay close attention to the old politics to show your attitude.

The first thing to do when he ascended the throne was to decree to clean up the land administration of the whole country and clean up the corrupt officials all over the country.

Through the investigation, a group of Liwei were brutally killed!

It’s better to take another relative to make an example to others.

When the time comes, he will talk about his father everywhere, and he will be an important minister who wants to fight against him. There are also important ministers who are completely obsessed with themselves and flatter them everywhere. One or two dismissed from office each, showing their selflessness and wise iron fist.

It turns out that this is the ruthlessness of the saint. Zhao Kuanghuan only realized this at this time, and he still has a longer way to go.

Picking up the lanterns, the flames became brighter, and Zhao Kuanghuan wrote the word “正” with a pen.

(end of this chapter)

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